《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》61. Jerome


"Why do you think you had that dream? The first Christmas without your parents" Dr. Grey asked Galilea.

She winced as she took in a deep breath "I never opened those Christmas presents. Not a single one. I guess... I hoped that if I ever got out of that place that I would open the presents" Gali shrugged.

"Something you wanted to do with your brother" Dr. Grey smiled small "you do realize that you said Tony and Kamilla's name without flinching"

"Did I?" Gali scrunched her eyebrows "I didn't even notice that I said their names"

"You weren't thinking about Hydra. You were you. So what happened next?" The doctor asked.

"I-" Gali scrunched her eyebrows and stared at the wall and tried to make sense of what's in her brain. She seems to remember a shadowy figure but she's not sure if it was real or in her head "Richard came to my room. Him and the other guy-"

"The male caretaker?"

"Yes. Him. They took me to a room that was covered in screens. The news from different countries were on. Horrible things that Hydra did. I asked Jerome how he could work for them but he didn't answer me"

"Who's Jerome?"

"Oh, that's what I called him. The male caretaker. I called him Jerome. You know from Gattaca?"

"Jude Law's character?"

"Yes. He looks like a young Jude Law. I told him that. Mariana agreed with me. I called him Jerome and Jude. I even sang Hey Jude. He was losing the will to live when he was around me. But it was fun to mess with him" Galilea smiled.

Dr. Grey noticed Galilea's happy change and took note of it "so what were you doing in the room with the screens?"

"Richard wanted to show me something. He turned on the biggest screen and the first thing I see is the man with the metal arm I saw when I fell outside his room. He was fighting Natasha. He pushed her off and she flew across the street and slammed against a car"

Nat rolled her shoulders at the memory of that "that really hurt" she mumbled

"It looked painful" Kami nodded.

"I asked who the metal arm guy is and Richard said that it's the Winter Soldier. I also made fun of the name. I mean it's summer so where's the Summer Soldier?"

"Oh my god. It's a miracle they didn't kill her" Tony mumbled under his breath.

"That's when I saw Peter. I've told him to stay away from trouble but he doesn't listen to me. I wanted him out. I told the team in the video to take care of him. He's 16. He doesn't need to be there" Gali was getting irritated.

"Do you feel responsible for Peter?" Dr. Grey asked.

"Yes. Ever since since I found out about him I've done everything I can to protect him. Yes okay, I trained him and made him a watch and made his suit but I don't want him to get hurt. If anything happens to him who is going to explain it to his aunt" Gali sighed and took a bite of another gummy worm "teenagers. That must've been how Tony felt when I was that age"

"You have no idea" Tony mumbled.

"What happened next?" Dr. Grey asked.

"The Winter Soldier was trying to pull out the arc reactor in Tony's suit. The thing that keeps him alive. I got worried and told Richard to call the Winter Soldier off. He was taunting me and I got mad and I don't know what happened but with a sudden surge of power I tapped in my powers and for about two minutes I used compulsion and ordered the man to call off the metal arm guy"


"That's why he suddenly left. Galilea saved our asses from the bunker" Sam mused.

"It left as quickly as it came and I don't know what happened after because I passed out"

Dr. Grey took more notes "tell me more about Mariana"

Gali glared at the blankets on her bed and her bandaged hands twitched as she restrained herself from forming a fist "She slapped me around. Really hard might I add. She would take me to this room and try to get me to fight her. I never did"

"You let her hit you?"

"I was testing her limits. I was messing with her. She didn't just slap me, she kicked me. One time I got fed up and knocked her to the ground. Then she flipped me and the pervert walked in-"


Gali nodded "he asked if we wanted jello or oil"

"Oh god" Sam held back his smile.

"Why would they want jello and oil?" Thor was confused.

"You're too young to understand Thor" Rhodey patted Thor on the shoulder. He was still confused.

"Jude took me back to my room because I threw up" Gali explained.

"You weren't wearing handcuffs anymore?" Dr. Grey questioned.

"No. Odd. I guess he trusted me"

"Did you trust him?" Galilea thought about it for a minute.

"Yes. I do trust him" Dr. Grey took note of that "I asked him why he's so nice to me and he said that it was his job. And then he took me to the bathroom so I could throw up again" more note taking "when we were walking back to my room I bumped into him"

"Him?" Dr. Grey looked up at the girl.

"The Winter Soldier. I didn't know it was him because Jerome grabbed my arm and pulled me away. It wasn't until I looked over my shoulder that I saw him doing the same. I don't- I don't know what went through my mind but I was so mad at him for attacking my friends, that without thinking I ran at him and fought him"

"Oh my god!" Peter said loudly.

"It was a short fight, right there in the hall. Richard called him off and Jerome used this white powder to knock me out. I was knocked out many times in the bunker" Gali informed.

"Was that your only encounter with the Winter Soldier?"

"Ha!- Ow!" Gali put a hand to her side "I wish. Jerome and Mariana took me to a room that has a large cell inside. Richard said that I made quite and impression and wanted to see me fight the Winter Soldier. I was handcuffed and he didn't take them off. He said that it was no big deal if I fought like that. That I could handle it"

"Did you?"

"I wouldn't say that I did. I kicked him where the sun don't shine. Men never protect that area"

"See? See? What did we say?" Natasha told the men. They made whining noises.

"I don't know what happened while we were fighting, but I got this surge of adrenaline and flipped him over with this strength I didn't know I had. That wasn't enough because he knocked me out" Galilea ate bother gummy worm.

More note taking by Dr. Grey "what else did you do to mess with your caretakers?" She asked.

"Pretended that they broke me" Gali said with a gummy worm in her mouth.

"Come again?" The doctor was confused.

"I pretended that they finally got to me. I wanted to know what their plan was. They actually bought it. I flinched when they showed me the pictures of the team and they seemed pleased. I thought that they were going to stop with the shocking and it kinda worked for a while. They got me to fight with the Winter Soldier again and when he went to punch me I moved out of the way and he punched Jude in the stomach. That was hilarious. The fighting was mostly me talking to the Winter Soldier. I guess I was trying to annoy him. The first time I fought him I told Richard that Jerome was going to end up writing my will and so that day as I was running around in the cell, I told him to pull out a pen but he was grumpy from the punch to the stomach. And then something happened" she whispered at the end.


"What happened?"

"I- I- no" she shook her head.

"It's okay Gali. What happened?" The doctor gently asked.

"I saw someone. They didn't like it and took me to another room. They strapped me in a chair and two metal pieces attached themselves here and here" she pointed to the area where the machine was on her head "it hurt like hell. I couldn't scream because they shoved something in my mouth. It was so painful"

"What were they trying to do?"

Gali looked up at the doctor with fear in her eyes "erase my memory"

"Erase your memory?" Dr. Grey tried to clarify. Gali nodded.

"I called out for Jude. He always stood up for me. He protected me. He was nice. I called out for him but he didn't help me"

"If they erased your memory then how do you remember all that?" The doctor was curious.

Gali smirked "Hydra underestimates me. They're a bunch of suckers. I protected myself with my shield power" she chuckled lightly. Another blurry image in her head but it left as quickly as it came. She then remembered the dream "I had another dream" she softly said.

"What was it about?" Dr. Grey looked down at her notes.


"Justin Hammer. You're ex boyfriend?"

"Yeap. Weird. Ever since we broke up I've only ever dreamt once about him. That time was the second time"

"And what was the dream about?"

Galilea looked up at the doctor and said "the last trip we took together. Italy"

"Oh geez" Kamilla sighed and put a hand on her forehead.

"What is it?" Tony eyed the girl.

"That's where he proposed"

"You better step up your game Cap" Clint joked. Steve glared at the man.

"What else happened at the bunker?" Dr. Grey asked.

"I don't remember half of it" Galilea admitted "there are blurry figures and holes. There are things that I don't know if they actually happened or it was them messing with me"

"Tell me what you do know. We'll sort out the other things later" Dr. Grey softly said, her hazel eyes sparkling behind her glasses.

Gali nodded and told her what she definitely remembers happened "I was taking things I could use and hiding them in the mattress. I was trying to find a way to contact the team"

"Not a way out?"

"I couldn't. Not after I saw him. I snatched a tablet and hacked into their system. I brought some cameras down and put footage on the loop on other cameras"

"Well that explains the cameras that were down" Kamilla nodded.

"Why did you do that?" Dr. Grey asked the girl.

"To go see him. He was confused and it took a while but I got him. I put a protection on him to help him"

"Help who?"

"James" Gali said with a smile. Everyone perked up at that.


"He's my friend"

"Is he the same James you've been calling out in your sleep?" Dr. Grey slightly tilted her head to the right.

"I called him out in my sleep?" Galilea was confused.

"Doesn't matter" the doctor shook her head "tell me more about James"

"He was kept in a different room than me. I sneaked out to talk to him and when I was feeling woozy I would go back to my cell" Galilea explained.

"How did you sneak out?"

"I messed with the schedule on the tablet. And I left a memory of myself in my cell"

"A memory?"

"Yeah. Got the idea from Loki" everyone turned to Thor.

"What? He's adopted!" Thor defended himself.

"I used to play cards with Jerome. We would play for pretzels. We also played chutes and ladders. I would sing and dance goofily to annoy him" Galilea told the doctor.

"Why? He held you captive. He put you through so much pain and yet you trust him, why?" The doctor asked.

Galilea shrugged "I just do"

The doctor sighed and wrote something down "did you had any other dreams?"

Gali smiled fondly as she stared at the red and green gummy worm in her hand "Fourth of July" she breathed out "Jarvis and I baked cookies the previous day and I gooped Tony. Jarvis also gooped Tony and he went on a rant about 'our countries have come together despite what happened in 1776'" she mocked her brother.

"Oh my god. I had forgotten about that" Tony smiled small "she gooped me when she handed me the ketchup and then Kami jumped on me"

"You were very comfortable" Kami smiled.

"My dad and I had a- a tradition of some sort. We would lit a candle, every year we would do it" Galilea smiled small.

"A candle for what?" The doctor asked.

Gali looked down at her gummy worms and smiled "when I was little I use to call him Captain Rogers. His birthday is on the Fourth of July and we would light a candle" Steve blushed and his heart skipped a beat.

"Aww, isn't that cute!" Sam cooed an pinched Steve's cheek.

"Shut up" he mumbled and swatted his hand away.

"We lit up another candle that day. It wasn't his birthday but they were best friends. Sergeant Barnes. Dad told me another story and oh my god I've heard so many stories about them. I knew more about them than I did my own father"

"It's so true" Tony agreed.

"About a day later, after I had the dream, I sent out a message to Steve with coordinates of the compound. I went to James' room and told him that they were coming and I was going to bring him with me but Richard found me. He called Mariana and Jerome and they took me. Richard hit me, he wanted to know how I got out. He wanted to know something my dad did but he couldn't find it. That's when I heard the alarms but I was in so much pain that it hurt to breath. Next thing I know I'm here and James is still with them" Galilea said in a sad tone.

"Can I ask you one more thing?" Dr. Grey asked after a minute of silence.


"You were calling out for a second person. Who's Castiel?"

Galilea smiled small when she heard his name "that's Jerome. That's his real name. Castiel. I laughed so hard when he told me his name. The angel from Supernatural. I think they were Supernatural fans"

Dr. Grey was staring at Galilea in shock and disbelief. The rest of the Avengers are also shocked "okay, well, I think I got everything I need. Thank you Galilea" the doctor stood up.

"Dr. Grey, can I see my brother?"

"What if you flinch?"

"I don't care. I want to see him" Galilea said with determination.

"Alright" she nodded and left the room. Dr. Grey went to the next room where the Avengers are gathered. She let out a deep sigh "it appears that Galilea has formed a bond with one of her captors"

"Stockholm syndrome" Bruce noted.


"But why?" Steve asked.

"He was nice to her. He stood up for her. I mean you guys heard her. They played cards and she sang and danced" Dr. Grey explained.

"But he hurt her" Thor pointed out.

"She trusts him" the doctor shrugged.

"Is there a way to treat it?" Kamilla questioned.

"Therapy" the doctor answered.

"So can I see my sister now?" Tony asked.

"Sure" Tony walked out of the room and entered the next room.

Galilea looked up at her brother and flinched but she didn't care "Tony"

"Gali" he smiled, walked over to the bed and sat down beside her "I'm sorry" she whispered.

"No. Don't apologize" he shook his head. Her bottom lip trembled and her eyes are shining with tears "oh pipsqueak" Tony gently wrapped his arms around his sister and she hugged him back.

"I missed you" she began to cry as did Tony. The Stark siblings hugged each other and cried and everyone stared at them from the other room.

"Anyone seen Anthony cry before?" Rhodey asked the group.

"Twice" Kamilla answered "his parents funeral and when the social workers almost took Galilea"

"Just how close were they on taking her?" Peter questioned.

"They legit had her suitcase in the trunk of the car"

"Oh my god. What changed their mind?" Bruce asked.

Kami turned back to the crying, hugging siblings "that"

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