《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Picnic - Gem and Y/N (S9)




I was feeling... I didn't know how I was feeling. That's the point. I was confused.

You see, I'm aroace but something was bothering me. It was about the new Hermit, Y/N. They weren't the problem though. I felt... different towards them. That's the part that was confusing me.

I decided to go visit Pearl. They were good at understanding these things.

I knocked on the door of her base, hoping she was home.

"Hi Gem!" she greeted me cheerfully.. "Whacha doing here?"

"Can we talk?" I asked shyly.

"Oh, sure. Come inside."

She ushered me in and sat me down on her couch.

"Do you want something to eat or-"

"I just want to talk to you about... something," I cut her off.

"Okay," she said as she sat down.

"Y'know how I'm aroace?" She nodded. "Well... I'm kind of questioning it. Y/N is a great person but they're kind of bothering me. It's just... I feel different towards them but not in a romantic way. It's just all really confusing."

"Well Gem, have you ever heard of a platonic relationship?" Pearl asked. I shook my head.

"Platonic love is a type of love that is not romantic or sexual. It's kind of a friendship but with a closer bond. I think that's how you're feeling," she explained.

"I- wow. Thank you. But uh- sorry to bother you but how am I supposed to tell them?" I asked, thinking out loud a bit.

"You can ask them out on a little picnic. Here, I can help," she said.

With that, Pearl helped me plan a small outing for Y/N and I.


I had just woken up from a little nap to a knock at the door. I tiredly stretched my arms and walked to the door. When I opened it, I saw Gem and my ears perked up. I tried to hide it, but I had some feelings towards her. Not like that, but more of a platonic way.


"Hi Y/N," she greeted nervously.

"Ello! Something wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Oh- uh-"

"You know you can tell me anything," I said trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Well uh- do you want to come mining with me?" she asked.

"Sure!" I responded while grabbing my pick.

"I have a spot where we can go so uh- follow me," she said as she took off.

~Time Skip~

We'd been flying for a while at this point. Gem began to descend to the ground and I followed. We landed next to a picnic blanket on a cliff overlooking the forest and ocean below.

"This is cute," I said as I admired the cottage core vibes it gave off.

"Uh- well- Y/N I brought you here to tell you that I have feelings towards you. Like not romantic feelings more of just-"

"Platonic love?" I asked. She nodded. "Well I feel that too. Uh... do you want to be platonic partners?" I asked.

"I would like that," she replied.

We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting, eating, making flower crowns and overall enjoying each others company.


Y/N got tired she laid down on the blanket, head in my lap. I ran my had through her hair and scratched behind their ears. They liked when I did that. We sat peacefully and watched the sun set.

"Am I disturbing something?" a voice behind us asked. I turned and saw Grian walking closer to us.

"Nah it's fine," Y/N mumbled sleepily.

"You can come join us if you'd like," I offered.

He sat down next to me and we continued to quietly watch the sunset. Y/N slowly fell asleep on my lap.

"You two are cute you know," Grian whispered to not wake up Y/N.


My cheeks heated up. "It's just platonic," I mumbled.

"Platonic partners?" he asked.

"Yep." he nodded, understanding.

"Well, we should get going. Do you want help bringing Y/N home?" he asked.

"Yeah, I don't think I could alone," I said quietly and we laughed.

We gathered our items and headed back to spawn.


I woke up at home in my bed. I heard two people quietly conversing then one leave.

I thought we were at the picnic.

"Gem?" I tiredly called out.

"Oh your awake. You fell asleep last night and I brought you home," she explained though I was too tired to understand.

"Thank you..." I mumbled.

"No problem N/N (nickname). I made breakfast for you, it's downstairs."

"Okay Gem I'll come."


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