《Pup Star: The New Pup Star》The Distractor/The Freer


Hey, guys, by the way, I know "distractor" isn't a word. And spoiler alert! This story is almost complete. ):'

"Everyone knows the plan?" Lily asked Brody and Rosie. Brody and Rosie nodded and then went into the Bark Easy. "Ugh, where do we start?" Brody asked, "There are SO many rooms in here." "I think I know where we can find the contestants..." Lily said with a bit of anger in her voice. Inside the room that Rolland and Bark used to have Scrappy and Tiny in, Lily looked around with raised eyebrows. Just then, P.U.P. and Ida walked in. "Ahh!" Lily screamed. Then she sighed in relief, "Oh, hehe, it's just you guys..." "Well don't sound so happy," P.U.P. glared. Just then, they all heard Bark, Kano, Rolland, and Julio. They all gasped. It was a good thing P.U.P. and Ida had costumes on. "Hide!" P.U.P. said. Lily, Brody, and Rosie all hid under the desk. Then Rolland opened the door. There P.U.P. and Ida were dressed like total different people-and dogs. "Umm, can we help you?" Bark asked. "Actually you can... um, you see, we're a bit lost." P.U.P. said with a deep voice. Bark looked at Kano confused. Kano did the same thing. Then Julio walked in. "Um who are you?" He asked. "Oh, uh, I'm Mr. J, and this is, umm... Gracie Swichenzire..." P.U.P. said panicking inside his head. Ida looked down at him slowly and confusedly. Why did she have to get the weird name?

Under the desk, Lily was trying to see where the contestants were. "Ugh, I-I don't see them. I don't think they're in here." Lily said. "Hey, guys, I know it sounds crazy, but maybe we should check the pound." Brody suggested. "Brody, you can't STAND being at the pound." Rosie giggled. "And why would they be at the pound?" Lily wondered. "Because Bark would do ANYTHING to destroy Pup Star. Even if that means-" Brody started. Then Lily said, "Doing something terrible!" Lily sighed and added with her ears down, "That DID cross my mind, heh," Brody and Rosie looked at her with raised eyebrows.


"OK, we have to get out of here without getting caught." Lily said. "Well that seems HIGHLY impossible." Brody concluded. "Nothing's impossible." Lily said. Lily started barking and Bark and Kano said, "Huh?!?" "Great! Now we're dead!" Rosie yelled. "RUN!" Ida yelled to the pups. All three of the dogs ran out the door and to the pound.

At the pound, Brody and Rosie were outside shivering in fear. "Ugh, it's just the pound. Now come on, we have a- FOUR pups to find." Lily said bravely as she ran into the pound door. Brody and Rosie looked at each other with fear.

Inside the pound, Lily was walking around the cages. Then she saw four dogs. It was the contestants! "Guys, it's me! Lily! Me and my friends are gonna get you outta here!" Lily said. All the dogs barked excitedly.

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