《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》Mia's House/Tiny's house


Once Lily got to Mia's house, she nudged Mia who was sleeping. Mia groaned. "Ugh, I can't believe I'm gonna do this..." Lily said with disgust in her mouth. Lily licked Mia's face and then Mia woke up.

"Eww!" Mia yelled grossed out. "What the-" Mia said and then saw Lily. "LILY!!!" Mia exclaimed happily. Lily didn't answer because she was too busy wiping off her tongue. After she was done, she jumped on Mia's bed. "No time to talk, Mia! Bark is back and he is dog-napping all the contestants on Pup Star! Let's go!" Lily explained in a hurry and then pulled at Mia's shirt trying to get to the door. "Go? Go where?" Mia asked staying still. Lily grunted from pulling her shirt and then said, "To Tiny's house! Start the car!"

When Mia pulled up at Tiny's house, it was dark and everyone was sleeping. "Should we yell to get them awake?" Mia asked. "Yes, we have to get their attention." Lily said serious, not looking away from the window. Mia and Lily were outside of the house because... you know... they didn't have a key. "Woah, I was kidding. You don't want to wake up your favorite dog in the whole word. ...Not to mention your one true love." Mia smirked at Lily. Lily still didn't look away from the window and said, "I don't care, this is important." Mia sighed and was amazed by Lily's serious tone of voice. "OK..." Mia said unsure. Lily and Mia started yelling. After 10 minutes of yelling, Tiny woke up. She opened the window and looked down. There she saw Lily and Mia. "LILY!!! Tiny exclaimed happily. "Hey, I need you to come out here." Lily whispered from down below. "Why?" Tiny asked. "Just please come down. I'll explain everything to you, I promise." Lily said looking directly at Tiny. "OK," Tiny said sounding unsure.


"Now what's all this about?" Tiny asked. "So... Bark is back. And there's more. He is dog-napping all of the contestants on Pup Star so that no one can win and RUIN Pup Star!" Lily explained. Kind of unclear though... "Oh no! What do we do?" Tiny asked worried. "I have an idea. But it will include everyone! Get your whole family!" Lily said. "Uh... OK?" Tiny said confused. Once all of the family was outside and everyone knew what was happening, Lily said, "OK, Brody, Rosie, you'll go with me and try to get all the contestants free. Tiny, distract and improvise the audience while we're doing that. P.U.P. and Ida, distract Rolland, Bark, Julio, and Kano so me, Rosie, and Brody can find and free all the contestants." "Got it!" Brody replied enthusiastically. "OK!" Ida said smiling. "What about us?" Steven asked looking at Charlie, Cindy, Lou, and Shep. "Just be in the audience. Mia has your phone number so she'll call if we need you!" Lily answered.

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