《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Exhaustion - AAW3 (S8)



Grian POV

Today had been a long day. It was one of those days where you wake up already exhausted and in a bad mood. Keeping a constant cheery and bubbly mood wasn't easy you know.

Long after dark, I had finally finished restocking my shop, the G Train. Deepslate was such a pain to mine but in the end it sold for great amounts of diamonds. I unloaded the shulkers into the chests and set off for my starter base. I was currently building the ceiling for the midnight so I didn't deem it safe to sleep in a building under an unstable mountain.

I approached my house and noticed the bedroom light was on, which meant my boyfriends were at my place for the night. Normally this would brighten my mood but I was too tired to really care. I just wanted to sleep.

I walked into the dark house and walked upstairs, knowing the layout by heart. I made it up to the bedroom and heard voices inside. Opening the door, I saw my boyfriends lying down together and chatting about redstone. They were hogging the entire bed.

Too tired to care, I walked over and flopped on top of Mumbo.

Mumbo POV

I yelped in surprise as the sudden weight fell on my chest. I looked up and saw my small boyfriend lying on top of me. Iskall laughed at the sight.

"Grian can you get up?" I asked once I recomposed myself. It took me a moment to realize he had already fallen asleep.

"Poor thing, must be exhausted," Iskall commented. I hummed in agreement. Grian didn't get enough sleep.

"Speaking of tired, we should probably sleep now," I said.

"Yeah, I'll get the lights!" he called as he stood up.


Iskall switched off the lights, leaving the moon the only thing lighting up the room. I slowly shifted Grian off of me and set him down next to me, between Iskall and I. He looked so tired, he probably overworked himself again.

Iskall seemed to share my thoughts. "We need to get him to take care of himself more," Iskall said to me.

"We really do..."

Iskall pulled the blanket on top of us as Grian started to shiver. We pulled him into a hug as he began to stir.

"Mhm," Grian grunted as he tried to get up.

"Love, stay, your too tired," I told him.

"But I have so much work to doooooo," the blonde responded.

"You've worked enough love. Take a break with us," Iskall added.

"Fine, but only because I know you wont let me leave," he said in defeat. We both chuckled at this.

He cuddled up next to Iskall and fell back asleep, Iskall soon following.

They're so cute when they're asleep

I looked at my two partners lying in each others arms, at peace. I slowly fell asleep listening to the small snores from Grian.


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