《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 8


Scrappy's eyes opened. It had been 3 am. She was thirsty. So, she went into the kitchen tiptoeing, trying not to wake anyone up. She was too short to get her own water. She looked around. "Maybe I can jump up and get my own water..." Scrappy whispered to herself. She looked around to make sure no one was there. Then, she hopped on the counter. She pulled a cup out of the rack of plates and bowls. She pulled the cup out of the rack but then, a glass plate fell. Her ears perked up fearfully. She turned around slowly, trembling in fear. "Oh no.... they had to hear that!" Scrappy said in a worried voice. She gulped. She dropped her jaw, letting the glass cup simply fall out her mouth. The glass cup fell to the ground with a loud thump and shattering noise. Hers ears dropped. "" Scrappy screamed. She pressed her ears against her head. Brody walked in. "Aunt Scrappy? Did something break?" Brody asked curiously. "Look down but DO NOT scream!" Scrappy whispered. "Oh no.." Brody said looking down at the broken items. Brody's eyes widened. "What did you do..." Brody whispered loudly. Scrappy looked back at him. "No! This is really really bad!" Scrappy and Brody whispered loudly. Brody's ears perked up. "I have an idea..." Brody said happily. Scrappy smiled. Brody told her the plan.

"Okay, so you know to grab the broom. Beside the fridge. I'll guard and bark then distract if my parents come in, capeesh?" Brody whispered. "Alright." Scrappy replied jumping down from the counter. She squeezed behind the fridge and pulled the broom out slightly. She kept pulling the bottom of the broom. "Yo this is so dusty! You need a new-" Her words trailed off as she sneezed herself into the table. Brody looked back. "Shh! Try again!" Brody whispered. She sneezed once then went back to the fridge. She pulled the brush of the broom hard. She heard the broom start to slip. She quickly ducked down and the broom went down with a loud thud. She pulled her head off slowly. She got up and turned around. "Hehe... got it!" Scrappy said nervously. Suddenly, Brody heard paw-steps. Scrappy's ears perked up. They looked at each other. "HURRY!" Brody barked. Scrappy pulled the broom and moved it towards the broken pieces of glass.


"Mom!" Brody said running in front of Tiny and P.U.P. "Yo, I thought I told you to go to bed dawg!l P.U.P said sternly. "Yeah Brody, why aren't you in bed?" Tiny asked. "Um... I'm just- GETTING A SNACK! A MIDNIGHT SNACK!" Brody said. "Well, get to bed! You get your snack, then go to bed!" P.U.P growled. "I um... cant! I'm too short?" Brody replied. P.U.P squinted his eyes. "Okay..." "Were you gonna tell anyone?" Tiny said suspiciously. "Um...Yes!" Brody replied. "Go. To. Bed. NOW!" P.U.P barked. "I can't!" Brody replied with an excuse. P.U.P was mad.He walked toward Brody. Brody backed up. "Hurry up Scrappy!" He muttered. "What you say dawg?" P.U.P asked angry. Brody stayed silent. Scrappy walked from behind him. "Need-help!" Scrappy barked.

"Scrappy? Are you letting our pups stay up late?" Tiny asked upset. "N-no! I- I have to tell the truth.... I broke a plate and a glass cup trying to get my own water. I'm short and can't reach, so I tried it myself, and broke this." Scrappy said showing the broken glass. Tiny's jaw dropped. "Oh no. Brody, go to bed." Tiny said. P.U.P followed Brody into his room. "Oh Scrappy. I'm not happy or mad. I'm, upset. You let Brody stay up late. You know we don't support that." Tiny said. "No! Wait! Brody heard the stuff break, and tried to help me! He wasn't staying up late, he was trying to see what the racket was! Either of us should get in trouble!" Scrappy added. "Okay. Just, rest up for practice tomorrow,okay. I'll get this mess up in the morning, and- ima need a reminder to get a new broom! This one's so dusty!" Tiny said coughing. "Yeah it is!" Scrappy said laughing with Tiny. "Night." Scrappy said walking to her room. "Goodnight." Tiny replied going to her room.


Scrappy jumped on her bed. She whimpered. "I never got my water." She whined. Steve opened the door and put a cup of water on her nightstand. Her ears perked up. She went over to the cup and lapped up the water and layer back onto her bed. She closed her eyes then went to sleep.

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