《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》27. California


The team were in one of the Stark's private airplanes, flying to California. Apparently someone tried to hack into Stark Industries in California, so they're going over there to figure out who wanted to do it and to put a better protection.

Kamilla is going to help them with that since she's a super hacker. Don't be fooled. Gali tells people when they question Kamilla's computer skills. Kamilla may act stupid and fool around at times, but she's super smart. She's talented with computers, like a super hacker.

So there they are, the whole team in the airplane. Bruce was kinda skeptical about getting on, but Kami managed to convince him, telling him everything will be okay. Galilea said that she has a tranquilizer gun waiting to be used.

Kamilla is sitting across Gali, her Chemistry book on the table, reading through it, silently singing the periodic table song. Bruce, who's sitting next to Kami, eyed the book.

"AP chemistry?" He asked. She didn't look up as she replied.

"I was top student in that class... until I lost my book" she frowned.

"But" he eyed the pages that are written over with blue and black ink, along with pink highlighter and colorful ink. "It's written all over it. None of it having to do with the class" he pointed out. Kami then went on to explaining the color code.

"The blue handwriting are cheats for the class, the black are acronyms for whatever Mr. Mendez was talking about. The multicolor ink was Gali and I's conversations during class and the pink highlighter was Gali's doing"

Gali leaned back into the seat and saw Steve messing with some buttons at the back. A metal pole came out of the floor and it connected to the top of the plane.

"What did I just do?" A red face Steve asked. Gali burst out laughing when she saw his reaction. Kami looked behind her and grinned.


"Ey, Steve found the pole!"

"What's that for?" Thor asked.

"Dancing" Natasha answered.


"Alright Thor, we're not going to teach you how to pole dance" Gali walked over to where Steve is and pressed the button to make the pole go back in.

"But if you do want to learn, Kamilla is the one you want to ask" Natasha said. Clint's eyes went wide and Kami went red.

"Just because I did it once, doesn't mean I know how to do it" she retorted "Plus I was drunk" she quietly added causing them to laugh.

They took two cars once they arrived. Gali took one, Tony took another. They're currently driving to Galilea's house, since Tony's house got destroyed... Again. Gali doesn't know how it happens, or how he manages it. His house has been destroyed like three times. He's prone to destruction.

Clint sang in the back of the car and then some teenagers had a race with Galilea. Clint was all for it but Steve, Pepper and Natasha didn't like it.

"I lost you back there" Tony told his sister as she got out of the car.

"Gali raced some teenagers" Clint informed. Tony looked at her in disbelief.

"The boy wanted to race" Gali shrugged.

"And she won!" Clint grinned.

Gali saw Thor getting out of the car and she had to bit her tongue to keep from laughing.

"What happened to him?" Natasha pointed at Thor who has his hair in a man bun.

"His hair is soft as silk" Kamilla smiled.

"Kami was braiding his hair. It was quite amusing" Jane smiled.

I would've liked to see that.

Gali got her bags out of the car and made her way to the front door of her house. The group following behind.


"Remind me again why Tony's house is destroyed?" Bruce questioned.

"Because there was an explosion where I keep my suits" Tony explained.

"That and he's prone to destruction" Pepper added.

Gali opened the door and walked in, motioning the others to enter "Welcome to mi casa" she said the last word in Spanish.

She closed the door as the last person came in. Gali rolled her bag as she followed the rest into the main room. Clint's faint comments about the house, were geared and once he made it to the living room, he was in complete awe.

"I must be in heaven" he breathed. He practically ran to the large arm chairs that are around the living room. He sat on one, sinking into the seat "It's so comfortable" he spotted the small lever on the side of the couch and pulled it out, making the thing under the chair to raise to put your feet on. He smiled like a child. "It has a cup holder?!" He exclaimed when he saw the cup holder on the right arm rest.

"Lift the left arm rest" Natasha told Clint. Clint did as told and was surprised to see that it lifted up to reveal a small cooler.

"This couch will be my new best friend" He then looked up and nearly passed out when he saw the TV "What?" He pointed at the TV.

"It's ultra high definition, curved, and it's 105 inches" Gali informed. Clint opened and closed his mouth, looking like a fish.

"I'm definitely in heaven" he mumbled. He grabbed a pillow and stared at it in confusion "No!" He gasped, pressing something on it and the TV turned on. "The control is a pillow?! This is so cool!" They laughed at him as he continued to fiddle with the pillow.

"Wake up Jarvis!" Gali exclaimed.

The house seem to light up as Jarvis awoke from his slumber in California. Everything came to life, and the floor to ceiling windows became clear and Jarvis made some adjustments. Jane walked over to the windows as she looked out to the ocean view.

"Wow, this... is a really nice view"

"Yeah, what's that thing in ruins?" Steve pointed to something in the distance.

"Those... Are the remains of my house" Tony said in a sad tone.

"Jarvis, is that you?" Clint stared at the ceiling.

"Unfortunately, yes" Jarvis replied.

"What do you mean unfortunately?" Clint asked.

"Mr. Barton, I hope you take this time in California to enjoy yourself and distract yourself, and to stop asking me to search up useless things" Jarvis replied. Gali snorted.

"What's the last thing he asked you to look up?" Kami asked.

"Horse in a car"

"How did they manage to put the horse in the back of a car?! I'm mind blown!" Clint exclaimed. Gali looked at him weird.

"Alright kids" She began "Pick a room, I'm gonna order food"

"Kids?" Clint asked "You're the youngest of us all"

"And?" She asked "Thor is the oldest one here, and I don't hear you giving him crap"

Thor just gave them a sheepish smile.

"Yet he behaves like a child"

Thor gasped "I do not!"

Yes you do.

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