《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》12. Battle on the helicarrier


When she landed on the ground, Tony and Steve landed at either side of her. Tony on her right, Steve on her left. Great, Stark sandwich.

"Ow, okay. Someone landed on my leg" Galilea groaned. Tony and Steve looked at her and then at each other.

"Put on the suit" Steve told Tony.

"Yup" Tony replied. They helped her up and ran out of the room.

Galilea looked around and saw everyone gone. There's a huge hole on the ground, smoke coming out of... everywhere, and she's just standing here like and idiot.

"Stark, we need you on the bridge" she heard Nick through the earpiece.

"Which Stark?" She asked.

"You" he replied.

Galilea ran out of the room, down corridors. Workers and agents are running around, and she helped people that need it. A whooshing sound was heard on her left. She turned around and saw Thor's hammer flying towards her.

"Aaah" she ducked and the hammer flew over her head. "Thor your hammer almost killed me!" She yelled into the earpiece. He muttered a quick sorry.

Gali finally made it to the bridge where it's a mess. People on computers and monitors, agents walking around, Nick talking with Agent Hill.

"I'm here" She ran up to eye patch man. He was about to say something but Agent Hill yelled,


There was an explosion and they all set off to fight the guys that walked in. Nick and Gali took down the two men that are wearing Shield uniforms. A third guy came in but Hill took care of him.

Galilea somehow ended up with a gun and shot the bad guys. No worries. She's super good at that. Natasha good. She started practicing when her aunt Peggy gave her her first gun. The gun soon ran out of bullets, so she ditched it and used her powers.

An explosion was heard. Gali looked up and saw Barton shooting arrows from the vents. She threw a force ball at him, but he dodged it. The arrow he threw did something to the computers, all the screens went black.

"Engine one is on shut down!"

The helicarrier tilted to the left and started falling. This isn't going well. She heard Nick tell Tony through the earpiece,


"Stark, we're loosing altitude"

"Yup, noticed" he replied.

"Don't worry, I got this" Gali went to the part of the bridge where Tony was standing at when she first entered the room.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked.

"Making this thing stay in the air" She concentrated on the helicarrier, picturing it in the air, leveling the ship. She felt it move.

She lifted her hand up just a bit. They're bended at the sides of her stomach in an upward position. She put more energy into it and the ship started to level up, but not enough, they're are still falling. Wow this thing is heavy.

"Tony, hurry up over there, this ship is not light" she managed to say.

"I'm going" he replied.

"Stark we-"

Galilea interrupted Nick. "Which one? Okay you know what, from now on Tony is Stark and I'm young Stark or Galilea. Just put a difference in it!"

The ship continued to fall. She put more energy. It's draining all of her energy, and she's getting weaker by the second.

"Tony, this is too heavy" She groaned.

"Hold on"

Hurry up. I've never used so much energy like this in one day. It's exhausting.

She heard Tony tell Steve to get some lever, but apparently he has some problems of his own. I don't care if he has problems, get the damn lever!

"Tony" I whispered "hurry"

I can't do this anymore.

She eventually stopped and fell, but before she hit the floor, someone caught her. Gali thought the ship was going to fall but it stayed in the air. Guess Tony managed to fix it.

The guy helped her over to the table and she slowly sat down on a chair. He said he was going to get her some water. He left and a doctor came over to check on her. She told her that she's okay so she left to attend others.

The man came back and gave her the water. Just as the guy left, Nick's voice was heard in the earpiece.

"Agent Coulson is down. They're here, they've called it"

What?! No. No, no, no, no. Not Phil. Not Phily. Please not him. Oh my god.

Warm tears ran down her cheeks. He can't be gone, not like that. My god, he was like a dad to me!


Tears are still running down her face, but she has to tell herself to stop, or otherwise she'll be a train wreck in five minutes. She wiped the tears off her face, took big breaths and drank some water.


Where's Tony? Oh boy.

"Tony?" She asked through the earpiece. It was quiet for a few seconds and then his voice came through.

"Gali, where are you?"

"On the bridge"

"Stay there"

The room is clearing out, all the injured were taken to the infirmary, and Galilea has no idea where the none-injured are. So now she's in the quiet room, all alone waiting for her brother.

Footsteps were heard from the corridor, she turned to the door and saw Tony walking in, Steve right behind him.

She gawked at Steve for a second. Tight long blue sleeved shirt that hugs his upper body perfectly, his Captain America pants that do the same thing to his legs, and his red boots. Oh gawd. Stop it Galilea.

"Gali!" Tony yelled when he saw his sister. She got out of the chair and was immediately embraced in a bear hug. "Are you okay?" He asked into my hair.

"I'm fine" she replied. They let go and he asked me if she was sure. A wave of dizziness came over her and her vision went blurry "Maybe a little dizzy"

He helped her sit back in a chair, and she rested her head on the table. I'm so tired. It wouldn't hurt if I close my eyes for 5 minutes.

She closed them and slowly drifted off to sleep.




"What?" She turned on the bed. Wait? Bed? She opened her eyes, sat up and looked around. She's in the room she was assigned to.

"Get up, we're going to New York" Tony said. Gali looked at him confused.

"What? Why?"

"Loki's there, we need to leave" he pushed her off the bed and out of the room. Kay, geez.

"I don't know about this"

"Too bad, hang on" Tony, who's wearing his Iron Man suit, wrapped an arms around his sister. They flew off the helicarrier and through the cold air. Gali let out a scream.

"This is so dangerous!" She yelled.

"Relax, it's safe"

"Safe?! Tony, the time we fought the guy with the electric whips was safer than this shit!" She shouted. Tony took a sharp left. She let out a scream as she tighten her grip around him.

Oh please, let us be close to the city. She prayed in her head.

As if her prayers were heard, she saw the tall buildings of New York City. As they got closer to the city, she told Tony to leave her by the cafe.

"What for?" He asked.

"Just in case things get out of hand with Loki" she answered. They landed in front of the coffee place, drawing a crowd around them.

"Here, if you need it" Tony handed her two Iron Man suit bracelets. She took them and looked at them confused.

1. Where did he have them hidden away?

2. I thought my suit was still under repair, because it suffered an accident.

"It's for one of mine. I'm still repairing yours" Gali smiled and put them on.

"Thanks. Now go kick Loki out of our tower" She shooed him away. He chuckled before flying off to the tower. Gali turned around and saw people sanding around, staring.

She waved and some waved back. She walked out of the square and her stomach made a noise. Great! In the middle of something important, and I'm hungry! Hmm, sounds like me.

She went to McDonalds, ordered a burger, fries and a soda to go. Good thing about having powers is that she doesn't need to carry a bunch of things. She put her drink and fries in the air, and took a bite out of the McChicken.

She was walking down the street when she heard something up in the sky. She looked up and saw a blue ray shooting up to the sky, and once it was high enough it created a hole, things came out of it.

Small explosions were seen up there and Gali immediately thought of Tony. Things didn't go as planned.

Damn you Loki.

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