
Jungkook's pov

Now I am so happy that my husband is back in our home. But not in my life, that hurts a little. Not a little, alot. But there is a connecting link between us- our baby. It is in his tummy and I was supposed to take care of him and our upcoming child. But the situation changed alot even though I am innocent. After all I will be able to see him every day in front of my eyes. That's all I want at least.

My mother arrived before an hour. She is also very happy about our child. Appa is not here. He have a buisiness meeting in London. He will be back after two weeks. Now our mothers are cooking dishes Jimin is in our room taking a nap. I am sitting on my office room and working at the home. Namjoon hyung forwarded some important files that should have to sign today. I was studying them when the door quickly opened as Jimin's mother entered to the room.


"Yes eomma what is it?"

"Are you buisy now?"

"A bit. But tell me eomma what happened?"

She took a seat on the couch.

"Can you come over here?"

She asked as patted at the space that beside her.

I just looked at her and walked over her and sat beside her. She took my hand in her and looked at my eyes and smiled. But I am sure that her face is fully filled with concern for her son.

"Son I am seeing you as my Chimmy. After your wedding I just wanted you to be my son. You also treating me as your mother right?"

"Yes eomma. You are my eomma. I love you as I does to my mother."

"So you never lie to me right?"

"Y-yes eomma. I will never lie to you."

I gave her an assurance smile.

"Son, I am listening you two since we came here. He is not happy neither you. Did anything bad happend? Why Jimin and you behaving like this?"

"No eomma it's just. We are good. "

"You said that you will never lie to me."

"Um....yah eomma there is something that bothering us. I will tell it to you"

Then I told her everything that happened between us yesterday and we are at the end of our relationship.

"Oh my son. Why didn't you two just told us early. Why did you hide it from us? This is a big problem."


"I know eomma but I thought that if I tell it to you then I will lose everything that I have. Jimin and our family including my unborn child."

"At least you told it to me. So Jimin is still mad at you right?"

"Not mad eomma. He is not even allowing me to call his name."

"Should I have to ask about it to him?"

"No. Plase don't say to him that you know about it. I will make it up. I have the courage for getting him back in my life as well as our child."

"Your hope will save you son."

"Thankyou eomma"

She patted my hair and about to went.

"Eomma please don't tell this to my and his fathers."

"No I will never tell to them nor to your mother. Trust me. And all the best to get back my son"

"Thanks eomma."

She left from there. How sweet is she. Also caring one. I bet that Jimin got the most understanding mother in this world. I sighed and went back to work.

Jimin's pov

I woke up from my little nap when felt a soft caressing on my hair. I opened my eyes as saw my mother sitting on the side of bed and stocking my locks. She have a sweet smile on her face. I love her so much when she have the smile. May be that is the beautiful smile in the world. I hope my baby will also get her grandmother's smile

"You woke up honey?"

"Yes eomma and why are you here?"

"I just wanted to see my little chim's beautiful sleeping face."

She said as gave a peck on my head.

I got up my head from the pillow and placed it on her lap. She is still caressing my hair and humming some melodic music.



"You know one thing? I am the luckiest person in the world to get the most caring and loving mother in this world. Thankyou for giving birth to me."

"Hey I am the one who should have to say thanks to the God for giving me the most beautiful angel as my son."

I giggled at her words

"Love you eomma."

"Love you my chimmy. Come you should be hungry now. If you are not, then probably by grand child. So come and eat your lunch. It is almost 1pm."

"Yeah coming"

We both went downstairs for lunch.


Time skips.

After 3 months

At evening

I was standing on the balcony and drinking my coffee. Our mothers are went back to their house. Only me and Jungkook hyung is now here. I didn't see him since morning neither at the lunch time. He must have important job in the office. He will be at the office room. Or will be having fun with his holly shit slut secretary. Ahhh Jimin, why do you care for him. You have now your baby. You should have to take care of it. I am so excited to be with you my little angel.

I caressed my soon to be big tummy. I only feels a sweet warmth on it. I smiled while looking at it.

My baby will be the most beautiful child in the world. I know it is a bit selfish. But one mother is always selfish for one and only thing on their life- their child. As a mother, I will give everything to my child.

"My baby, I will give you everything that you deserve. You will get the most beautiful life with me. Eomma will be always with you. No matter what happens. I love you whole with my heart."

I said as closed my eyes. Still holding my tummy with hands. Feeling the sweet wind from the field.

Suddenly I felt a big and muscular arms wrapped around my waist. It is capable of wrapping my whole tiny waist. Moving it to my arms which is holding my baby bump. I was a little startled but I know who it should be. I hated it but somewhat I got some comfortness in his arm. In the same way he gave him before. I didn't bother to push him away. But again closed my eyes and stay still like that. He lean close to me and whispered softly on my ears.

"Will you plase forgive me Chim?"

I suddenly opened my eyes and turned around to only see two red and puffy eyes that are still watering. Those nose and cheeks are rose and those black hairs are messy. I looked at those eyes which have true love and care about me. Is he playing around me again with my feelings or he is innocent? Or should I give him a chance.?

"How will I forgive you after what you did to me huh?"

I asked to him with a rough and straight voice without thinking about how much it will hurt him.

"Will you Plase listen to me so that I can explain everything to you? After that you can choose a right option. If you are not going to forgive me, even after what I said, then I will never follow you and will let you live freely. I promise."

I somewhat believed him and decided to listen to him.

"The day that you saw me in that situation, I was not the one who kissed her in the first place. I was really worried about your health condition and you didn't called me whether you consulted doctor or not. I wanted to see you very badly. So I just called Taehuyng and preponded the meeting early so that I will be able to see you soon and early. I was in a bit rush that the meeting was about to start in ten minutes. As I was in the final checking of the presentation, my secretary Ellie came to me and gave me some files that was important for the meeting. I was studying the file while I felt someone is sitting on my lap. That was she. Ellie. I said her to get the fuck out of me but instead of she placed her hands on my neck and lean close for kissing me. I was really disgusted at her action that I started to pull her by he waist. As I was troubled to get out of her grip, you came there and misunderstood everything that happened. She was about to kiss me but not. You came at the right time. As well as the wrong time."

He said as still sobbing badly.

"You saw that how harshly I threw her on the ground. And cried after what happened. I only love you Chim. My first love and very last. How will I cheat with someone when I have the most precious pearl with me. You are very precious for me chim. It is right that we married to each other for companies sake. But an arrange marriage turned to the most beautiful love marriage Chim. I can't live without you. Now you have our baby in your tummy. I want you both chim. PLEASE FORGIVE ME"

I was in a bit confusion that is he saying truth or lie. I felt a bit guilty for not hearing what he had to explain. But still I am confused. Should I forgive him or not. No. Not now. I should have to think about it. I shouldn't be in any trap further more.

To be continued..

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Love ya all💜💜💜

"I want to be your night baby, you could be your night......nighty night..."

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