《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Why? - Scarian (S8)


Scar POV

"Damn it, I'm out of stone again," I muttered.

It was my 2nd back on Hermitcraft since 3rd Life.

Thank god that hell hole ended

I had finally decided to start my mega base: a mountain range connecting to Grian's Magical Magagerie. Or was it manegery? I still can't figure it out.

I flew down to the G Train and found Grian restocking it.

"Hi love!" I called out to my boyfriend. He didn't respond which was unlike him. I took this as a sign he didn't want to talk so I payed for the stone and left.

I wonder what's wrong. I should talk to him later.

I was flying to the Octagon for todays server meeting. I arrived a bit late but to my surprise Grian wasn't there.

"Scar, do you know where Grian is?" Xisuma asked. It was known that we were dating and were rarely seen apart.

"No clue," I responded to everyones surprise.

"Even though they aren't here we should start the meeting to stay on schedule," Xisuma stated.

We began to discuss bugs and glitches on the server. About half way through the meeting, Mumbo and Grian arrived.

"S- sorry we're late," Mumbo apologized out of breath.

"We got stuck in a cave," Grian finished.

"No problem, but next time please let us know," Xisuma said.

We continued the meeting, catching the two Hermits up on what they had missed. I couldn't get rid of this feeling though.

Grian always invites me to go mining with him. What's changed? Does he not like me anymore?

Mumbo tapped my shoulder and said "Scar, the meeting's over." I guess I zoned out.

Just before Mumbo flew away, I stopped him to ask him a question.

"Mumbo, can I ask you something quickly?"


"Sure Scar."

"I- uh- is Grian ignoring me?" As soon as I asked it sounded stupid.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he hasn't talked to me since we got back and has been avoiding me. Did I do something wrong or-"

"Scar you've done nothing wrong, stop worrying. You're the love of his life and nothing will change that. He might need some space but I can ask him about it if you'd like."

"No thanks Mumbo. Sorry for bothering you."

"No problem Scar," he said before flying away.

It had been a week since 3rd Life and Grian was still ignoring me. If this was some sort of joke, I was fed up with it. Today was the day I would confront him about it.

I landed next to the Chest Monster and walked in, finding Grian digging through his chests.

"Grian?" I called, not getting a reponse.

"Do you want help," I asked.

"Not really," he replied. He tried to leave but I blocked the entrance.

"Love, why are you ignoring me?" I asked, sounding a bit desperate at this point.

"It's just... complicated..." he mumbled.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said in a comforting tone.

"Y- yeah please."

We walked over to some chests and sat in silence for a bit. He seemed like he wanted to speak but didn't say anything.

"You can tell me anything, love," I said in an attempt of comforting him. That's when he let the walls down and began to explain.

"I- I get nightmares about t- third life and it really hurts to remember what happened but I can't forget. A- and I know you didn't really mean to h-hurt me but when you betrayed me it hurt a l-lot and it still hurts," he started quietly.


I noticed his breath had quickened so moved closer to him and grabbed his hand to calm him down.

"And the scars r- really bother me a-and remind me of it." he said as he lifted up his sweater a little. There was a nasty arrow scar on his stomach.

"But this is kind of a stupid reason to ignore you and you're probably mad at me and-"

Before he could continue, I pulled my boyfriend into a hug.

"Love, I'm not mad and it's okay to feel the emotions just know that I will be here to help you."

He started to cry a bit into my shoulder as I sat and comforted him. After a while of sitting like this, Grian fell asleep. I layer him down on a bed before getting a bed of my own. I didn't want to leave my boyfriend alone right now, especially when he needs me.

Grian POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. Another nightmare. Doesn't mean it hurt any less. My breath quickened as I began to have a bit of a panic attack. I heard movement beside me, followed a pair of arms wrapping me in a hug. Knowing it was Scar, I began to calm down.

I was safe, with my boyfriend.

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