《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》13. Battle of New York
Tony is up in the sky, fighting off whatever is coming out of that hole. The ones Tony couldn't get, flew down into the city and wrecked havoc. They shot the blue rays Loki shot back in Germany. Galilea could already hear the terrified screams of the civilians running down the streets.
"Oh my god" Gali breathed. Her being the hungry person that she is, put the food in a force ball and had it floating next to her. She ran to the main roads and saw people running around already destroyed buildings and cars.
What are these things? She looked up to the sky and saw something fly over her. She looked closely and saw what appears to be an alien. Wait, Thor said they're called the Chitauri. Loki's army.
She encountered some of those extraterrestrial aliens on her way to higher grounds. She helped people get on safer sides of the street and threw a ball here and there. She ran up the street to see flipped cars, and deserted streets. The chattering is still going on in the earpiece but she didn't pay much attention. What she did hear was Tony ask,
"What did you stop for drive thru?"
"I did, actually" she bit into her hamburger. Tony sighed.
"Out of all the people, Galilea had to be the one to get food" She smiled proudly and continued eating, waiting for the group to join her.
Just as she finished the burger, Steve, Natasha, and a fully recovered Clint ran up to the girl.
"About time" she ate some fries. They gave her weird looks and she extended the box to them "Want some?" She offered.
"I'll take some!" Clint grabbed some and the other two gave him weird looks.
"What? He didn't feed me" he ate the fries.
Something like an animal cry was heard. They looked up and more aliens are coming out of the portal, including a giant turtle looking worm. It flew down to where they are standing and aliens shoot out from its side, and onto the buildings.
The quest red just stared at them. Galilea barely felt Clint dragging her to hide behind a taxi. That's when she suddenly heard her best friends voice through her earpiece.
"Kamilla?! Oh thank god. Where are you? Are you okay?" She quickly asked.
"I-I'm f-fine. I'm at E-Emil's house. But-"
"But what?"
"He's out with Katherine and Leo. They're in a bank with more people" Gali could tell by the tone of her voice that she's about to cry. She asked which bank and she gave her the address.
Galilea got out of the hiding spot, jumped off the bridge and lifted cars to use as steps on her way down. She ran through the panicked people and the thing that surprised her the most is that she was able to kill the Chitauri with the pain power.
It's the first time I do that. I've reached the highest level of pain. And it's like an instant death. They drop dead as soon as I think about it. Kinda scary.
Galilea made it to the bank, but the doors wouldn't open. She banged on the glass.
"Emil, Katherine! It's me. Galilea Stark!" Emil ran out and immediately opened the door when he saw his friend.
"Gali" he started.
"Get everyone out here, it's not safe. Hurry, they'll be here any moment" Emil ran off and she was on the look out.
Three aliens came out of nowhere, they saw her and pointed their alien guns at her. She used their weapons against them, using telekinesis and they died. She glanced over her shoulder and saw a group of people huddled together at the bank entrance. She put a shield around them as another alien came out.
He shot the blue ray, Gali trapped it in a ball, split it in two, and ninja threw them at him. He died, and she turned to the group.
"It isn't safe here, you have to run" they nodded and ran for their lives. She then turned to Emil and Katherine.
"Kamilla is at your house, she's fine, but worried. Go there. I gotta go back up there" she told them. They nodded before running off. Poor little Leo crying his eyes out.
Galilea ran up to help the others and found some of Clint's arrows sticking out of dead aliens. She collected them as she ran up, until she saw Steve talking to some cops.
"Why the hell should I be taking orders from you?" Officer Silva yelled. There was an explosion and Steve was attacked by aliens. He easily took them down. Galilea jumped up next to him.
"Listen to the grandpa, Silva" Gali advised. He went to give orders to the rest of the cops.
"And where's Rick?" She asked Officer Sanders.
"Don't know" he shook his head before walking away, back to his group. Gali felt Steve's eyes on her.
"Grandpa?" He asked.
She smiled and turned to look at him. She didn't notice how close they are, until she saw his baby blue eyes with her brown ones.
"Whoa" she breathed.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing, it's just-wow. I-I mean, the mask really brings out your eyes" she tried not to blush. His mouth made an 'oh' shape and went a shade of pink. Aww, how cute. Snap out of it Gali.
Galilea grabbed a couple more arrows before making her way over to Natasha and Clint. They were standing next to some flipped cars, Clint seems to be counting arrows. She handed him the handful that she was able to collect.
"Thanks" he checked them out and put them in with the rest.
"Thor is right, we gotta deal with these guys" Tony said in their ears.
"How do we do this?" Tasha asked.
"As a team" Steve replied.
"I have unfinished business with Loki" Thor informed.
"Yeah? Well get in line" Clint is still checking out his arrows.
"Save it. Loki is going to keep his fight focused on us and that's what we need. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us to-"
Roaring of a motorcycle was heard. They turned around to see Bruce making a pathetic entrance on a rusty old motorcycle. They walked over to him.
"So, this all seems horrible" he started.
"I've seen worse" Gali assured him. Truly. With Tony as a brother, you see a lot of things everyday.
"Stark we got him" Steve informed the Stark man.
"Banner?" He asked.
"Just like you said"
"Well tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you" Tony flew from behind a building, with a giant thing following behind him.
"I don't see how that's a party" Nat shook her head. Agreed. What kind of parties does Tony attend?
Bruce started walking towards the worm thingy.
"Dr. Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry" Steve called out.
"That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry" he transformed into the hulk before their eyes. Gali has to say that that was the coolest, yet scariest thing she's ever witnessed.
The Hulk punched the things nose, which caused his whole body to fling forwards. Tony shot something at it and they shielded themselves. The thing fell into the street below them and they all got in a small circle.
"Guys" Natasha called out. They turned around just in time to see two more worms and aliens come out of the portal.
"Hello, welcome!" Galilea stepped out of the circle "We are here to destroy you!"
"Did you just quote Monsters vs. Aliens?" Clint asked in all seriousness. Gali nodded.
"Now shush" She shushed them.
The lizard thing was getting closer. Gali locked eyes on her target and whispered. "You're mine"
It came to a stop right in front of them, but still in the air. The group was about to attack, but she stopped them.
"What's wrong with it?" Thor asked.
"It's under my control, along with its alien friends inside of it" Gali explained. They looked at her, the alien, and then the portal.
"Call it Captain" Tony spoke up.
"Alright, listen up, until we can close that portal up there we use containment"
"Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything, call out patterns and strays. Stark, you've got the perimeter, anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash" Steve ordered the guys.
"Want to give me a lift?" Clint asked the tin man.
"Right, better clench up Legolas" he grabbed Clint by the back and pulled him up with him.
"Thor, you've gotta try to bottleneck that portal, slow him down. You've got the lightning, light those bastards up" Thor nodded and swung his hammer before flying off.
"Galilea, you're the most powerful person out of all of us. Use those things to fight for us, but don't make it that obvious for the other ones" Gali nodded and made her way to the thing in the air.
"Alright ladies, come down from there!" I've always wanted to say that. The aliens immediately jump down and stood in a line.
"Here are your orders, kill the enemy, don't make yourself stand out, don't give into them, and if you're still alive within the hour come back here. You, help me up" One of the aliens gave her a boost to get on the worm like lizard.
"Go on!" The aliens ran off. The worm flew off with the girl on top of it. She attacked the aliens that got on her personal lizard transportation.
Punch, kick, pain, punch, ball, kick. Pretty much the same thing over and over again.
They flew by a building where Thor is summoning lightning. Great, I can use that.
"Thor, throw me some lighting!" He looked at her as tho she's crazy.
"No questions, just throw it!" He pointed the hammer towards the girl and lightning came out. She trapped it in one huge ball, and divided that in more smaller balls.
"Thanks Thor" She was off and threw the balls at the aliens. She cornered them, manipulated them, ignored some... but she got called out by Clint. I'm so far away from him. Wow, he does have good vision.
Galikea went back to where her alien army is waiting for her. She got the worm to land on the street, but she sadly needed to end his life.
Quick and painless.
"Bowling pin formation!" She yelled out. Steve looked at her weirdly as they did as told.
"This is going to be so fun" Gali smiled before jumping in place, and putting a shield around her.
She's floating in the middle of the air, hugging her knees to her chest, and rolled towards the aliens. Just like bowling. She landed on top of a taxi.
"I miss doing that" She breathed out.
"What do you mean?" Steve asked.
"Well last time I did that, I... kinda... might've... ran over Tony" She said that last part quickly "Since that happened, he never let me use that in the house again"
A swarm of aliens came and attacked them. They threw punches and kicks, but they were still coming.
"I'm so done with you guys!" She killed half the aliens around them with pain, the other half, raised them in the air, moved them around as her fingers moved, and crossed her right hand over her left and killed the aliens.
"Remind me not to get on your bad side" Steve said with a hint of fear. Another wave of aliens came up and once again they were outnumbered.
Galilea then remembered the Iron Man bracelets. Gosh, how could I forget? She lifted her arms so her hands are at either side of her head, and said,
"Jarvis, a suit please"
Seconds later a whooshing sound was heard behind the girl, the suit checked the bracelets and made the 'ding' of approval. She felt the metal envelope her, first her arms, torso, legs and then the helmet. That's when she noticed.
This is my suit. The one that suffered an accident and Tony was repairing it and supposedly wasn't ready yet. When did he finish it? Never mind that, let's deal with these aliens first.
But what she did notice is that it has half the battery. It's at 50% What the hell?
Galilea flew around, killing off aliens and helping the others. She pretty much used up all the power because next thing she's doing is falling through air.
"What are you doing baby avenger?" Clint asked.
Wow, he really has good eyesight, he's like four blocks from here. And baby avenger?
"I'm gonna bounce papa bird" Gali trolled before putting a forcefield around herself.
It bounced when it hit the ground, like a basketball, so she was jumping and attacking, jumping and attacking. She saw Steve and Thor so she landed right next to them. Steve clutching the side left side of his stomach.
"Thor, what did you do to your brother to make him want to take over the world?" She asked. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Natasha.
"I can close it. Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down"
"Do it!" Steve yelled.
"No wait" Tony said.
"Stark these things are still coming" Steve looked up at the sky to see if he could see Tony up there, but he's nowhere near.
"I got a nuke coming in and it's gonna blow in less than a minute... and I know where to put it" Tony mused. Put it where?
"Stark you know that's a one way trip" That's when it clicked. He's gonna put it in the portal, and he might not be able to come out.
"Tony, don't" Gali whispered.
"Gali I want to apologize for cheating on the racing game" her brother started.
"I always knew you cheated" She mumbled.
"If I don't make it out I want you to know that I love you and-"
"Don't you dare start anything like that Anthony" She cut him off before he could say anything of the manner. Galilea couldn't help but feel the tears welling up in her eyes as Tony flew over them and straight into the portal.
"I love you fruitcake" Gali whispered.
"I love you shrimp" Tony whispered back. He disappeared from sight and they lost signal with him.
We're all standing around staring at the portal. Gali just hope that the aliens around them don't randomly attack. Seconds later all the aliens collapsed to the ground. He did it! She looked back up in hopes to see him fly out... but he didn't.
"Come on Tony, come on. Please come out" Gali mumbled to herself. Nothing came out of the portal and she began to worry, tears threatening to fall.
"Close it" Steve said.
"What? No! No, no, no, no, don't close it! No! He's still in there! Natasha don't you dare close it, don't you dare-" Gali was about to go up there but a pair of strong arms held her in place. She squirmed to get away, hit and push his arms away but he wouldn't budge. The tears running down her face. "He's still in there! My brother is in there! Please Natasha please, don't close it! No, don't-"
That's it. That's when she lost it. She stopped struggling and screaming and let it all out. She bawled her eyes out as Steve -the person who's holding her- held her as she cried. Then by a string of luck Tony came out. More like fell at full speed.
"He's not slowing down" Thor finished Gali's thoughts.
He began to swing his hammer to fly up there, but Hulk came out of nowhere and caught him in mid air, went down a building and jumped off onto the street. Galilea ran over to them and Thor took the Iron Man mask off of Tony. Gali kneeled down beside him and lightly slapped him.
"Wake up" She hoarsely said "Tony wake up" he didn't move. She slapped him again, a little bit harder "Wake up, Tony, wake up" the tears threatening to fall once again "Please...don't leave me. You're the only family I have left, I don't know what I would do without you" She stroked his brown hair that's sticking out, the others were quiet.
"We already lost mom and dad, I can't afford to lose you as well. Please don't leave me" her voice cracked at the end. She began to cry again.
Is this it? Is this what it's come down to? No, it can't be. I can't lose my brother this way! But he doesn't wake up.
She brought her hands up to her face and sat on the ground as she cried. The Hulk roared, roared loud enough to make Tony jump awake. He was literally scared to life. He took in a breath.
"What the hell? What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me" Tony said. Galilea wasted no time in wrapping her arms around him, kissing his cheek in the process. "Except for her"
"Don't you ever do that again. I thought I lost you" She scolded him. She felt a heavy arm on her back.
"I'm okay. Please stop crying" he whispered in her ear. Gali let go of him and sat back down.
"We won" Steve answered Tony's question.
"Alright, yay! Hurray, good job guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow, let's just take a day off. You've ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I wanna try it" Gali laughed at what Tony said. But it does sound appetizing.
"We're not finished yet" they all turned to Thor. Right his crazy brother.
"And then shawarma after?" Tony hopefully asked.
"Yup, now it's a big ugly building in New York" Galilea looked up at the destroyed Stark tower. The only letter up there is the A. She looked over to Steve who's staring at her with a shy smile.
"You heard that?" He asked. She nodded. His cheeks turned red. He's so cute when he does that.
They all went up and when Gali looked around the room it was completely trashed. The windows broken, the furniture all over the place, the floor broken, glass everywhere.
"You guys destroyed my house" Gali frowned. She looked outside and the city is also ruined. Good thing the kid wasn't out there. She turned around to see the group standing around a beaten up Loki.
"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now" he said.
Anger fueled up inside her, so she wasn't surprised when she stomped over to him and slapped him across the face. Turning back around she saw everyone's shocked faces. She stood next to Thor.
"I'm not sorry for slapping your brother" she told him.
"No, he had that coming" he nodded.
That's how they defeated Loki, how they saved the city, how they became the best superhero team out there, how they ate shawarma and how Galilea went to sleep in much pain.
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