《Time Can't Heal This》Time


I'm pretty sure that this will be

the hardest thing I'll ever have to do.

'Cause everything inside of me

Is begging me not to.

I never realized the difference between letting go and letting go of you.

Trying to move on has proven to me that neither of those things

Are things that I can do.

And neither can you.

But we can't keep pretending that we'll be together again one day,

While we live separate lives just wasting the time away.

Trying to say goodbye

cuts my heart open from inside.

'Cause I know that when I do,

It will mean goodbye for good this time.

I don't have the malice in me to hurt you.

But I know that leaving you alone

While I continue to hold on to you,

Might just end up being worse for you.

Stuck between a rock and a brick wall.

There's nowhere left for us to fall.

It's just too painful to let go of 15 years with the only person I've ever loved with all of my heart.

That's probably the saddest part.

I know I'm gonna love you for the rest of my life.

That's what makes it hurt so badly when I think about you not being mine.

We loved each other too deeply in all of the wrong ways, towards the end of our demise.

I'm still holding on to memories from moments that have come and gone by.

I could never stomach the image

of a world where we weren't 'us.'

'Cause my life without you in it,

Would never be enough.

I'm sorry that we failed to do the one thing that we were so sure of.

Just know that through all the pain,

I never questioned our love.

Sometimes time just gets the best of us.

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