
Jungkook's pov

After he left from the room, I felt like I am going to die at anytime. I will never love or live with anyone other than my chim. I will never live him. And now...our baby is in his tummy. I was the person who should have to took care of him and our baby this time. I was really waited for this news so long. But now I won't be able to get that opportunity anymore. He is very mad at me now. He will never forgive me. But I am not going to let that happen very easily. I will do anything to get him and our baby back. Maybe I will sacrifice even my life for them. I am fucking love with you my Jimin.

Time skips.

At Taehyung's house

Taehyung's pov

Me and Jimin just arrived at my home. He didn't want to go to his house or to his parents. So I just got him here.

"Chim. Just sit here. I will make a coffee for you"

He didn't said anything. But I went to kitchen for making coffee. I gave him his coffee and he took a bit of it.

"Chim don't be sad. Everything will be okey and you and your baby is going to be okey."

"He fucking cheated on me tae"

He said while sobbing slowly

"Again this pobo. Now don't try to cry and also you are going to sleep tonight with me. Jane will be here at anytime since her office time is over now. She will be so happy to see you. And you will get some relief. Okey"

He just nodded.

"Now go and take a good shower. That will erase your depression. Some of your clothes are still in my cupboard and just change to a comfortable one.

He stood up and went to my room. I am feeling very bad for him. It was so good that I was able to comfort him at the right time when he needed somebody. But at the same time, Jungkook didn't had anyone at that time. He loves Jimin with his whole heart. I know he will never cheat on him. All this mess was built by a misunderstanding. I should have to get them close again.

I came back from my thoughts when the front door just opened only revealing Jane. She have a sweet smile on her face also a tired one. She will be so much tired by the office work. I know the troubles of being the responsible CEO of a company.

"Hey honey. You came early today. Today was the meeting with ParkJeon company right? What happened?"

"Hey. I have something important to tell you. First of all Jimin is here. "

"Oh really. Them where is he. It's been a long time since I met him"

"I have a lot to tell you. Just come and sit."

She understood the situation is a bit serious by my face. She suddenly came to me and sat next to me. I explained everything that happened a couple of hour ago. She heared that all with wide opened mouth. She was super shook by hearing all it.

"Oh my God our Jimin will be very heart broken by now."


"Yeah he is. But Jungkook hyung is not the one who cheated him. He really loves him and never will cheat him"

"That's also right. But now things will be more rough to Jimin since he is going to give birth to his baby."

"That is my point. We have to convince him for being with Jungkook hyung again."

"How. Will he believe us?"

"He will. I know him very much that you also know. But now we should have to give him some time. So we will not discuss anything about is to him now."

"Okey and this is not a good idea for letting him go today from here. We should have to make him stay today here"

"Yeah we will"

We saw Jimin came downstairs with a blank expression. He saw Jane and put a bitter smile on his face

"Hai Chim. I missed you so much. It's been a while since we met last right?"

"Hey Jane."

She hugged him tightly.

"I think tae told you everything so I don't have to expalin right?"

He said with a sad expression and I am damn sure that he is going to cry

"Don't you dare to cry anymore other wise I will never give you your mochis and Jam."

I said with a laugh. Jane also laughed but Jimin, he is standing there with a small smile.

"Oh come on Taehuyng. You getting on his nerve. Between how is our little angel. Hey you little champ. I am your aunt. Say hi Janie aunty"

She asked while caressing his baby bump. It is still small since it is the first month.

"Jane? Are you a pobo? The baby will never be with you. He or she will be always with me. I am their uncle. Their alien uncle."

"Yeah you alien from Andramida Galaxy"

She said with a grinning.

At night

Me and Jane prepared the dinner while Jimin is sitting on the kitchen chair. He is deeply in his thoughts. Once we finished, I shook his shoulder

"Hey Jiminaah come let's eat"

"I don't want anything tae"

"Who said that you want to eat. It is for our little angel. So come. No excuses. If you are not gonna eat then we will also never eat "

I said very stubbornly. He knows that I am unbeatable with verbal fight.

We had our dinner. Jane knows how much a pregnant person need the food. And its nutritional value. So she is the one made Jimin's food. Jimin had some medicines that doctor prescribed for his pregnancy. So he took it. I made him sleep with me. Jane have her own separate room. We never spend the same room together or made love. We will be when we get married. And the marriage is two years after. I made him lie on the bed carefully and put the blanket over him. I also laid next to him. And wrapped my arms around him.

"Good night chimmy. Sleep tight and if you need anything, just call me okey."

"I will and good night tae"

We slowly drifted into sleep.

The next morning

Jimin's pov

I opened my eyes when I heared my phone buzzed out. I rubbed my eyes and took the phone to see the caller ID


I got flinched when I saw the ID

It is my mother

"H-hello eomma"

"Hello sweety. How are you feeling now?"

"I--i I-I am alright ma."

"Sorry for not calling you last night. We thought that you and Jungkook will have a great time together. So we decided not to disturb you"

"Yeah me and Jungkookie hyung had the greatest time yeasterday"

I said with a small sad smile thinking about yesterday

"Here your appa needs to speak to you"

Wait what appa....

"Hello my little angel how are you doing?"

"G-great apps and what about you?"

"Good son and I am so happy to hear that we are finally going to be grandparents. I am so proud of you son. And love you somuch"

"Thankyou appa and love you too"

"So where is Jungkook? I want to speak with him."

"H-he...ah he in the bathroom. He will call you later."

"Is that so? Oh okey then and no need to call darling. We are coming to your house"

"Oh okey. Wait WHAT !!!when"

"We will be there in a hour. So see you soon son."

Hung up.

OH MY JESUS CHRIST!!What am I going to do. Everything will be ruin when my parents know about me and Jungkook.

What will I do now? I should ask to tae. He will give me a solution.

Wait where is he? I am in an empty bed. He is no more here.



I heard his voice. Quickly got up from the bed and went towards downstairs. I spotted him on the kitchen who is making breakfast. Jane is sitting on the chair and drinking her tea.

"What happened? Why did you called me?"

"There is a big problem. My Mother and father are coming to see me."

"Hey what is the trouble in it? Allow them to come."

"Seriously? Where am I now?"

"In my house."

"But where did they go for seeing me?"

"Jungkook....wait WHAT? OH MY GOD that is a big problem"

"Exactly tae. Everything is gonna ruin in a second."

"Let it be"

"What ! Are you insane. They will kill Jeon if they know what he done to me."

"Let them do that man! After all you said that you are not gonna love him anymore. So why do you care?"

"That is right that I am not gonna love him anymore but I can't see him suffer. I don't want to cause a trouble for someone."

"Then I have an idea. Go and get ready we are leaving from here"

"To where?"

"Just do what I said man"

I went to get ready. As said I trust him and he will make a perfect solution for my problem.

Taehyung's pov

"What are you going to do?"

Asked Jane curiously.

"I have a plan to get them together again"

I explained the plan to her

"Wow my dear you are a genius. This will workout "

"As long Jimin love Jungkook hyung, they could never become separate."

"Yeah that's it"

Jimin went back by dressing up. He is ready for the ride.

"Yeah you ready. Jane please give him breakfast while I will got ready."

"Ofcaurse I will"

I went to get ready

I came back and saw Jimin just finished his breakfast and got up to me

"Are you done?"

"Yaeh and did you ate your breakfast?"

"Yaeh I ate before you woke up. Now come we can go."

"Bye Jane. See you soon"

"Bye Jimin and Tae. Stay safe."

"Bye my honey"

We got at the destination where I am getting Jimin to. I looked at him as his facial expression changed to a confused one.

Jimin's pov

As we approached there. My eyes got widened. This is our house. Mine and Jungkook hyung's. I looked at tae with confusion

"Tae are you sure that we were about to come here"



"Aish.. don't yell at me. You have to hid this from your parents right? So do what I say. Just stay here and pretend to your parents that you and him are in good terms like you guys used to do and don't get mad at him in front of them"

"Tae do you think that I will be able to behave nice to him after all what he just did to me?"

"I know but you have to. Now come. They will be here at anytime. We have to tell this to Jungkook hyung also and you need to get prepared for it."

He said as opened his side door got out and came to my side. He opened my door. I hesitated to come out. But he grabbed my hand and held me to the house. I was not prepared to face him after that. But now I have to be strong for my baby. It need me now. His mother need to be strong.

We came to the door and he rang the bell. But there is no response. He rang second time. No response. Third time..

He responded with a tiny "coming"

We waited there. My heart was beating fastly. But not like the previous time. That beating for his love. This is for the anger for his cheating.

Jungkook's pov

I was in my bed. I couldn't sleep last night. Cuz my Jimin wasn't next to me and those harsh behaviour from him really made me week. My eyes, nose and cheeks were red from the heavy tears that I have. I was soo tired but I couldn't sleep a bit.

I heard the door bell sound. I didn't responded it rang second. I didn't respond third time I got really annoyed and I said a small coming to the person. My voice was too weak for any reply. I hesitantly got up from the bed and went to open the door.

As I opened it I saw Taehyung with a his box smile.

"Why are you here tae?"

"I am not alone I have someone for you"

He sided a little to show a man standing behind him with head lowered.

I saw the most wanted person in my life. The one and only person that I can spend my whole life with. The most loved person in my life.


To be continued.

Hey guys ,

This is for today and please vote and comment. I am going to write the next part right now. I will upload it today. And plase support me 🙂🥰💜

Love ya all 💜💜💜💜💜💜

"What am I doing now? Ans: Looking for something right, good and new."

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