《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 7


When they were done dropping the sample off at the vet's,they didn't go home. Scrappy had been so confused so she asked, "Yo fam,where are we goin'?". "Puppy Paw's Restaurant." Tiny replied. "Oh,that place with green ice cream? That very hot green ice cream?" Scrappy asked. Lou nodded but Tiny tilted her head in confusion since she wasn't there. "I'll tell you when we get there." Lou said laughing. "Uhhhhj,I'm seriously hungry,how far is this?!" Brody asked. "Here!" Tiny replied. Everyone hopped out the van and went inside. They got sat to a table immediately since they had a reservation. They sat at their table and Lou told Tiny the story.

"And then she dunked her head in the water!" Lou said laughing. Tiny was laughing so hard she started coughing. "Woah,woah slow down Tiny!" Steven said patting Tiny's back getting her to calm down. Tiny slowed down and calmed down. "Yo,where's the food! I'm hungrier than a pig!" Scrappy said. Tiny tilted her head in confusion. "As hungry as a pig?". "Yo,it's slang. You won't get it." P.U.P said laughing. Suddenly,a man with brown hair ad a Scottie with black hair brung the food. "Here ye go ma'am and ye to sir." The man said with a French accent. "Thank goodness!" Scrappy barked loudly. "Seriously Scrappy?!" Tiny snapped. "Yo chill,I mean,when your gonna have puppies your very hungry and feisty." P.U.P told Tiny. Tiny rolled her eyes and started eating. Scrappy was eating kinda sloppily. " SCRAPPY STOP YOU CAN CHOKE-" Tiny's words trailed off as Scrappy started coughing. Steven grabbed Scrappy and patted her back. Scrappy stopped coughing. "Thanks dawg!" Scrappy praised. "Um,your welcome?" Steven said with confusion. "Ay,no more green ice cream? Why there's red ice cream! It looks delicious!" Scrappy said lapping it up. "Scrappy that chili pepper chopped up-" Lou's words trailed off. "Wha-H-h-" Scrappy said while her mouth was steaming. "Water water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Scrappy repeated. She ran to the fish tank. "Scrappy no!" Tiny said running in front of Scrappy.


Tiny got in front of her on the edge of the fish tank. "WATCH OUT!"Scrappy said running toward Tiny. Scrappy accidentally head butted Tiny into the tank. "Oops.... Well that was crazy. Ahhhh-!" Scrappy's words trailed off as she slippped into the fish tank. "Oh jeez,this is wasabi all over again." Lou said slapping her face. Tiny looked at Scrappy sternly. Scrappy looked at her innocently. The two started laughing under the water. "Auntie Lou,what are they doing?" Cindy asked. "Their having some sister sister fun!" Lou replied. "Awesome! Can we do it too Dad?" Charlie asked. "No,that was on accident. One too many baths for you!" P.U.P explained. "We seriously need to get outta here." Tiny said swimming up to the surface. Tiny jumped out the tank. "I'm drenched!" Tiny complained. "Yo dawg,a lil help here?" Scrappy said holding onto the edge of the tank. Lou grabbed her paws and dragged her onto the table. "Ow! Don't pull so hard!" Scrappy growled.

"Okay we to go home you two need baths!" Lou said hastily. "Yes!" "No!" Tiny was overjoyed, yet Scrappy was upset. Lou grabbed two towels and wrapped them around Tiny and Scrappy. Lou picked up Tiny and Steve picked up Scrappy. They all got in the van and went home.

They all went inside. "Is this really happening?!" Scrappy asked. "Yes Scrappy it has to happen! You smell like,fish!" Lou said as nice as she could.Scrappy pressed her ears behind her head in anger. Ida picked up Scrappy and took her into her room. "Sit here! I'll get your water running!" Ida said. Scrappy sat there for about 5 minutes. Ida came back. She picked up Scrappy and ran into the bathroom. "Here you go! And there's also bubbles!" Ida said putting Scrappy in the bath. "Great,now I smell like one of those dogs from Manhattan!" Scrappy said upset. "Well,you are dirty!" Lou said sternly. "Just relax!" Lou added. "Fine,only this once!" Scrappy pouted.


Tiny jumped out her bath. "Whooo!" Tiny said shaking herself. Water splatted all over the walls. "Whoa,Tiny!" Steve said shielding himself from the water. "Heh,sorry Steve!" Tiny said.

Scrappy ran into her room. "Finally I'm done!" Scrappy moaned. She jumped onto her soft,fluffy bed and rolled on it. Tiny walked into the room. "That was wasabi all over again clearly!" Tiny barked. "Was da wha? Oh yeah that green ice cream! I'm never choosing that stuff again!" Scrappy barked. She layed down. "Ima take a nap! We got Pup Star practice tomorrow and I'm doin it! I'm sleepy!" Scrappy said yawning. "Alright Scrappy,we gotta wake up a little early so take a nap! Goodnight Scrappy." Tiny barked. "'Night." Scrappy replied as Tiny shut the door. Scrappy put her head on her paws and went to sleep.

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