《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》7. Shopping gone wrong


The next day Galilea woke up at around 8:40. She rolled over in bed and almost fell off. She rolled back over and stared at the ceiling. Her stomach made growling noises, indicating that it's hungry. Hmm, wonder if breakfast is ready?

"Hey Jarvis, is breakfast ready?" She asked the A.I.

"Yes. Miss Potts just finish putting the table" he replied in his computerized British voice. Just like the real Jarvis. I miss him.

Gali got out of bed and being the lazy person that she is, didn't change out of her pajamas. She slipped her duck slippers on, left my room, and into the elevator. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, the smell of pancakes hit her nose. Gali made her way to the dining table where she saw Tony sitting there, playing on his phone.

"Good morning fruitcake" Gali sat down in her usual seat.

"Morning pipsqueak" he put his phone down. Pepper walked out of the kitchen with a pitcher of orange juice.

"Good morning Vivi" Gali smiled.

"Morning Gali" she smiled back. She placed the pitcher down on the table and sat down.

They had an amazing breakfast and had a nice chat. When they were done, they cleaned up and went to do whatever it is they do. Gali went up to her room to get ready since she's going shopping with Pepper and Kami.

She picked out some clothes and quickly changed into them. She was about to get her bag when Jarvis said "Miss Rosenthal has arrived"

"Tell them I'm coming"

She grabbed her bag, put her phone in the back pocket of her jeans and walked out of the room. She pressed the elevator button, it opened and she walked in, she pressed it to the living room. It went down and opened up to see Pepper and Kamilla standing there.


"Yo, we going shopping or what?" Gali yelled out. They turned around and walked into the elevator.

"We'll be back!" Gali yelled out to Tony.

"Whatever!" He yelled back. The doors closed and soon they were off with their shopping spree.

The girls have been out there for three hours, going from store to store, and Gali has only three bags and a small box. Pepper also has three bags and a small box, and Kamilla has five bags. But Happy.... Oh, poor Happy. Gali thought. He's carrying all of Kamilla's boxes, which are about seven.

They're on their way to get coffee, so Happy took the bags to the car. How he does it? I have no clue.

The coffee place is across the street, so they waited for the cross sign to change. People are waiting to cross the street, but this one guy who's on his phone, with his earbuds on, and probably texting, didn't stop.

The guy was halfway across the street when a car came out of nowhere at full speed. The people where yelling at the guy to get off the street, but he didn't hear anything. His head was down, looking at his phone.

The car, which wasn't slowing down, was getting closer. The guy suddenly looked up and froze when he saw the car heading right towards him. Move guy! Gali yelled in her head. He didn't move. She stepped out of the crowd, ignoring Pepper's and Kami's yells. She put a force field around him, and moved him to this side of the street.

The car speed right pass them, making other cars to stop, swivel, and honk. But Gali managed to stop the car with her mind powers and move it back to where she's standing.

She put a force field around herself before going to the car. Who knows if this psycho is carrying a weapon.


She opened the passenger door to see a man dressed in all black sitting in the drivers seat. Wow. He even has a ski mask.

"What's the hurry?" She asked the guy.

"None of your business" he spat.

"Ooh, a bit of an attitude here"

Police sirens where heard in the distance. The guy reached over to the back of the seat, most likely to get his gun.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you " Gali warned. He ignored her and pulled out a gun from behind the seat. He pointed it at Gali. She didn't move. If he shoots, the bullet will hit the shield. The shield is impenetrable.

"Listen, just put the gun down and no one will get hurt" Gali said in a calm voice.

"No" he protested. The police sirens were getting closer and the guy is not cooperating. Time to use compulsion.

"Slowly put the gun down, and get out of the car" She spoke slowly and clearly. He did as told and Gali walked around, standing next to him. Five police cars stopped around them, Officer Rick walked up to the girl.

"I see you caught the robber, Miss Stark" he eyed the guy dressed in black.

"He did have a bit of an attitude, but we worked things out" Gali replied. He nodded and told the other cops to arrest him.

"Thank you Miss Stark, we'll take it from here"

"Okay Ricky, any problems you know where to find me" Gali walked back to the worried Kamilla and Pepper.

"Galilea are you okay?" Pepper hugged Gali.

"I'm fine"

"Oh gosh Gali, he could've shot you" Kami said in a worried tone.

"Gali, are you alright? Oh what is your brother going to say about this?" Happy rambled.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened to me. See?" Galilea moved around so they can see that she in perfect condition.

"Now come on, lunch is one me. You too Happy" She grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her as she made her way to the coffee place. They need to stop worrying so much. But that's what friends do, they worry about each others safety.

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