《You're the guy my dad never shut up about? | S. Rogers [1]》5. Fourth power: Pain


After that, Howard unexpectedly threw things at his daughter. He wanted the shield to appear without her thinking about it. He started, of course, by throwing small soft objects. Like all of Gali's stuffed animals.

At first it would hit her, but then the shield would appear, preventing the object to hit Gali. Soon enough she got the hang of it and was able to use that power with no difficulty.

Two years later, 12 year old Galilea is about to discover her fourth and last power. It was a Friday, that day was Career Day at her school.

You see, Galilea didn't jump years like her brother Tony -even tho she could, and could possibly be in college right now- she wanted to have the full experience. The one thing that she did finish fast was college, she did it in about two years.

But going back to her childhood days. Howard Stark went to Career Day. All the kids in Gali's class were a bit intimidated because one of the greatest scientist in the country was in their classroom. Even some of the other parents were a bit intimidated.

After the school day was over, Howard had to go back to work while Galilea stayed at school with her best friend Kamilla. They were happily talking away, when a group of girls came over to them.

"So Galilea Stark feels like she owns the school now, since her rich dad came to school today" one of the girls called out. The two girls turned around and send the other girls a glare.

"What are you talking about, Tiffany?" Gali groaned in annoyance.

"Just because you're a Stark, doesn't mean you can strut around school, feeling popular" Tiffany snapped.

"If I throw a stick, will you leave?" Galilea asked. Kamilla bit her tongue to keep from laughing, while the other girls just got more mad.


"I don't like you" Tiffany growled.

"Cool, I don't wake up everyday trying to impress you" Galilea retorted. Tiffany stepped closer to Galilea.

"Why are you still here?" She asked.


"You're a Stark, right? Aren't Stark's super smart? Your brother Tony is already in college, and he's what, 17? You're 12 and in seventh grade. Are you sure you're their real child?" Tiffany narrowed her eyes at Gali. Galilea was about to say something but was cut off by one of the other girls that was with Tiffany.

"It appears that Galilea Stark isn't a Stark after all" Claire smirked.

"And she isn't as smart as we think she is" Joanna, another of Tiffany's friend taunted.

Galilea got mad at them. Those girls have never liked her and never will. But what they told her was something she got absolutely mad about. She was glaring daggers at the three girls right now. If looks could kill, they would be thrown into the ocean, eaten by sharks, and the sharks would be thrown into a volcanos, and their ashes would be six feet underground.

The three of them were laughing, but soon stopped and doubled over in pain. They were crying in pain and they sat on the floor.

"You can say whatever you want because nothing of what you say is true. I am a Stark. And I am way smarter than you. My education is nothing of your concern. So why don't you three just back off!" She was still glaring at the girls that are on the floor, crying out in pain.

"What's wrong with them?" Kamilla asked Galilea.

Gali was still mad at them, but when she saw that they were in pain, she suddenly got concerned. Her expression softened and the pain the girls were experiencing was fading away. Something inside Galilea clicked, her eyes went wide.


"Let's go Kami, Jarvis is waiting"

On their way home, Gali was breaking down. The way the girls treated her when she's never done anything to them. Kamilla was hugging her friend the whole way home. Once out of the car, Galilea ran into her house, Kamilla right behind her. Gali ran to the one person she always goes to. Her brother.

"Tony!" She ran into her brother's room, tears streaming down her face. Tony who was laying down on his bed, immediately sat up once he heared his sister's cries.

"Gali, what's wrong? What happened?" Gali ran into her brother's arms and cried on his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her. He saw Kamilla run into his room and mouthed 'What happened?'

'Ask her' Kamilla mouthed back.

"What's wrong, honey pie?" Tony asked his sister.

"So-some g-girls were-re m-making fu-fun of me-e" she stuttered.

"Oh, tootsie roll" he planted a kiss on Gali's head.

"That's not all" Kamilla spoke up. Tony turned to her with a confused expression "I think she has a new power" Tony's eyes widened as he looked down at his crying sister.

They told him what happened and then Tony told their parents. After their parents heard the story, Howard Stark once again took the roll of making Galilea use her new power.

She didn't want to use it because first of all she didn't want to hurt any of her family members, but after the many attempts of her dad trying to make her mad, he finally succeeded after so many weeks.

Howard made a dummy and made Galilea practice down in his lab. The dummy had a pain meter. It could measure the amount of pain it's feeling. The highest level of pain she could inflict was 7 levels under death. She practiced as many times as she could until her parents death.

She was 13, Tony was 18. He took her into his custody and after many years, she still used her powers. Because, let's be honest, when you have a brother like Tony Stark, you always need to be prepared for anything.


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