《Why me? // Quackbur(Tnt duo)》-13-


We started running. Closely followed by Karl and Sapnap. By now they had recognized us and that didn't seem to make it any better. "What do we do now?" Quackity asked, walking close to me. "Let me think." I said. what could we do If we could make it to Snowchester, maybe techno and ranboo could help us. The question would be whether we can do it. "Ok let's zigzag first." I said maybe we'll lose her like this. No sooner said than done and actually after a while we couldn't see her anymore. I stopped. "Let's take a short break. ' I said out of breath. Quackity was about to lean against a tree when suddenly it clicked. I looked around until I saw a pressure plate under Quackity's feet. Shit. What's going to happen now? I was actually expecting an explosion, but instead the entrance to a cave or something opened up next to me."Let's go down there, we should be safe there." I said before taking a torch and going down . The cave was damp and smelly. After a while the corridor widened and a room lay before us. It was dimly lit with a few torches hanging on the wall. In the corners were a few chests and a bed that looked like it was about to collapse and there were cobwebs everywhere. It looked like nobody had been here for ages. "Hey, I think this is an abandoned base," Quackity said. "It's possible" was all I answered. Because I had discovered a lever in the other corner. "Did you find something?" asked Q. "Yes, a lever, watch out, I'll activate it" and further hesitating, I switched it over and a hole opened up in the ground. We walked towards it and below us was an old abandoned mineshaft.


We decided to walk through the mineshaft to look for an exit. He was dark and cold. You could trip over rocks and granite in all sorts of places. Eventually the mineshaft became a normal cave and after another ten minutes we came to the surface again. In the distance you could see snow and a few houses. No doubt that was Snowchester. However, when I looked around, I found something else. It was already dusk. "I suggest we spend the night over there under the big birch and move on tomorrow." I suggested. "Good" came Tiredly from him. No wonder he was so tired. I was too. So we looked for things for a campfire and some food. It was almost midnight when everything was ready. Q sat next to me and looked absentmindedly into the fire. Even though it was a little late I could still ask him."Well, I know it's a little late, but I still want to know why you knew all this." I said firmly. He sighed, "All right. Unfortunately, I can't tell you that much about it myself. I assume you know that there are gods and demigods. Well, in short, I'm one of those demigods. But not that long and that's why I have the wings. It was just before you came. Nick called me and wanted to come by for a few days. I was a bit skeptical but said yes anyway. When he was there we went on a trip and he jumped into a lava pool. I thought dies. Turns out he was a god too. he then took me to such a gods meeting place and when we were there he used a ruse to persuade me to take part in a ceremony. That's how I became a demigod and there's really not much else to tell." Wow I was buff now. That he tells me so openly. "Oh uh thanks for telling me that." I said quickly. "No problem." he just said and seemed about to fall asleep. He looked cute when he was tired. He leaned his head against my shoulder. I took him back onto my lap and again he didn't complain." Shut up!" he said while snuggling into my chest. I should ask him something tomorrow. But only tomorrow. After a moment's thought, I fell asleep with Quackity in my arms.


When I woke up in the morning, Quackity was gone. Where was he? Then I heard a rustle behind me. I turned around and saw Q stepping out of the bushes. He still looked very sleepy. Sweet." Good morning" I said in a sweet voice. "Morning," he answered me in a grumpy voice. "We should leave slowly" I said before I got up to freshen up a bit.

Arrived in Snowchester everything was still calm. However, when we were standing in front of Techno's house, the door suddenly opened with a jerk. And out came Sam, Foolish and Minx. Shit. They seemed just as shocked as we were. fast but fast. "Wilbur Soot, we're looking for you. We're going to have to throw you in jail." Sam said determinedly. Suddenly a deep voice sounded behind him: "Not so fast..." Technoblade!

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