《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 6


Kano sighed. "What's wrong Kano?" Bark asked. "I'm just wondering why I haven't ripped you to shreds yet." Kano said with a bit of growl in his voice. "Whoa whoa,I'm sorry. But look I have a new plan! I promise it'll work I just need your help in a few more people 's help!" Bark said. "I'm not lifting a paw to help you! Your plans have failed every time you say it's foolproof!" Kano snapped. "Please Kano,I'll do anything. Look i'll make you a deal if my plan doesn't work, Then next time you can make the plan! Just please Kano!" Bark begged. "Fine,but if it doesn't work we use my plans next time!" Kano replied. Bark used his claws to pick the lock.Then he let Kano out. "Finally! But we need more pets!" Bark said. "I know just the pets!" Kano said smiling evilly. The two did a evil laugh.

The two later arrived at a museum. "Tell me what we're doing here? What are we here to steal an artifact or jewelry?" Bark asked sassily. "No you bozo.Not us but someone is..." Kano's words trailed off as he focused on the two doors that led inside the museum. "Wait for it...Wait for it... THERE HE GOES!" Kano barked as a white and black dog passed by,zooming out of the museum with a collar that was gold and covered into diamonds and rubies. "Smokey! I need a favor,and a good one!" Kano barked to the dog. The dog was a Husky-Dalmatian Mix. He had blue-ish grey eyes with a fresh white coat that had spots. "What do you want Kano? Cant you see I'm busy!" Smokey snapped. "Oh you and you jewels will be juust fine." Kano barked. Bark tilted his head "So we want a mutt on our team? A thief? What's his use?" Bark asked. "Shut up you bozo! Your lucky I'm even helping you! I know who to chose!Dont question my choices!" Kano snapped.Bark backed away for him. I'd better ,keep my distance for now,heh.Bark told himself. Smokey dropped the shiny collar on the floor. "Okay,I've got time,now,WHAT!" Smokey said loudly. "Help us.Be on the mean team.We're trying to get revenge on Tiny,Scrappy,P.U.P,Tiny's little meddling pups,and Julio and Roland. And Pup Star. So what will it cost for you to join? Your gonna join. It's no choice!" Kano barked. "Well.Maybe,let me steal stuff?" Smokey asked. "Smokey,you do that on a daily basis,of course." Kano commented. "Well,I'll just join.BUT let me hide this with my things.Okay?" Smokey asked. Kano nodded. "We won't leave without you. We'll stay here." Kano added. Smokey picked up the collar and ran out of sight.



Next,the three walked through an alley. Catty Purry's alley. "Stop and pay your toll! Or me and my friends won't hesitate to give you a little... mark..." Catty Purry said sharpening her claws. "Shush! We're only here for Luna.Tell me where she lives!" Kano snapped. "Why should I tell you?" Catty asked smirking. "Do it or this place will be in flames!" Kano said. Catty rolled her eyes. Bark pulled a match out of his case. "I had a feeling you wouldn't believe us." Bark said holding the match in his mouth. "" Catty begged. "SPIT IT OUT THEN!" Smokey snarled. "O-OKAY BY THE RIVER!O-ON THE DOCK!" Catty said hastily. Bark dropped the match. They smiled. "Follow me." Kano said smirking.

They went to the river. A dog with floppy ears laid on the dock. Kano smiled. He walked up to the dog. "Luna,fancy meeting you here!" Kano said smiling. "Oh,Kano. It's you. What do you want! If you want me to do something for you,I won't! I'm done with you Kano!" Luna barked. "You do as we say! What if,I said we could get revenge on Scrappy?" Kano smirked. Luna's ears perked up. "Go on..." Luna said. Bark tilted his head.

"We will tell you the plan later! For now let's go! We need more dogs!" Kano barked. Luna was excited.

They all walked to the next location. "Can we really trust her? I mean, we couldn't trust Scrappy. Girls are too,heartfelt! She's gonna tell us off! Trust me! We shouldn't trust her!" Bark told Kano. "We trust her! She hates Scrappy and would do anything for vengeance! Let's use my friends that we a can trust!" Kano snapped. Bark rolled his eyes.



The two stopped in the forest. "Why are we h-" Kano cut Bark off "Laney." Kano said. "Who is Laney?" Bark asked. "Him." Kano said. A German Shepherd came out the bushes. "Hello. What do you want I got a pack Kano! We talked about this!" The dog snapped. "Calm down Laney. I don't care about your pack. We have a plan in store. We need all the paws we can get. You,specifically." Kano bared. "No. I'm not doing any of your deeds. I have a pack,a family. Why would I give that up?" Laney asked. "You'll join!Youll be rich! Forget that pack of yours! You owe me!" Kano snapped. "Okay fine! But lemme guess,Bark is the 'Big Brain' in this?" Laney asked. "Yep. But if it fails,we'll use my plan next time. And wreck him like a squeaky toy!" Kano smiled. "Alright,let's go. Perfect for my taste. Let's go." Laney said following the dogs.


The last location:

All the dogs walked to a meat shop. "Perfect,let's steal some meat! I'm hungry!" Smokey said sniffing. "We're here for Snowfall. The trickster." Kano said smiling. A dog ran out with a strip sausages in her mouth. The dog was white with a blackish pink nose. She dropped her meat. "Don't get any bright ideas Kano! This is my food. Ya snooze,ya lose!" The little white dog barked. "Join us and get all the food you want! Also get revenge on Tiny,Scrappy,her family,Pup Star! If Bark's plan doesn't work,we'll chew his ear off and use my plan. Got that." Kano barked. "I heard there was a lot of food included,so yes! I'll help you!" Snowfall replied. "Ugh,what a glutton!" Bark added. "Now,let's go to the Barkeasy and tell them all the plan!" Kano announced walking.


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