《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》28. It slipped, okay?


"God, when's the delivery guy getting here?" Galilea mumbled as she walked around the kitchen.

She ordered food about 30 minutes and it still has end arrived. If it doesn't arrive in thirty minutes, it's free, right? Or is that just for pizza? Has a food delivery guy actually been more than thirty minutes late? Are there people who have gotten free food because of that rule? Why have I never been one of those people?

Gali is starving. She grabbed a cheese stick out of the fridge and sat on the kitchen counter. Everyone else is in the living room watching the Simpsons, while Gali is in the kitchen trying to control her hunger. She was eating the cheese, string by string, when Steve walked in and spotted his girlfriend sitting on a counter.

"Hey" he stood in front of her. She looked up to his sparkling blue eyes and smiled.


"What are you doing here?"

Gali held up her half unstrung cheese stick "Want some?"

He took a bite and Gali gasped in disbelief. "Meanie" She muttered. He chuckled. Gali stared at the cheese. Might as well. She took a bite out of it.

"So" Steve started "When are you going to go check on the hacking thing?"

Gali feed him the last bit of cheese as she answered "Tomorrow morning. Why?"

He shrugged "Just wondering" he took Gali's face in his hands and leaned down to kiss her.

His soft warm lips pressed on Gali's, her arms found their way around his neck and she kissed him back, their lips moving and fitting like puzzle pieces. His arms moved down to her waist as he pulled her closer to him. Gali wrapped her legs around him and tangled her fingers in his soft hair.

The kiss is getting a little bit more heated, and Gali can't help but notice how much Steve has improved on kissing. Sure at first they were short sweet soft kisses, which she absolutely loved –and still loves, since he occasionally still kisses her like that- but now they're longer, passionate, hungry, rougher, deeper. And she could always feel the explosions each time they kiss.

The doorbell is what caused them to stop. Since everyone else is so caught up with the Simpsons, Gali had to answer the door.

"Foods here" She told Steve as she jumped off the kitchen counter.

She made her way to the front door, not before she snuck a glance to the group who are laughing at something stupid Homer did. She opened the door and quickly did an exchange with the guy. Money for food. Gali made her way to the group carrying plastic bags and small boxes. The Simpsons episode just ended.


"Foods here" she set the many bags and boxes on the table and then everyone grabbed what the wanted to eat.

"I hope you guys like Disney movies because we're going to watch one" Kamilla announced.

"Which one?" Jane asked.

"You'll see" she smiled.

She picked the movie from the holo-table and soon it was shown on the tv. Lilo and Stitch. Gali let out a small gasp. It's is of her favorite movies. She can relate to it so much.

In the middle of the movie, when Nani and Lilo are sitting on the hammock, her eyes started to water. Steve held her close to him as the rest of the movie went on. Tony and Gali relate to that movie a lot.

They both lost their parents due to a car accident. They use to yell at each other. Gali got in a couple of fights with other kids. They we were in the same position as Nani and Lilo about the social worker stuff. Tony was 18 when his parents died, he could legally take care of Gall. But since she was 13, the social workers needed to make sure if Gali was going to be okay with Tony. They wanted to know if Tony was capable of taking care of a minor.

During that time, Tony was gaining the reputation of a playboy. So they kept a close eye on the Stark siblings. The situation that got them more in trouble was when Gali ran away when they had that awful argument, the one where Tony wanted Gali dead. By the time Tony found her and took her back home, the social workers were furious. They wanted to take Gali away from Tony. They didn't get separated because they saw something that changed their mind. Something that to that day, Tony still carries around.

"Wow" Clint breathed out after the Stark siblings explained to them why they relate so much with the movie "I used to think that you two were just..."

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?" Tony and Gali asked.

Clint nodded "Yeah"

"Nope Clinton, the Stark siblings also have their fair share on drama" Gali rested her head on Tony's shoulder.

"Yeah, you know, I was doing such a great job taking care of little Galilea, she actually called me dad once" Tony told the group. Gali rolled her eyes.

"It slipped, okay?" They laughed at that. "No but seriously, that movie is our life story. Even with the alien part" Gali motioned to Thor.


The jet lag hit everyone before it even got dark outside. Gali was first to leave the group and she went up to her room. She was going to change into her pajamas but Steve's suitcase was open. Gali smiled. Might as well. She grabbed one of his shirts and put it on. The shirt fell down to her thighs. Galilea didn't consider herself a short person, she would say that she's average height, but with Steve's shirt on her, it makes her feel so small.

She put on short pajama shorts and walked around her room. As she walked around, her foot hit something cold. She jumped back at the sudden touch, looked down and saw the familiar frisbee. Gali grabbed Steve's shield, sat on the edge of the bed, and stared at it.

The colors, the star in the middle, the shape. She turned it over and saw two straps at either side of the shield. This is how he grabs it. She knocked on it and heard the vibrations.

Is it really indestructible?

Gali turned it back over and her mind went to the person who created it, her dad. She stared at it for a while and Steve walked in to see her staring at the shield. She seemed to be deep in thought but she also seemed a bit troubled.

"You okay?"

Gali blinked and nodded "Yeah" she kept staring at the shield. It's not even heavy. There was silence and she asked "What was my dad like?"

This question took Steve by surprise. He didn't answer right away. Gali looked up at him and he asked, "What do you mean?"

"How was my dad like before he was... well, a dad" Gali rephrased her question. Steve took a breath.

"Well" he started "Aside that he used to work as a weapons manufacture and a great scientist and mechanic and basically everything, he was a good person. Sure he was crazy enough to fly me over enemy lines" Gali chuckled at that "But he was a great friend. He taught me many things, helped me with the shield and the uniform. Even telling me what fondue actually is" he blushed a bit. Gali smiled "And he was also there when I was injected with the serum" Gali nodded.

"Yeah, he told me about that"

"He told me once that his only interest at that moment was his work, but that must've obviously changed, because you're here" Gali furiously blushed and he kissed her cheek. Gali lightly touched the white star in the middle of the shield, and an image went through her eyes.

Steve was wearing his military uniform, holding up what appears to be this shield before it was decorated. He was in some kind of underground workshop. A woman with short brown hair, shot the shield that's in front of Steve, four times. She put the gun down and said "Yes, I think it works" in a British accent. Aunt Peggy.

She walked away, and a man went over to stand next to Steve. They both look shocked, and that other man was Gali's dad. She snapped back to reality and gasped. It's been happening for a while now. Gali touches something and she can see the past. It's not only if she touches something, they also just sporadically pop in her head and she can't control it.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked.

"N-nothing, nothing's wrong" She put the shield back where she found it and made her way to the bathroom, but Steve cut her short.

"Is that my shirt?"

Gali looked down at the light blue shirt she's wearing and back at him. "It's mine now" she smiled before going to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Steve was taking his shirt off by the time Gali walked out of the bathroom. Gali stopped in her tracks and just stared. He didn't notice her staring, but she did see his perfectly toned body. Damn. She stared for a minute and bit down I her bottom lip. She felt heat rising to her face and she looked away.

Gali got in bed and fiddled with her phone "Do you think Thor will ever get off the topic about pole dancing?"

Steve shook his head "I don't think so. Maybe if he sees what it is, then yes"

Gali remembered what happened that morning in the plane when Steve managed to find the pole.

"You should've seen your face when you saw the pole in the plane" Gali laughed.

"I was confused, and it was kinda weird because I know what happens with those things" he went red.

"Oh Steve" Gali leaned in to kiss him. "But seriously tho, you should've seen yourself"

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