《Pup Star 5:Two Miracles》Chapter 13


Scrappy opened her eyes and ran out into the hallway, when suddenly she was caught in a net. "Oh no, Bark!" Scrappy said struggling to get out the net, her paws tangling. "It's not Bark, it's just us!" Steve said. "Oh, good! Wait, why am I in a net then?" Scrappy asked. "Blood test day!" Tiny barked. Scrappy's eyes widened. "Uh-" Ida immediately poked the needle in Scrappy's paw."OW!" Scrappy barked. "Sorry, but you need this! I'll go drop the test off, you guys get ready for practice!" Ida said, running outside. "P.U.P, you can let the net out now." Steve said. "Finally! This thing is heavy!" P.U.P dropping it. Scrappy fell with the net. "OW!!!" Scrappy yelled. She hopped out the net and stretched. "P.U.P, never again." Scrappy barked. "Fine." Brody walked out of his room. "Sorry, I slept in." He said yawning. "Seemed like it. But get your bow tie and wake your sisters, we have plans today!" Tiny barked. "Really?! Okay!" Brody said running to his room. "What are we doing today?" Scrappy asked. "It's a surprise, all you gotta do is get ready!" Tiny said, smiling. "Okay then!"Scrappy ran into her room. She quickly began to search through drawers, looking for what to wear. "Aw cmon! Where is it! Ah there it is!" Scrappy said putting on her red jacket. "Memories, huh?" P.U.P said. "Yep." Scrappy said, trailing out her room.

Kano circled around. "This is going perfectly!The finals are in 2 weeks, and in 1 week, is our time to strike!" Kano said smiling. "Yep. Now will you tell this dumb-weight of a dog to STOP RUINING THE PLAN!" Laney said aggravated. "Bark, this is the LAST TIME we're going with you plan if it doesn't work, remember that. So if this plan fails, WE WILL NEVER DO YOUR PLANS AGAIN!" Kano snapped. "I get it! Jeez!" Bark snapped back. Luna thought.


"WAKE UP LUNA!" Kano barked loudly. "I'm up! Just...thinking is all." Luna snapped back"Don't get smart with me!" Kano growled. "Oh yeah?! Try me!" Luna snarled."Just stop!" Laney snapped. "Let's just agree, Luna, WAKE UP!" "FINE!" Luna snapped back at Laney. "Now, today we watch the tracker." Kano said. "That's it?" Bark asked. "Yes, mr. annoying." "Hey! I am not annoying!" Bark snapped. "Shut up and watch the tracker with me you idiots!" Laney snapped. The crew stopped and looked at the screen.

"Here!" Tiny barked. "Pup Star?" Cindy asked. "No, it's Pup Star Dinner!" Tiny barked. "Cool, I guess..." Charlie said. "Yo, Charlie, we get to sing here ya know, after we're done eatin of course." P.U.P said. "OMD OMD! REALLY?!" Rosie asked, exited. "Yes, Rosie, now get over it." Brody snapped. "Cool. Can we sing Mom?" Cindy asked. "Of course!" Tiny barked. "Yay!" Cindy said excited. "Well, girls do get real dramatic and excited real easy." Brody barked. "Yep." P.U.P commented. The girls, including Lou, shot a stern stare at them. "I-I mean that's not very nice Brody!" P.U.P added, walking inside. "Really dad?!" Brody said following him. A beagle walked up to the family. "Right this way to your table." The beagle said. "Oh, by the way I'm Leo." The beagle added. He walked them to the table, the family sat down. "Okay, you're on after Blanco. Your waiter will be here in a minute." Leo said walking away. A Labrador walked towards them. "I'm Shadowhowler, what must you be ordering?" The Black lab asked respectfully. "Can I get 4 bacon paw pies for my pups, also can I have 2 plates of spaghetti with extra meatballs? Oh, and 1 bowl of macaroni?" Tiny asked. "Of course! Your food will will be ready in 10 minutes!" Shadowhowler said walking away.


Shadowhowler put the food on the table. "There you go! Enjoy!" She said walking away. Brody immediately stuffed his face into the bowl, gobbling the food up. Brody belched. "Wow, you must've been hungry, huh?" Tiny said laughing. "Heh, yeah." Brody said, full. The family gobbled down the food. Leo walked back. "Okay, your turn! Blanco just finished!" Leo said, running to the curtain. The family quickly got up and walked to the curtain.

"Alright everyone, I'm Rover, your host, and next up is...TINY'S Family!"

"Aliright everyone, now vote for which dog won!" Rover said.

"Okay the most votes is.... TINY AND HER FAMILY!" Rover barked. Everyone clapped. "Yay, we won!" Rosie said. Roses were thrown. "Yo, that was fun!" Scrappy said. "Ha, I know!" Tiny said.

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