《Hermitcraft Season 8 and 9 Oneshots》Your An ELF?!? - Scarian (S9)



Grian POV

Waking up to the sun in my eyes, I looked at my watch. It was 10:30! I quickly hopped out of bed and clipped on my elytra, not bothering to check its durability.

Flying out of my base, I made the decision to go look for some more surface iron as it was very common here. As I was flying back though, my elytra broke.


I fell down.




I was about to hit the ground so I closed my eyes. But after a few moments, I wasn't dead?

I opened my eyes and saw Scar looking at me.

"Grian are you okay!?!" my boyfriend asked me, concern lacing his voice.

"Y- yeah... 'm fine," I replied.

"You just fell from 200 feet, are you actually fine?"

"Don't worry about me, you caught me so I'm fine. Anyways, how did you catch me?" I said as I stood up.

"I- luck I guess," he responded nervously.

I said bye then left, not wanting to make the situation more awkward. I knew my boyfriend wasn't telling the truth but I didn't want to pry. I went back to gathering materials for my base.

Scar POV

I let out a sigh of relief as Grian left. The real reason I caught him is because- well, I'm an elf and we have quicker reaction speeds and such. But I couldn't just tell him that. What if he stopped liking me?

I pushed those thoughts aside and went back to planning my hat shop.

~Time Skip~

Grian POV

Scar's been acting... weird. His reflexes were all of the sudden good and was way less clumsy. And for some reason he's really good at archery? I don't know. I decided to stop questioning it and enjoy our little walk.


Lost in conversation, I didn't notice the ravine until I slipped. I tripped on a twig and fell into the pit. I closed my eyes out of fear but someone caught my arm. He pulled me up and we sat there for a while catching our breath.

"Thank you," I whispered out of breath.

"Don't mention it"

Once I caught my breath, it registered what happened. In a fraction of a second, Scar had saved my life. Before I even had time to panic he had already reacted. This wasn't the first time either.

"How did you catch me?" I asked.

"Luck I guess," he responded while gripping his coat sleeve. He does this when he's nervous

"You know you can't keep using that as an excuse."

"I- uh-"

"Scar, you can talk to me," I said, trying to make him more comfortable talking.

"Well... 'm and elf," he mumbled quietly.

"Really? That's so cool!" I responded enthusiastically.

"You think?"

"Yeah! You could've told me love."

"So you're not mad?"

"I would never be mad at you," I replied as I pecked him on the lips.


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