《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》The Forest


It was still dark out, and Lily hated being in the dark. Especially tonight because she was in the dark scary forest. Lily murmured under her breath, scared of what could be hiding in the dark. She thought she heard something so she then said, "H-hello?" But no one answered. So she said again. "Hello? This time, she said it a little louder.

"I said... HELLO!!!!!!!!!!" Lily yelled at the top of her lungs. But still, no one answered. "Hmph, that's what I thought!" She said. She continued walking in the dark forest. She felt fear through her body. But she toughened up and kept walking. She looked around and saw the beautiful full moon, the crystalled lake, and the starry night sky. The dark sky was FILLED will stars. "Woah, I never knew the dark could be so... beautiful..." Lily said with a gasp. Then she remembered how she and Mia used to look up at the sky on a full moon and star gazed. Lily sighed. Her life was perfect. But then she kept running to get to her owner's house. Just then, she heard something. "OK, I told you before, come out! Lily ordered. Just then, she saw a big dog and he didn't look very friendly! In fact, he was just the opposite! He ran bolting towards Lily. But Lily just stood there watching him with her eyes partly closed and a raised eyebrow. The dog's eyes widened and he stopped at a sharp stop. Then Lily snarled. "OK, look! I've come too far to have you stop me now!" Lily said madly and angrily as she pounced on the dog pinning him down. Then she jumped off of him and ran on her way to Mia's house. Lily never knew she was that strong.


As Lily was running, she couldn't get her eyes off of the moon, so she decided to stop. "No, I can't stop. I have to keep going." Lily said to herself bravely and nobly. She panted and then kept on running.

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