《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》60. Recounting


The team was gathered in the room next to Galilea's, ready to hear what she has to say. Peter talked with her but it was mostly about how he's been and if he's been doing his school summer work. They don't know what to expect. They've pictured horrors, experiments on Gali, daily beatings... But they're prepared to hear what she has to say.

Galilea sat in bed, wincing and eating gummy worms. Doctor Grey sat on a chair next to Gali, notebook and pen in hand.

"I'm dying!" Gali moaned.

"You're not dying" Dr. Grey smiled small as she wrote something on the notebook "alright Galilea, let's start at the beginning, shall we?"

"It all started the day I was born" Gali began. Tony facepalmed.

"Still has her sense of humor" Rhodey chuckled lightly.

Dr. Grey smiled small "not that far away"

"There are holes. There are things that I remember clearly and others are blurry and some are... Some are like a dark hole" Galilea softly explained.

Dr. Grey nodded "it's understandable, Galilea. Just tell me what you remember, okay? We'll work on your memory along the way"

Gali nodded and took in a deep breath "Well I suppose it started when Justin sent me a letter..." She told her what Justin had said in the letter. Hydra coming for her and her friends. Her increase on the security of the tower and keeping tabs on everyone.

"Oh, that explains the angry phone call one week before school ended" Peter said in realization.

"What did you do?" Clint asked.

"A misunderstanding with a teacher?" The boy offered. Clint rolled his eyes.

They all paid close attention to Galilea when she explained how she was lured out of the Chinese restaurant. How Hydra threatened to shoot Tony if she didn't leave and go to Stark tower. Meeting Richard Roman and feigning shock when she heard about Hydra. How she tried to use her powers on the men but it didn't work and then fighting them off and then it became fuzzy.

"I don't remember what happened after"

"According to the security footage it appears that you were drugged" Dr. Grey informed.

"Hmm, that makes sense" Gali nodded.

"What happened after you woke up?" The doctor asked.

"I woke up in a glass cell. Like the one Loki was kept in but not circular. It was the length of the room, it was against the wall. There was a mattress and a blanket in a corner and there was a small opening in the glass where they set the food tray" Galilea explained.

"What else was in the room?"

"Monitors and a console. There were screens kinda like these" Gali pointed at the screens that are showing her vitals and health "and there was a table on the far side of the room" she finished describing the room.

"Were there any windows?"

"No. Only a metal door that slid open when they came to check on me"

"They? Who are they?" Dr. Grey questioned.

"The people that were 'taking care' of me" she did air quotations.

"How many people were taking care of you?" The doctor asked.

"Two. A man and a woman. She didn't like me at all. Actually she pulled her gun on me the first time we met. I guess I have that kind of charm" Gali chuckled lightly and scratched the top of her head "she had an attitude problem. I'll tell you that"

"And the man?"

"He was okay. He brought my meals and laughed at my crappy jokes and insults. She also laughed but it was rare" Gali smiled small.


"Did you insult them a lot?"

Gali chuckled and winced at the pain of her ribs "it was kinda hard not to. They walked themselves into those situations. Despite that they didn't try to stop me. He said that my humor was hot"

"He flirted with you?" Dr. Grey asked.

Steve crossed his arms and a frown set on his face.

"Someone is jealous" Natasha whispered.

"You tell me, I called him a horny little sweetheart" Gali took a bite of the gummy.

"Alright then" the doctor cleared her throat "so, what happened while they had you?"

"From what I remember a lot happened" Galilea said "the first week was a bore. They fed me and annoyed me, checked my vitals and health. She pulled her gun out a few times, he would stop her. And then one day he tapped something on the glass on the cell. I was in pain. Everything hurt and I couldn't do anything to stop it" she solemnly said.

"How did he do it?" Dr. Grey curiously asked.

"I don't know how it worked. I was in pain, from the inside out and out from the inside. The first day I was there he said to me 'you keep that happy attitude Galilea, it might be the only thing that'll keep you alive here' and then when he hurt me that time, he told me the same thing"

"You depended on your humor to get through it" Dr. Grey concluded.

"Partly" Gali whispered and took in a deep breath but was the wrong thing to do. She winced and placed her hand on her side.

"Careful, you're still healing" Dr. Grey told the girl.

"God, I never wished for those stupid healing vapors more than today" Galilea groaned.

"What healing vapors?" Dr. Grey curiously asked.

"Uh" Gali groaned again "they hurt me in the cell for days. I was in pain and I just kept making fun of them and they would increase the pain"

"Why would you do that Galilea?" Tony breathed out.

"She's a Stark. That's what you guys do" Rhodey informed. Tony shot him a dirty look.

"He would tap something and white vapor came out of the vent in my cell. It healed me. I would just breath it in and I was healed. Sometimes they would use it, other times they wouldn't. And there were times when they would use it to heal me just enough so I could talk and move. I insulted them more, I'm afraid" Galilea informed.

"Did you not leave the cell at all?" Dr. Grey asked.

"Oh I did. They would handcuff me when they took me out. Bathroom trips at first. It was odd"

"What was odd?"

"When I stepped out of the cell, I felt weak. I was hit by a wave of dizziness. I would be fine for a while but then I would get weak– weak enough that I couldn't walk. And when I was back in the cell I was back to normal. I felt fine. My energy came back" Galilea explained her strange walks out of the cell.

Dr. Grey jotted notes on her notebook "and this happened each time you were out of the cell?" She questioned.

Gali thought about it for a second "yeah I guess" she nodded.

"You said that the bathroom was the only place they would take you at first. Where else did they take you?"

Galilea suddenly became very serious "the shock room" she whispered.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"They took me to the shock room. The first time they took me there I was confused. It wasn't in our daily routine. The room was dark and there were a lot of men in there in white lab coats and clipboards in their hands. I was seated in a chair in the middle of the room, actually I was strapped in. And that's when he came in. After two weeks that fucker shows up" Galilea said through gritted teeth.


"Who showed up?"

"Dos Equis Man"

"Really? The one from the commercials?" Dr. Grey asked unamused.

"That would be cool, but no. Richard Roman. He kinda looks like the Dos Equis Man" Gali explained.

Clint clapped his hands together "I knew I wasn't the only one!" He happily said.

Galilea laughed lightly and in pain "I called him Dick and that's when I realized, Dick Roman. The one from Supernatural. Oh god I laughed so hard. He took out his anger by hooking some wires on my head and shocking me" she bit her tongue "actually it was Mariana, that little bitch"

"Mariana?" Dr. Grey quirked an eyebrow.

"The woman that was taking care of me. Her name is Mariana. I called her Mary Crawley on the first day, that's why she pulled her gun on me. Anyway, in the room there was a large screen and-" she suddenly stopped and became very serious.

"And what?"

"They- they pulled up a picture of T- of To-" she licked her lips and said it a different way "Of my brother"

Tony's heart sank when he saw that his own little sister couldn't bring herself to say his name.

"When I said his name and that he's my brother, they shocked me. I kept saying it and they kept shocking me. They did the same when the other pictures came up. My best friend, my brother's girlfriend, my boyfriend, the archer, the assassin, the green guy, the hammer wielder, my brother's best friend, the flying guy. Every time I said their names they would hurt me. The shocking more painful than the previous ones. At the end they showed a picture of my dad. I got so mad... It went on for days. My throat hurt from all the screaming, my hands" she looked down at her bandaged hands.

"I was clenching my hands so hard that my nails dug into my skin and I bleed. All those days I did not hesitate, not once on saying the names. They were getting annoyed and irritated because they couldn't break me but they still tried. They would stop with the shocking when I couldn't even walk anymore. I think the fact that I was out of the cell for too long attributed to that"

"Possibly" Dr. Grey agreed.

"I was getting sick as well. I was throwing up"

"The shocking" Dr. Grey said.

"My caretakers would help me walk back to my room. I was woozy and couldn't walk. I tripped in front of a large steel door. It was open because people were walking in and out of the room"

"What did you see?" The doctor asked.

"Not much. I wasn't feeling well. But what I did see was a large capsule or tube of some sort. But I really didn't pay much attention to that because I saw something else. Remember that my vision was blurry and I wasn't in the best state, at that time I thought I saw a man with a metal arm"

The Avengers let out a frustrated sigh "He was kept there with her" Steve said.

"I don't really think they came in contact" Peter commented.

"It's Hydra. They would do it" Natasha nodded.

"I asked who the man was but they didn't answer and I didn't question it any further because I was rushed to the bathroom to meet my old pal porcelain" Gali rubbed her stomach.

"What happened next?" Dr. Grey didn't look up from her notes.

Galilea smiled small as she remembered the dream she had that night "I had a dream. It was a Christmas dream. It was the first Christmas without my parents" her throat clenched up a bit and she bit her bottom lip.

Tony stared at his little sister with wide sad eyes "my parents died a week before Christmas. I couldn't look at the tree without bursting into tears. The gifts around the tree were untouched. Jarvis, our butler, was trying to get Tony and I to eat. On Christmas morning Kamilla and her brother Emil came over to the house and she talked with me but I only listened. Kamilla had said something that made me realize that I was being a jerk. I hadn't realize that Jarvis was also affected by the death of my parents. He knew my dad way before he got married and I totally forgot about his feelings" Gali looked down at her bandaged hands and spoke softly.

"I- I left my room shortly after Kami left. I went to the kitchen where I found Jarvis" Gali teared up and sniffled a bit "without saying a word I threw my arms around him and then Tony joined. We didn't say anything. We didn't had to. We had cookies and milk and the three of us sat in the living room and stared at the tree" a tear rolled down her cheek.

"The fire was crackling and all I did was stare at the piano in the room" Tony gasped lightly "my mom and I use to play the piano. We would play and sing and Tony would try to mess with me so I would play the wrong keys" she smiled softly "I remember the last time I played the piano with my mom"

"It was the day they died" Tony and Galilea said at the same time. Although Gali can't hear what the team is saying. She doesn't even know that they're in the next room, watching her through the mirror.

"We were playing Try to Remember and Tony was wearing a Santa hat and he was laying on the couch, a blanket over him" she sniffled and another tear rolled down her face "my dad called him a homeless man and Tony was being his sarcastic self" Gali chuckled softly.

"So back to Christmas Day, Tony told Jarvis to go home to his family and Tony and I sat on the couch in silence. We didn't say anything. There was no need to. I felt warmth"

"The fire?" Dr. Grey inquired.

"No. Not the fire. It was inside me. I felt warmth... of love. I felt safe and oddly enough I had hope. We are the only family we have left and that day I made a promise"

"What did you promise?"

Gali wiped the tears from her face and sniffled "that I would be the best person I could be. I promised to take care of him and make sure that nothing happens to that idiot. I struggled to keep that promise. I mean who knew that all this was going to happen? That he would end up being Iron Man, that I would end up dating the guy my dad never shut up about. Kamilla would end up being the most wanted hacker in the world"

"Really?" The doctor was impressed.

"Oh please, she's wanted in 87 countries" Galilea scoffed.

Everyone stared at Kamilla in shock "Well no one asked" she shrugged.

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