
When I saw who is standing behind him, my heart pounded once cuz that is the man I want in my whole life together. My love

My chim

I ran without hesitating and hugged him tightly while sobbing hardly on his shoulder. I am sure that his shirt is wet by my tears. I hugged him but he not. I pulled back and cupped his cheek and said with both sorrow and happy feeling on my words and face.

"Jimin? My chim, I knew that you can't leave me alone. I know that you love me more than I do. Thankyou so much for trusting me. Thankyou so much for giving me a second chance."

Suddenly he began to speak

"Who said that I am going to give you any kind of second chance. In your case, the chances is zero percentage. And for your kind information, I am not your chim anyways. I am Jimin. Park Jimin. I am not going to trust you or here for you. So better be stay away from. Me."

"But you allowed me to hug you"

I said with all hope.

"That's why I am too tired for pushing you away. So I just stayed like that. But that's not meant that I am going to forgive you. Never"

"Stob it Chimmy. Now go inside your parents will be here at anytime. I want to speak with Jungkook hyung some time alone."

Tae said as Jimin walked inside with glaring at me

"Jungkookie hyung, I want to say you something"

"Yes what and I heared that you said his parents are coming right?"

"Yes I have to tell about that. His parents called him morning and said to him that they are coming here for seeing him. He don't want to create a problem or ruin your life. I said to him that to come here back and just pretend like you are in good terms and lovely. That's why he here"


"Did you convinced him that I was not cheated him?"

"No I didn't got a time to tell him. All are very sudden."

"Oh so I am going to lose him right?"

"He is not believing you that's not meant that he stopped loving you. He never said that to you or to me. He is still loves you and always do. You have to make him yours again. You can do it."


"That is not on me hyung. You are the one who can make it right"

"I will get him back and our baby."

"That's it. Now I am going to home. I have a meeting today. His parents will be here at anytime. So bye hyung. And all the best for your reunion."

"Bye tae"

With that I went back to home. Now he is with me. I thought that he will never come to me. But he did. I will make you mine again Jimin and also our baby.

I got inside and Jimin is not in the living room. I thought that he will be in the bedroom. As I was about to go upstairs, he came back down.

"Hey Jimin, did you ate anything. Sorry I didn't made anything. But if you will wait for a ten min, I can make something for you"

"I don't want anything from you. I already ate from Tae's and for your information, I am not a sick man. I can make anything that I want myself. So please don't interfere in my buisiness"

"I will not. Between how is my baby? Is she doing good?"

With that I came close to him a little but he stopped me and started to move back.

"How many time I told you that don't come near to me. Are you a dumb?"

He moved more backward but he didn't realized in the floor, there was some water. He slipped on the water and about to fall on the ground.



I ran to him and managed to catch him before he fell on the ground.

I am tightly gripping on his waist while he is gropping on my neck. His eyes is still closed. I was really frightened that he was going to fell on the ground. He opened his eyes only to saw me. Our face is just small inches apart. Unknownly I leaned towards his face. He is staring at me when I about to kiss him suddenly the voice of door cracking is heared. We both looked at the direction.

"Hi honey...oh sorry we disturbed your precious kiss really sorry"

Said his mother while chuckling.

I slowly put him steady and looked at them while smiling.

"No eomma we just..."

"No Jiminah you don't have to expalin it. It is common in couples and now your happiness will be more so don't needed any explanation. We are happy until you two are ok."

"Oh hi guys and congratulations."

Said his father.

"Hi appa come sit. I will make you some coffee"

"No Jimin I will make it. You need to rest now. So go and sit with them while I make the coffee."

I said as recieved no reply. They sat on the couch while I went to kitchen.

Jimin's pov

"So how is our grandchild?"

"She is doing good appa"

"The gender is not revealed yet but you already saying that it is a girl"

"No eomma I didn't mean it. I just like girls and I want my first child a girl."

"Well son your wish will come true we hope so. And tell us is everything ok with Jungkook ? Are you happy with him?"

I looked at them while have no idea to tell what.

"Umm yes he is very sweet and I am very happy with him."

I said as I saw Jungkook is coming from the kitchen while holding a tray with four cup of coffee. He gave everyone and me. He sat next to appa while I was sitting with my eomma

"Especially when I went to his office yesterday, he gave me a shocking surprise. And that surprise gave me very happy"

I said with a sarcastic smile while looking at a sad Jungkook.

"Well that's good to hear. So we are here to say you guys something."

"What is it eomma?"

"Now you are going to give birth to our grand child. You need the best rest and care. First I thought that I can get you to our home but you need Jungkook also at the same time so me and Jungkook's mother will took care of you till the delivery. We will come here and will took care of you until Jungkook come home. After that he will make it to you. It is our decision."

"But eomma? "

"No we decided it already and don't oppose it."

"What will I do? Ok then "

"Do you have anything to say Jungkook?"

"Umm nothing eomma. As you wish."

"Thankyou son."

"So from now on we will be there for you everything. Just stay happy and do rest as much as you can."

"Ok eomma"

"So Jungkook, don't you had work today?"

"No appa I got a leave for today."

"Oh okey."

I am done. How I will pretend like nothing happened between us? Who knows that he will take advantage at this time. What will do if I will start to build feelings for him like before. I don't know what to do. My life is over. That brat Tae, he made my life so tough.

I thought in my life and sighed.

To be continued .

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Love ya all💜💜💜💜💜💜

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