《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》6. Presentations and best friend


"Tony, we're going to be late!" Galilea Stark yelled for the millionth time already.

Tony and Galilea have to give a presentation together and he's taking his time to leave. And since they're doing it together, they're going to end up telling jokes, play around, and there will probably be more than one surprise. Tony is always coming up with surprises, as does Gali from time to time.

Tony finally walked into the living room, wearing a suit and sunglasses. How professional. Gali thought.

"Where's Pepper?" Tony went to the bar to get a drink.

"She left an hour ago to make sure everything for the presentation is ready" Tony grabbed a cup dropped ice in it and poured some brown alcoholic drink in it. He drank it in one swing and placed the cup down on the counter.

"Can we please go?" Gali impatiently asked.

"Yes, okay. Geez Gali" Tony walked over to the elevator, his sister following behind.

Once they were down and outside the building, Happy was outside waiting for them. They got into the shiny black car and Happy drove to the conference building. The song Happy came up and Gali looked up from her tablet with a smile on her face.

"Hey Happy, wanna sing?" She asked. He looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"Hmm, no thanks" he replied.

"Come on. I know you wanna sing. Because I'm happy. Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Because I'm happy. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth."

"Galilea, can you please shut your mouth?" Tony said rather rudely.

"Rude much?" She mumbled as she went back to her tablet.

They arrived at the conference building and went to the room they're speaking in. Pepper was talking to some people and as soon as she saw the Stark siblings walk in, she made her way toward them.


"What took you guys so long?"

Gali looked at Tony and back at Pepper "His fault!" She pointed a finger at her brother. He opened his mouth to protest but Pepper cut him off.

"Doesn't matter, you two have to go up there" Pepper pushed them up to the stage, while Tony was glaring at Gali the whole way up. She sent him a smile.

As soon as they set foot on the stage, everyone was silent. They were there for about 2 hours, mainly because of all the jokes Tony was throwing out and the questions they were asked.

Once we were done Tony told the girls that he would buy them dinner. Pepper and Gali looked at each other confused, but it's an offer they can't refuse. Not everyday my brother buys food for me. I have to take advantage of this moment.

He told them that he's taking them to a nice place, so no need to change. They made their way outside where Happy is waiting. They got in the car and Tony told him where to go.

Ten minutes later they arrive to a nice looking place. The trio made their way inside and the lady that was at the front smiled at them.

"Table for three?" She inquired.

They nodded.

She told them to follow her. They walked through a big door that leads to the tables. There are big windows on the wall, and tables along the windows. There are tables in the middle of the room, and the light is not too bright but not too low either.

There's soft low soft music playing in the background, people talking and laughing, and the clattering of utensils.

The hostess took them to a table that's next to a window. Which Galilea thinks is nice because she can see the beautiful park right across the street. And it's even more beautiful because of the glow of the night lights.


Gali sat next to the window, Pepper on her right and Tony right in front of them. The lady gave them some menus before leaving, soon a waitress came over to attend to them. She introduced herself as Alayna.

"Would you like something to drink?" She kindly asked.

"Yes, can I get a glass of water with a lemon wedge in it?" Gali asked. She nodded and wrote it in her notebook.

"I'll have the same" Pepper agreed.

"Welp, I'll have your finest wine" Tony smiled. Alayna put it down in her notebook.

"I'll be right back with your drinks" she smiled before walking away.

It took Galilea about five minutes to go through the menu and decide what to get. Just as she decided on what to order, Alayna came back with the drinks. She took the orders and soon left. Pepper started a conversation with Gali.

"So Gali, how about if we go shopping tomorrow and then get some coffee?"

"Sure" She smiled. She took a sip of water and as soon as she put the cup down, she heard an all too familiar voice.

"Oh my gosh. It's the amazingly beautiful Galilea Stark and Pepper Potts" Galilea turned her head to the right and saw her best friend Kamilla Rosenthal walking towards their table. She came to a stop and looked at Tony.

"And Tony" she added blandly.

"That's all I get? I should get something more like, the handsome Tony Stark" Tony said.

"Uh, no"

Gali got out of her chair and went to hug her.

"My gosh Kami. I haven't seen you in like two weeks" Gali said as they pulled away. Pepper was next to hug her and as they let go Pepper asked,

"How's your grandmother?"

"She's a lot better. She only has a small cold, but she'll get over it" Kami replied.

Kamilla Rosenthal, Galilea's best friend since they were kids. They've been through everything together and know everything about one another.

Kami is fluent in both English and German. She's often tried to teach her best friend but Gali doesn't have the skills for the German language.

"What are you doing here?" Gali asked.

"Oh you know, just walking around and stuff" Kamk casually answered.

"You're here with your brother" Pepper noted.

"How do you know?" She turned to Pepper.

"He's over there" Tony motioned to a table that's not that far away from theirs.

Kamilla's brother, Emil, is sitting there glaring at his sister. He saw the trio staring and he waved at them. They waved back.

"Yeah, I should get going" Kami started to walk away but Pepper stopped her.

"You should come shopping with us tomorrow"

"Yes you should" Gali agreed.

"Okay" Kami smiled.

"Our place, 10:30" Pepper gave her the time. Kamilla nodded and went to her table. Alayna came back with the food and so they had dinner.

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