《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》62. Cheeseburger


"How are you feeling?"


"You should get some sleep"

"Steven, shut up. I've been Hydra's captive for over a month. All I want is to hug my boyfriend and eat a cheeseburger" Galilea told her boyfriend.

"I'm sorry" he grabbed her hand.

"It's alright. Now where are we on that cheeseburger?" She asked. Steve's smile turned into a small laugh. Gali smiled and brushed her fingers over his beard "what's with the beard, Cap?"

He blushed lightly "I've been so worried about you that I completely forgot about myself. Don't worry, I'll shave it off"

"No" Gali shook her head, her hand still on his cheek "maybe you can keep it for a day or two"

Steve chuckled lightly "alright"

Gali tried to lean in to kiss him but winced at the pain of her ribs "Steve?"


"Will you lean down and kiss me, my ribs hurt" Galilea said as she leaned against the pillows of the bed, eyes closed. She didn't hear a response from him and when she was going to open her eyes she felt a soft pair of lips on her own. She kept her eyes shut and kissed back.

Her left hand went up and she threaded her fingers through his dark blond hair. One of his large hands cupped her cheek and deepened the kiss. Gali smiled into the kissing as his beard tickled her face.

She missed him. She missed kissing him and threading her fingers through his hair. She missed him grabbing her face and holding her close. She missed his beautiful baby blue eyes and his bright smile. She missed him and his adorableness. She knows she loves him but after she came back and saw him, her heart swelled and possibly fell in love with him all over again, even if all hi did was say "hi Gali" Good thing she wasn't standing or she would've melted.

"Did somebody say cheeseburger- gaah!" Tony quickly shut the door and breathed heavily. A look of horror on his face.

"Woah, what happened?" Sam asked as he and Clint made their way to him.

"Capsicle was sucking on my sister's face" Tony replied.

"Pretty sure that's not the only thing he sucks on" Clint mumbled.

"Oh my god! Why would you say that?!" Tony yelled in absolute horror.

"I saw the opportunity and took it" Clint grinned. Sam laughed loudly. Tony shuddered and knocked on the door.

"Is it safe?" He asked.

"Yes its safe" Gali yelled.

Tony opened the door and poked his head inside. Gali sat on her bed and Steve on a chair next to her bed, blushing lightly.

"Good. Stay like that" he stepped in the room and held up a white paper bag "cheeseburger my dear little sister" Tony set the paper bag down on Gali's lap.

"Thank you fruitcake" she reached out to kiss his cheek but she winced in pain "lean in" he did so and she grabbed his face and kissed his cheek.


Tony smiled small "you know when you were two years old you would get on your tiptoes and extended your arms and open and close your hands. A sign of you wanting to kiss me"

"Aww!" Clint and Sam cooed.

"Gali as a baby sounds really adorable. Tell us more" Sam said as he sat down.

"Yes. I want to hear about baby avenger as a baby" Clint also sat down.

"I was a well behaved child" Gali said before stuffing fries in her mouth.

Tony snorted and held his own cheeseburger in hand "there are home movies that say otherwise"

"I thought I smelled food!" Thor entered the room.

"He smelled this from outside? Dude has a nose of a bloodhound" Gali muttered.

"How are you Gali?" Thor asked.

"I'm hungry" she took a bite of the burger.

"Yes, because the first thing you should eat after you've been kidnapped is a cheeseburger" Natasha sarcastically said as she entered the room.

"Tony ate three after his three months of captivity"

"Let me be!" Tony glared at the growing group and took a bite of the burger.

Soon the rest of the avengers joined and they have colorful balloons and stuffed animals and flowers. Seeing the flowers was enough for Tony to get all panicky "no, no, no. No flowers. Get those things out of here!"

"They're just flowers" Gali calmly said.

"Just flowers" Tony scoffed "I'm not taking any chances"

"Anthony relax"

"So the flowers, in, out, down the toilet?" Peter questioned.

Gali gave her brother a look and he gave in "Fine. But put them in a corner away" Tony sighed.

"What's the big deal. They're just flowers" Rhodey said as he set the flowers down.

"Are you afraid that they might have bees?" Jane teased as she arranged the stuffed animals.

"No" Tony quickly and firmly said.

"Hey, bees are no joke. They sting like a mother" Clint rubbed his arm as if remembering the pain of a bee sting.

"Clint got stung by a bee once and he was nearly in tears" Natasha laughed.

"Shut up, no I wasn't" he mumbled.

"Bee stings do hurt" Bruce nodded.

"And you didn't turn into the jolly green rage monster?" Tony sarcastically asked. The doctor gave him a look.

"What if the Hulk gets stung by a bee?" Peter mused.

"That must be some pretty tough bee" Steve commented.

"Can you picture the big guy getting stung by a bee and finding him in a corner hugging his knees and rocking on the ground and crying?" Clint chuckled.

"Clinton, you finna get your ass beat" Sam smiled. They all laughed except Gali who's still eating the burger.

Suddenly arguing was heard from outside and it got clearer the closer it got.

"Will you shut up? Oh my god it's like you never left... Don't you Kamilla me... Oh you know what... I'm muting you. I'm muting you. I am. Yes I am. Oh would you look at that?" Kamilla stood by the open door with a laptop in hand. She sighed and looks like she just gave up on life "I got an ass on line one" she said.


"Huh?" Gali asked. Kamilla sighed and flipped the laptop. Justin smiled widely and waved. A lollipop in his mouth. She flipped the computer back "how?"

"I don't know man. I turned my computer on and he was there" Kamilla sighed again. She glanced back down to the screen and scrunched her nose "yeah, no. No one cares" she covered the camera with her hand "do you accept the charges?" Kami asked her friend.

"Fine" she nodded. Kamilla let out a sigh, either of relief or annoyance at Justin. She handed the laptop at Gali and she set it down on her lap "so we meet again" Galilea began.

"Should we go?" Natasha took a step back towards the door.

"No. It's alright. You guys already know everything" Gali told the group. At that Tony poked his head into the camera view and glared at Justin.

"And some of us didn't like what we heard"

"Yeah right. Like you were going to give me your blessing" Justin scoffed.

"Depends, what's the real reason you guys broke up?"

"Yeah he'll never give it to me now" Justin shook his head.

"More like never" Gali told the man "I haven't seen you in like two years. What- oh my god what happened to your face?" Galilea looked closer to the screen.


"You have a scar like right under your glasses"

"Alright I got in a fight" Justin admitted and took the lollipop out of his mouth.

Gali held back her laughter "you got in a fight? Since when do you fight?"

"You gotta toughen up in here" Justin shrugged.

"Oh I see" Galilea eyed the man.

"So you're safe and sound and what happened to your face?" Justin pointed at her with his red lollipop.

"Hydra doesn't appreciate my sense of humor" Gali cracked a smile.

"Did you at least get in some good punches?"


"So what happened?" He put the candy back in his mouth.

"In a nutshell? I got my ass beat and I beat some ass and-" she help up a notepad with writing on it "I have my kill list"

"It only has one name" Justin pointed out "and the name is underlined three times!"

"It's how many times I'm going to kill him" Gali informed.

"You can't kill a person three times"

"I already killed him once. I think I can accomplish two more times" Gali set the notepad down "I'll shoot him with the G.M.S."

"Oh god" Justin rolled his eyes.

"What's the G.M.S.?" Peter curiously asked.

"The Galilea Maria Stark" Kamilla informed.

"You named a gun after my sister?!" Tony shoved his face in the screen again.

"As long as it's better than the ex-wife" Rhodey mumbled.

Justin and Gali ignored Tony "I heard what you did to help. Thanks. I mean it Justin, thanks a lot" Galilea said sincerely.

"Well we're friends-"

"I can hardly say that we're friends-" but Justin ignored her comment as he kept talking.

"... and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you. I mean you've been through so much and Hydra isn't exactly a summer camp..." He continued talking and Galilea bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing.

"God I think he's become more of a chatterbox than when we were together" Galilea said in a whisper.

"He's become more unbearable" Kamilla added with an eye roll. Justin kept talking for about another minute until he finally shut up.

"I feel so sorry for your cellmate" Galilea lightly shook her head.

"Eh, he's used to it" Justin waved it off.

Gali took in a deep breath and winced "Thanks Justin. You're very kind..." He smiled as did Gali. She stared at him.

She remembered all their times together. His soft hair and her trying on his glasses and saying that he's blind. Trying to get Justin and Tony to be civilized but still arguing about the smallest things. Kamilla making fun of Justin and playing pranks on him. Galilea helping Justin with his speeches and laughing at his stupid dance moves.

All their fun times and love times came back to her like a flash. She smiled softly as it all came back and then the memories dissipated but the smile is still on her face.

"But you'll always be the guy who cheated on me with a woman my brother slept with"

"What?!" Everyone shrieked except Steve and Kamilla who know everything.

Justin pursed his lips and looked down in embarrassment. Galilea stared at Justin and a couple seconds later their frowns turned into small smiles and they laughed lightly.

"Goodbye Justin. And if I ever see your face again I will shoot you" Galilea said in all seriousness.

"I believe that" he bit into the hard candy "bye Lea"

"No wait, no!" Tony yelled but they ended the call. The room was quiet and Clint was shaking his head.

"I've said it once and I'll say it again, you're a dog" he told Tony.

"I'm sorry?" Tony offered his little sister.

"I told you those girls were gonna come back and bite you in the ass" Galilea told her brother.

"But it wasn't his ass they bit" Bruce muttered.

"Just curious here" Tony sheepishly began "who was it?" Pepper glared at her boyfriend and smacked the back of his head "ow"

"Christine Everhart. Remember the reporter you had passionate sex with. Even Pepper said that she made quite a spread for you" Galilea said.

"Oh god" Tony mumbled and blushed lightly.

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