《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》29. New power


"Oh my little girl. I love you so much. You and your brother" a warm sweet voice said "Please Gali, wake up. Please... please"

That voice seemed too familiar to a sleeping Galilea. She slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was a big blur but she rubbed her eyes and her vision got clear. She focused on where she heard the voice come from and her eyes went wide.

"Mom?" She asked.

Maria Stark sat on a chair, her eyes are red and puffy from crying. She's looking down at something but Gali didn't see anything. She only saw her mom. Gali reached over to touch her, but her hand went right through her, like a ghost.

"Hey baby girl" Gali snapped her head to the door.


Howard went over to stand next to his wife. He also looked down "She still hasn't woken up?" He asked.

Maria shook her head and tears were threatening to fall. Seeing her parents there made Gali miss them so much. Her eyes began to burn with tears as she stared at them "I'm so sorry Gali, so, so sorry. I love you. Please wake up baby girl" her dad said in a sad voice.

"I love you too" Gali whispered.

They began to vanish before her eyes and she panicked. They can't leave! "Mom, dad! Don't go, don't leave me. I need you. Tony and I need you! Please, we love you" her voice cracked at the end.

They disappeared and Galilea sat in the middle of her bed "where did they come from?"

"It appears, Miss Stark, that your subconscious created them" Jarvis replied.

"How?" She asked.

"You know how. The same way you've been seeing things for these past months"

Gali looked around the room and noticed that Steve isn't there. He must be with the others.

Galilea got out of bed and went outside to the balcony. She stared out to the ocean. It's so blue, so wide, it looks like it goes on forever. The weather is perfect, sunny, clear blue sky, the waves crashing in the shore, seagulls, and Tony's voice.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Remember when mom and dad took us to the beach and the waves took my hat along with my bucket and shovel?" Gali asked. Tony chuckled and nodded.


"How can I forget? I jumped into the water to get your things and I got stung by a jellyfish" Gali laughed "Hey, I was in pain! And then you were gonna pee on my leg, but mom stopped you from doing so"

Gali smiled, but it quickly fell. She grabbed Tony's arm and pulled him back inside. "I gotta show you something"

Once inside Gali noticed everyone else sitting around, staring at us. She sent them a small smile.

"I have to tell you guys something" she sat down on a bean bag and everyone's eyes are on her. She took a breath. "Remember when I had a terrible headache and had an episode at the tower?" They nodded and stayed silent "Well Tony was right, about the blocked memory. It somehow came back, there's still some blank spaces but it's coming back" They all look confused.

"What are you trying to say?" Natasha asked. Gali rubbed bet hands on her thighs and stood up.

They stared up at her. She ignored their stares and focused on a memory. A happy memory. Everyone was silent but what broke the silence was a little girl giggling. They perked up and tried to figure out where the giggle came from, until the little girl ran into the room.

She's wearing a light blue dress, white socks and black shoes, her brown hair in pigtails. They stood up when they saw her. Tony's eyes went wide.

"You can't catch me!" The little girl laughed.

"I think I will" an older boy yelled as he ran to her. Slowly the room around them changed into a different room. Tony gasped. The little girl started to run again and the boy was still chasing her.

"Gali how many times have I told you not to run in the house?" Maria Stark asked as she walked in the room.

"Mom?" Present Tony asked when he saw his mother.

"But Tony is chasing me!" Little Galilea exclaimed.

"Tony" Maria warned. Younger Tony caught up to little Gali and picked her up.

"Sorry mom" he apologized "We were just playing" he pulled on one of her pigtails.

"Ow!" She pulled his hair.

"Ow, mom!" Tony whined.


"That's your fault Tony. If you didn't want to get hurt, you shouldn't've messed with her" Howard said as he walked in.

"Dad?" Present Tony asked.

"I'm sorry, honey pie" Tony apologized and kissed Gali's cheek.

"Let's play tea party!" She exclaimed. Tony groaned but carried her to her play room. Gali ended the memory and everyone turned to her.

"How did you do it?" Tony asked.

"A couple months after the whole Loki thing, I started to get little flashbacks. I didn't put much attention to it a first, but then they started to get more frequent and at random. The first time that happened was when you guys set Steve and I on the blind date. Sometimes when I touch someone I can see a small fragment of a memory, or with objects that have value... like Steve's shield last night" Gali explained.

"What?" They asked confused.

"Is that why you gasped?" Steve asked. Gali nodded.

"What did you see?" Pepper asked.

"Oh you know, just him, my dad. Someone shooting his shield four times, no big deal" Gali waved it off. They were quiet as they took everything in. A minute later Kami asked "So you can see any memory you choose?"

"Um, I'm still trying to control it, but yeah. Pretty much" she nodded.

Tony seemed a bit down. Seeing his parents must've been too much for him. "Hey, it's alright" Gali reached for him and when she touched his arm she gasped.

Their surroundings changed and they're all standing in a room in Tony's house. When his house was still standing.

"Tony's house?" Natasha asked.

Past Galilea of about three years ago, walked into the room. She was on her phone and looked down at the floor. She let out a scream and jumped back. Tony ran into the room with a baseball bat. Galilea still doesn't know where he got it from.

"What, what happened?"

Present Tony groaned once he knew what it was about.

"A spider!" Gali pointed to the floor. Tony's face went serious.

"Seriously Galilea, you scream because of a spid- what is that thing?!" He yelled and dropped the bat and hid behind his sister.

"A spider!" She yelled.

"That's a tarantula!" He was pushing Gali closer to the spider. She smacked his hands that were on her arms.

"Don't feed me to it!" They stopped and stared at it. It wasn't moving "I think it's dead"

"Move it"

"What? No!"

"Go on" he shook her. With telekinesis Gali picked it up and saw it move its legs. Tony and Gali screamed and she let the spider fall.

"It's alive!" She jumped in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. The group is laughing at the pair.

"Kill it" Tony said.

"You kill it"

"No, what if it bites me and I die?"

"Well I'll take care of the company. Take one for the team" Gali urged her brother. He gave her a look.

"You'll bring the company to ruin" he said.

"No I won't, the sells will go up, therefore I'll bring more money" Gali replied.

"Uh no. I'll bring more money, and you need to kill that spider!" He raised his voice at the last part.

"No you end its life, you have a bat" Gali motioned to the bat lying on the ground.

They began to argue and then Phil walked into the room, stepped on the spider and walked away "Such babies"

"Hey!" The Stark siblings yelled.

The memory ended and Tony has his arms crossed "I confess, it is it one of my finest moments"

"You don't have fine moments" Clint retorted.

Tony gasped and went to say something but his phone beeped and he looked down at it.

"Sorry Clinton, but this conversation has to come to an end" Tony walked out of the room.

"Guess that's my cue to skidoo" Gali spoke and walked away.

"I would say something but I don't have a rhyme like Gali. So, sayonara bitches" Kamilla waved at the team and left.

"That spider was huge!" Tony yelled from somewhere in the house.

Gali rolled her eyes at her brother. Let's hope he doesn't meet the kid then.

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