《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》23. King Tony Stark of Winterfell


Steve walked through the doors of Stark Industries, and saw people in dress attire walking around. Some are carrying briefcases, others have piles of papers, talking on the phone, writing stuff down. It's is a very busy place.

He made his way to the front desk, where a woman is sitting behind a computer, typing, and handling phone calls at the same time. He stood in front of the desk, the phone ringed, she pressed a button and said "Stark Industries, please hold" she looked up at Steve. She gave him a warm welcoming smile.

"Welcome to Stark Industries, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Um, could you tell me where Galilea's Stark office is?" Steve asked.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked. He shook his head. She stared at the man and smiled. "You're Miss Stark's boyfriend, right?" He nodded. "Her office is on the 28th floor. And a little heads up, the people on the 25th floor are in some kind of an argument because of a show they saw last night. So if the elevator stops on that floor, try not to get in their way"

"I'll remember that. Thank you" Steve thanked the woman.

"You're welcome"

He went to the elevator and luckily it's open. He stepped inside and a few more people walked in. They all pressed the floor button they're going to, and the elevator went up. It made several stops and people were getting off and others were getting on.

"Please tell me no one here is getting off on the 25th floor" a man asked in a pleading and begging way.

"No" they replied. He sighed in relief.

"Good. I don't want to take part of their mini war"

They didn't stop on the 25th floor, the rest got off on the 26th.

Steve made it to the 28th floor, got out of the elevator, and searched for Gali's office. He turned left and saw a desk outside a door. There's a woman sitting at the desk. She's typing on the computer, not looking up from the screen. Steve made his way to her and she glanced up.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

Steve opened his mouth to say something but closed it when he saw Gali coming out of her office. She has a folder with papers in it and she handed it to her secretary.


"Joanna, can you send these to Blakely? And can you also call Hansen and remind him that he needs to send the papers to California before tonight. Oh and can you check in with Oswald and Pearl and tell them that the meeting has changed from Monday to Thursday?" Gali kindly told her secretary.

"Yes, of course" she nodded "oh, Michael Thao left a message for you" she handed Gali a piece of paper.

"Thanks" she smiled and turned around. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw her boyfriend there.

"Stevie? What are you doing here?" Gali asked.

"I- uh... surprise?" He offered. She smiled.

"Come on" she took his hand and pulled him into her huge office.

There's what appears to be a closet on the left side of the room, a mini fridge on the other side. A book shelf, a plant, paintings. Her desk is in the middle back. Behind her desk is a floor to ceiling window with a view of the city.

"This is a big office. It's also nice" Steve observed.

"Thank you" she replied.

He looked down at her and she stared at her with her big brown eyes. She leaned in to kiss him and he held her close as he kissed her back. She has a really strong taste of peppermint.

"You taste like peppermint" Steve said after they pulled away.

"I was eating peppermint candy before you came" she replied "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Well, I wanted to see how Stark Industries looks like... and, I was wondering if you would like to get lunch?" Steve asked.

"Where?" She turned to her desk and sat on her chair.


"Sure" she smiled. "I just need to sign some papers, I'll be done in a couple of minutes"

"I'll wait, then"

"Okay" she grabbed a pen and started to sign off some papers. Steve took a seat on a nearby couch against the wall.

"Why is the 25th floor in conflict?" Steve asked. Gali smiled and kept signing papers.

"A tv show they watched last night. It was the season finale, and they got hyped up. It's called Game of Thrones. I don't know much about it. I don't watch it" she explained. "But I do know there's a house called Stark" she smiled.

The Starks?


Steve can only imagine how Tony would be in the middle of the conflict saying something about the Stark's. Even in fictional worlds it all has to be about Tony.

But he's not that bad. Just the other day he was teaching Steve how to use Pandora. Internet radio. He was confused. Why would anyone want radio on the Internet?

"Everything alright?" Galilea asked. Steve blinked and looked up to see Galilea standing in front of him.


She giggled. "You were completely out of it" she smiled. Steve grabbed her hand and gently pulled her down to sit on the couch.

He planted a kiss on her cheek and then softly traveled down to her lips. Galilea smuggled and kissed him back. Her hands went to the back of his head and she tangled her fingers in his hair and tugged lightly. She then broke the kiss.

"You wanna go now?" She asked.

Steve nodded. She got up and offered her hand to hold. He took it and stood up from the couch. They walked out of her office and straight to the elevator and pressed the button.

It came up and it was empty. The doors closed and it stopped on the conflicted floor. The doors opened and all they saw was chaos. People arguing, throwing paper balls at each other, standing on desks yelling, they even took out a whiteboard and have a drawing of people, a chart, and lines connecting stuff. There's another whiteboard and it has a Venn diagram.

"Oh my god" Gali breathed.

She let go of Steve's hand and walked out of the elevator. Steve followed behind. People didn't notice them as they entered. Gali stopped in the middle of the room.

"Do you hear that?" She asked.

Steve stood next to her and heard people arguing.

"Jon Snow and-"

"Don't even start!"

"But his Fibonacci butt!"

"Sansa is stupid, man!"

"The dragons-"

"Theon is great!"

"It's all about Cersei!"

"It's all about Arya!"

"Winter is here!"

Galilea listened closely and amongst the shouting she was able to hear her brothers voice. "Is that... Tony?" Steve asked. He also heard the man's voice.

"It is" Gali sighed, already dreading what her brother is doing.

She grabbed a megaphone that was on a desk and yelled into it. Why is there a megaphone on a desk? "Cut it off!" Gali yelled.

Everyone stopped, and turned to look at her. A single paper ball flying through the air until it hit someone on the head. A lone voice was heard and it was definitely Tony.

Gali stomped her way to where Tony is standing on top of a desk. He has a black cape on, a poorly made yellow paper crown that says Stark, shades over his eyes, a broom for a sword and a toy white wolf.

"I'm a Stark! King Tony Stark of Winterfell! I killed Joffrey! I will sit on the Iron Throne! There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. I-"

"Anthony Edward Stark!" Gali said through the megaphone. Tony stopped and looked down at his younger sister. He gave her an innocent smile.


"What are you doing?" She asked her brother.

"I... Umm... Game of Thrones... Stark... I don't know" Tony stammered.

"Get down from there" she then turned to the rest of the people. "All of you clean this up and keep the arguing out of here. Do it in the debate room, there's better props there than here"

"Yes Miss Stark" they said. They dispersed and started to clean up.

"Come on, Tony"

Tony frowned and took everything off, except his shades. He walked over to where Gali and Steve are waiting for him. Gali pressed the button and grumbled at her brother "I swear Anthony, you always make things worse"

"Believe it or not, I actually came to stop them" Tony informed.

"But?" Steve asked, already knowing there is a but.

"I got stuck in the flow" he mumbled.

"Oh god" Gali shook her head.

They made it down to the lobby and Gali went to the front desk. She pressed a button and spoke into a microphone.

"Attention everyone in Stark Industries, the feud in the 25th floor has stopped. They are currently cleaning the floor, so you're free to go up there again, but I advise you to stay away from the debate room, I have a feeling they're going there next. Thank you and have a nice day"

Cheers ran around the room, along with sighs of relief.

Goes to show that nothing good comes from watching Game of Thrones.

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