《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》21. Sleepless in Seattle
The elevator stopped once it reached the floor. The doors opened and Steve walked in the familiar room.
"Thor, I told you to cover me!" He heard Tony yell.
"This is most confusing" Thor was heard.
Steve walked into the living room and saw Thor, Tony, Clint, and Kamilla playing Halo.
"I'm coming after you!" Clint exclaimed in a creepy way.
They were furiously pressing buttons and Thor... well he was trying. And by the looks of it, it looks that he's actually doing something. Tony glanced over from the TV screen.
"Hey Cap. Thor you shot me!"
"Sorry" Thor pressed buttons on the remote. They are so into the game, Steve doesn't want to ruin it and then get yelled at... again. Last week he interrupted their game, Clint's team lost and he yelled at Steve.
"Gali is in her room" Kamilla said, not taking her eyes off the TV screen.
"Thanks" They ignored him and shot a person in the game.
He turned around and went back to the elevator. He pressed the button to Gali's floor and it went up. It came to a stop and the doors opened to reveal her part of the tower.
"Gali?" He called out once he stepped out of the elevator.
No answer.
He went to her room and from outside, he heard faint singing. As he got closer it got louder and clearer.
"Who's here to prove that we can? The star spangled man with a plan" She lightly sang.
Is she singing the song the USO girls sang to promote the war?
He quietly walked into her room and saw her standing infront of the huge window, staring out into the city. He stood by the open door, and stared at her in silence as she continued to sing.
"We know it's no one but Captain America. Who'll finish what they began?"
Steve smiled as she sang. She has a beautiful voice. Everything about her is beautiful. Gali was slowly turning around and stopped when she saw the man standing at her door.
"How much did you hear?" She shyly asked.
"Enough" He replied. "I didn't know you know that song" She shrugged.
"My dad used to sing it to me"
He nodded and walked around the room. There's a limited edition Iron Man figure. A framed Forbs magazine cover of Gali and Tony. What appears to be a very old teddy bear. Books, pictures of her and friends. Collectable items, a big Iron Man poster. Pictures of her parents, a captain America teddy bear.
Steve froze when he saw it. Gali saw him staring and told him he could grab it. He did and held the small bear in his hands. It's brown with a captain America suit. It has the helmet on along with the shield. It is an original. It came out with other captain America merchandise.
He glanced to his left and saw something. He looked back up and saw multiple Captain America comics.
"Don't think that I have a weird obsession with you. The Captain America things were gifts from my dad" Gali informed.
"Its just, I haven't seen these things since the war" He quietly said.
"Oh, well you can look at them if you want" she said. He put the bear back in its place and turned to her.
"You know, in the two months that we've been together, I've never seen your room" He got closer to her.
"And what do you think?" Gali asked.
"Why do you have a giant Iron Man poster?"
"Tony's request. I can't take it off"
"About two weeks before the whole Loki thing, I decided to take it off. I didn't tell anyone, I just took it off and went out for the night. When I came back the poster was back up where it previously was" Gali explained.
"So it's not on Tony's request"
"Yeah. It's growing on me tho" she smiled.
"Your dad had a weird obsession over me?" He asked, remembering what she told her about her dad having all those Captain America things.
"After you fell in the ocean my dad was obsessed in finding you. After a while of not being able to find you, he pretty much missed you. I mean, you were his friend, right?" Gali asked.
He nodded.
"I mean you must've, he doesn't fly over enemy lines just for anyone" Gali smiled "You wanna see something?"
She motioned Steve to follow her outside to the living room. She grabbed a tablet that was on a table and motioned him to sit on the couch. He walked over and sat next to her. Gali was tapping the screen and then a little girl's voice was heard. Gali brought the tablet up so they could see.
"Mommy did you see that?!"
"Yes Gali, I did" Maria Stark nodded.
"A shooting star!" Little Galilea yelled.
She looked to be around the age of five and her brown hair is in pigtails, she's wearing a blue dress and she's smiling from ear to ear. They're outside at night, sitting under the stars.
"Did you make a wish?" Her mom asked. Galilea nodded her head up and down really fast.
"What did you wish for?" Tony asked his little sister.
"Not telling" Gali pursed her lips and shook her head. The boy frowned. "I'm not telling Tony" Gali whispered to her mom.
"Are you telling me?" Howard Stark asked his daughter.
"No one"
"Yeah, don't you know that if you say your wish it won't come true?" Her mom said. Gali nodded.
"Mommy knows everything"
Tony was creeping behind Gali, she was too distracted with her parents, that she didn't notice her brother grabbing her from behind and spinning her in the air.
"Aah, Tony!" Gali yelled. He spun her around and she was giggling.
"Be careful" Their mom said.
"Don't drop her Tony" Howard called.
Tony put Gali down and he kissed her cheek in the process. And from Gali's facial expression it was a big sloppy kiss.
"Ew!" She wiped her cheek with her hand and rubbed it on Tony's sweater sleeve. Everyone laughed at Gali's actions.
Gali switched to another video. In this one it's her and Howard. She appears to be the same age. In that video they're in their house. Gali has her hair down and is making faces at the camera. Howard chuckled and sat in a chair that's behind Gali. He grabbed her by the sides and sat her on his lap. Gali giggled.
"Okay Gali. Start this" Howard told his daughter.
"Wednesday, July 6 19- oh look, a cat!" Galilea pointed at something out of the camera frame.
"What's a cat doing in here?" Howard questioned.
Gali gasped "it came for the ham I left out! Can we keep him?" She looked up at her dad. Howard shook his head. Gali pouted and turned back to the camera "I drew a bunny!" She held up a blue bunny drawing, a frown on her face.
"What else did we do today, baby girl?" She made a thinking face and her face lite up and she smiled.
"We baked!" She exclaimed, all thought about the cat long gone.
"What did we bake?"
"Captain America cookies!" She exclaimed. A man appeared with a tray of red, white and blue cookies.
"Thank you Jarvis" Howard and Gali said at the same time.
"He's Jarvis?" Steve asked. Gali nodded.
"He was a cool guy" she smiled.
"Did you really bake Captain America cookies?" Young Tony asked.
"You wanna try one?" Gali offered.
"Uh-" he didn't even have time to finish because Galilea managed to stuff a cookie in his mouth. Jarvis gave Tony a glass of milk and he drank it.
"They're good, I'll give you that" Tony nodded. Gali smiled and hugged her brother. The video ended.
That was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Steve thought.
"That was cute" he said.
"Thanks. Are they still playing Halo?"
"Yes, why?"
Gali gave Steve a quick kiss on the lips. "No reason"
He was going to ask something but she spoke up, talking to Jarvis "hey Jay, can you put the team up on the tv?"
A live video of the team playing Halo was seen on TV. Tony, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Rhodey, Kamilla, Jane and Pepper. They're all playing Halo.
"You know how they don't like to be interrupted while playing?" Gali asked.
"Uh, you're telling the person who got yelled at last week" Steve reminded.
"Right. Now we're both going to get yelled at" she smiled.
"What?" He questioned.
"If I'm going down, you're coming down with me" she said before tapping something on a different tablet. She sat back down. "Prepare to get yelled at in 3... 2... 1" The teams concentration broke when the game stopped.
"What?!" Clint and Kamilla exclaimed.
"What happened?" Thor frowned.
"Did we over played the Xbox?" Pepper asked.
"Isn't it over heated, not over played?" Natasha asked.
"Same thing" Kami waved it off.
"So what happened to the game?" Rhodey asked.
The screen changed from them to something else. The screen where they are is on the bottom right corner of the tv, they can still see them but they don't know. Then another video took the place of their game. It started with shuffling of some sort and then a close up of a person. The person took steps back and it turned out to be Galilea.
"I was 7 when I did this" she smiled.
In the bottom right corner the team looks to be mad, shock, interested about what the video is about. Tony on the other hand, is more mad and in shock. Seven year old Galilea started to talk.
"Tony's coming back from boarding school for Christmas break and I want to give him a surprise when he walks in" she grabbed something from a nearby table.
"I have fireworks and a pot. I'm going to put the fireworks in here and set it up right here" she motioned to the spot next to the door. "I'm going to turn them on and hopefully it'll scare him, making him jump over here" she moved to her right "and make him trip with this wire and fall into the cold hard ground. That is if I decide to bring in the small inflatable swimming pool in here" she said.
In the bottom corner, the team could be seen smiling.
"Galilea!" Tony yelled.
"Shush Tony, I wanna see this" Kamilla pulled him back down to the couch.
"Oh my god, is this when you end up covered in cake?" Pepper smiled.
"Unfortunately" he mumbled.
Back to the video Gali is preparing everything. "They're here" she said. She ran to hide behind the wall and quietly waited for Tony to walk in. 12 year old Tony walked in the house.
"I'm back!" Tony yelled.
At that, Gali turned the fireworks on and in seconds they exploded in the pot. Tony jumped back at the loud noise of it. "What was that?!" He yelled. He took another step back and his foot got caught on the wire. As he was falling, his mom walked out of a door, carrying a cake.
"Welcome ba- Aaah" Tony crashed into his mom, making her drop the cake and fall on Tony.
Gali's eyes went wide and with her powers, brought a small inflatable swimming pool full of water, into the house, and to where Tony would eventually fall. Tony and the cake fell in the water. Gali started to laugh at her brother.
"I should've known" Tony shook his head.
The team was laughing, and Tony was glaring at the tv, but then smiled.
"That was worth the interruption" Clint laughed.
"I was grounded for two weeks after that"
"You deserved it" Tony said.
They turned to the elevator and saw the team standing there with smiles on their faces.
"How did you get up here so fast?" Gali asked her brother.
"Doesn't matter. You betray me" Tony dramatically sighed.
"About time you got off that game" Steve commented.
"My team was about to win" Clint grumbled. They all say around and sighed.
"Join us guys. Let's talk"
"About what?" Bruce asked. Gali shrugged.
"I dunno, anything"
They were quiet until Thor spoke up.
"I have an interest of your unusual name"
"Yes, me too" Jane joined.
"Yeah, I've never heard the name Galilea before. I've heard Galileo, but not Galilea" Bruce said.
It's true, Galilea's name is pretty unusual. Nobody has never heard a name like that. But they think it's a pretty name.
Gali's eyes fluttered from Tony to the group. She took a breath "Believe it or not, Tony was the one who named me"
"He what now?" Natasha asked. Gali bit her bottom lip and nodded.
"How did it happen, exactly?" Steve asked.
"It all started the day Gali was born" Tony started "Our parents weren't exactly agreeing on the name. Mom wanted to name her Amelia, dad wanted to name her Olivia. So my awesome five year old self was just learning about Galileo Galilei, and I was like 'why not?' Besides, she's a Stark, and she needs to have an awesome name. But, Galileo is a guy name, so I changed the o to an a, and said 'what about Galilea?' And they loved it" Tony finished.
There was a moment of silence as they processed what Tony just said.
"I... did not know that" Clint murmured.
"I think it's cute" Jane smiled.
"At least he didn't name her Tony Jr." Kami said.
"That would've been awesome" Tony smiled.
"Ew, no" Gali scrunched up her nose and shook her head.
"At least we know Tony's kids are going to have unique name- you have Fifty Shades of Grey?" Rhodey held up the dvd box and stared at Galilea.
"No I don't" she shook her head.
"I think you do" he nodded.
"That's not mine"
"Let's watch it!" Clint yelled.
"No" they shook their heads.
"Then what do we watch?" He asked.
"Let's watch Sleepless in Seattle!" Kami immediately exclaimed.
"Noo!" Tony whined. "Kamilla and Natasha know all the words to that movie"
"We won't say anything" Nat said.
"Unless it's one of our favorite lines" Kami smiled. Tony sighed and shook his head.
"Whatever" he mumbled. Gali is bitting her lip trying not to laugh, and Thor is looking confused.
"Just put the movie already!" Kami exclaimed.
"Geez, your girlfriend has problems" Rhodey said to Bruce.
Bruce and Kamilla are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend. They've been an item for three weeks now. Clint and Natasha also made it official a few days ago. Everything has been good these past two moths.
Gali keeps teaching Steve the new modern ways. And everyone is pitching in on helping Thor understand the way of humans. Or midgardians as he calls them.
"You're telling the one who turns into a green monster when he gets mad" Natasha mumbled.
"We all have problems, now put the movie!" Kami is getting impatient. Rhodey put the movie on and before it started he turned around, eyed everyone and frowned.
"All of you have someone, I have no one"
They looked at each other. It's true. Bruce is with Kami, Nat is with Clint, Jane and Thor, Pepper and Tony, and Steve and Gali. Rhodey is alone.
"I still have the... thing, if you want it" Gali said. The thing? Rhodey nodded.
"That's what its for" he shrugged He left the room and went to a closet. He took something blue out of it and went back.
"The snuggle blanket?" Pepper asked with a smirk.
"It's warm, comforting, and it's a big blanket" Gali defended herself.
"And it's great when you don't have anyone to snuggle with" Rhodey wrapped the blanket around himself and sat down.
Gali snuggled into Steve and he wrapped an arm around her bringing her closer to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and they watched the movie.
Galilea was sinking into the couch as the movie progressed. By the time Jonah was talking to his dad about dating, Gali was laying on the couch, her head on Steve's lap. Jonah was talking about... intercourse, and Gali looked up and saw a blushing Steve.
Gali smiled. Oh, Steve. He finds these situations awkward. She blindly reached up to cover his ears, but she ended up poking his eye.
"Ow" he cried.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" She sat up and reached over to him.
He's rubbing his left eye, trying to get rid of the pain. Gali scooted closer to him to try to see his eye, but couldn't. The team was too into the movie to notice them, so she ended up straddling over Steve. He eyed her with his good eye and she took the hand he was using to rub his eye.
"You're going to hurt yourself more" she said in a quiet tone, so to not disturb the others.
"But-" Steve started. He's blinking really fast and his eye is getting watery. Gali giggled.
"What's so funny?" He asked, blinking really fast.
"Nothing" She shook her head.
He looks like he's struggling, so Gali reached up and closed his eye. "Now you look like Fury" He narrowed his good eye at her which caused her to smile. He's such a dork. An adorable dork. "I'm sorry for poking your eye"
"It's okay"
Gali looked back down at his closed eye and lightly passed her thumb over it, feeling his eyelashes under her thumb. She looked back to Steve who is staring at her "What?"
"Even with one of my eyes closed, you still look beautiful" The Stark girl felt the heat rush up to her cheeks.
"Thank you" She whispered. Gali glanced over at his closed eye "You can open it now" he slowly opened it, and his baby blue eyes are staring back at Gali. "Better?"He nodded "Kay" his hands grabbed her waist and Gali slowly wrapped her arms around his neck.
"You know, there's one way this could be forgotten" he whispered. Gali raised an eyebrow.
"Oh really?" She whispered back as she leaned in.
"How?" She asked as he pulled her closer. Their lips were mere inches away, just hovering, when Tony yelled at them.
"Hey, none of that!"
Gali jumped up and Steve chuckled. She sent a glare Tony's direction.
"Tony's cockblocking" Kami laughed. Gali groaned, let go of Steve, turned around and sat on his lap.
"What's cockblocking?" Steve asked confused.
"There's much you yet need to learn" Tony shook his head. Steve blinked and looked down at Gali. She shook her head.
"Don't listen to him"
"Shut up! You're interrupting my movie!" Natasha yelled at them.
They shut up and Steve pulled Gali in closer to him. She rested her head on his chest and put her hands over his.
"We never finished what we were doing" Steve whispered in her ear. She felt a chill run down her spine.
"We never did start" She smirked.
Gali looked up and saw him looking down at her. He was about to say something but she cut him off "Just kiss me"
He crashed his lips on hers and kissed. Their lips perfectly moving in sync, soft and warm.
"I said none of that!" A pillow flew at their direction and it hit Gali on the head. Tony threw another pillow after they let go "PDA!"
Gali stuck her tongue out at him, which caused another pillow fly her direction.
"Tony!" She threw a pillow at him.
They were about to start a one on one pillow fight, until the German girl and the Russian girl snapped at them.
"Shut it!"
They stopped what we were doing and Gali snuggled into Steve for protection. He wrapped his arms protectively around her and whispered,
"Should we be scared?"
"I think we should" She whispered back. He kissed her cheek and then the top of my head.
Those two girls are going to kill us.
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