《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》22. Nightmares


The team stayed until 10, after that they all started to go home. They watched movies, played board games, talk, tease couples, it was entertaining.

"Well I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow fruitcake" Gali yawned and used one of the many nicknames she has for Tony.

"Good night, shrimp" He used the nickname she disliked the most as a kid.

Bruce went to his room after the team left. Pepper just left to her and Tony's shared room a few minutes ago. Gali pulled Tony in for a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek.

They let go and they made their ways to their rooms. Tony made sure that everything is locked by asking Jarvis who has access all around the tower.

Galilea sat on her bed and yawned. She changed into her pajamas and before she got into bed, she spotted a picture of her parents on her bedside. She smiled and held the picture frame in hand.

It's a picture of the four Stark's during thanksgiving. She remembers going to the thanksgiving parade in the morning and then in the afternoon she ate so much that she fell into a food coma. Tony drew a mustache on her face with a black sharpie and it took her hours to get it off.

A sharp pain shot through her head and she winced. She set the picture down and clutched her head. She felt the pain again and she took an Advil before going to bed.

As expected the pain went away but she was left with horrible dreams. It all seemed so real and she was in pain. She shouted and screamed and thrashed around in her bed.

The screams were loud enough for the other three living in the tower, jump awake. Tony was first to bolt out of bed and run to Gali's floor. He was half asleep but he didn't care.


Gali's screams got louder and louder the closer he got to her room. Tony heard her mutter something but he didn't understand. Not until he got closer and tried to wake her up.

"No mom! Dad!... leave me alone!... Daddy!...noo!" Galilea shouted. She's tossing around, screaming, yelling, shouting, crying. "Mommy! Don't touch her!.. no.. Tony, don't leave me. Please... no, no, no, nooo! Mom!"

"Gali" He tried to wake her up.

"Stop!" She squirmed.

"Gali, wake up!" He shook her "Galilea, please!" She opened her eyes and jolted to a sitting position on her bed.

She took in a deep breath of air, panting, eyes wide, tears streaming down her face, her brown hair sticking to her face due to the sweat. She's taking heavy deep breaths, still crying a bit "Gali" Tony said in a soft tone.

Her eyes met her brothers and she scrambled over to him, throwing her arms around him. She cried on his shoulder.

"It's okay, you're alright. Nothing happened" Tony tried to comfort her. He passed a hand over hear head, holding her closer. Gali kept crying on his shoulder "It's alright, it was just a nightmare"

"I-I-it l-lo-looked s-s-so re-real" she stuttered.

He hugged her tighter and she cried more. Anthony Stark has always tried to protect his sister, no matter the threat. But the one thing he can't protect her from are her nightmares.

Galilea's cries subsided and Tony is shushing her, telling her everything is alright. He let go of her and got off her bed.

"Come on"

He reached for a blanket and she got up. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and carried the blanket in his other hand. They made their way to the elevator and got in. Tony pressed the button to the roof, the elevator went up.


Every time Gali has a nightmare, Tony takes her up to the roof to look at the city. It's a calm and peaceful thing to do. They also like to imagine that the people are ants and they are giants.

The elevator doors opened and they got out. The cold air hit them and Tony wrapped the blanket around Gali. They made their way to their spot, which is not to close too the edge but not too far.

They stood there, overlooking the city. It's still dark outside, the city lights glowing, the distant sound of cars, the cold breeze. It was quiet up there, except for Gali's sniffling.

"They were hurting them" Gali suddenly said. Tony turned to look at her with a confused look. Her gaze fixated on the city.

"Who?" Tony asked.

"I don't know. Some men were hurting mom and dad.... they wanted me to use my powers, dad said not to... I-I couldn't do it... they were hurting me they were hurting you" she started to cry again. Tony pulled her in a hug.

"It was a dream. Nothing like that is ever going to happen" Tony soothed her.

"It just looked so real"

"I know, I know. But I promise you, nothing like that is ever going to happen. Never" He assured her.

"Thanks buddy" she hugged him. "Thanks for always making me feel better when I have a nightmare"

"That's what big brothers do, pipsqueak"

She chuckled and slowly let go of her brother. She pulled the blanket tighter around herself and made her way to one of the bed chairs that are up there. She laid on one, Tony laid on the one next to her. They can still see the city lights from there.

"How are you feeling?" Tony asked after a couple minutes of silence.

"Better" she replied.

"Good" He smiled.

It was just silence and soon the Stark siblings fell asleep.

"Tony... Tony" Gali shook her brother. Tony groaned and opened one eye. The bright light blinded him and I closed it "Anthony!"

"What?" He groaned.

"Get up, we have to go to work in an hour"

"But I'm the boss, I can get there whenever I want" Tony mumbled. Gali giggled.

"Get up. And I'm taking your blanket with me" Galilea pulled the blanket off her brother and his hands flew to his arms.

Tony opened his eyes and sat up. Gali stood there with two blankets in her hands.

"Glad you're awake. Come on, let's go get something to eat" She made her way to the elevator and Tony just sat on the chair.

Once she was in front of the elevator she turned around and gave her brother an 'are you coming' look. Tony got off the chair and joined his sister.

Well time to start the day.

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