《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 13: Revealed Secret


~Third Person's POV~

Balam tried to sooth Hikaru, who was still shaking. He releases Hikaru from his hug and held Hikaru's cheeks with both hands. Hikaru's eyes were shut closed.

Balam: Please look at me...

Hikaru inhaled and exhaled, calming himself down. When he stopped shaking, he slowly open his eyes. Sad red eyes meeting Balam's worried dark pupils.

Balam: I'm not mad at you...I understand why you would keep this from us. But I don't understand...

Balam gently touches Hikaru's horn, which made him flinch a bit.

Balam: You said you are a human...yet you have our features. The horns and wings are definitely real. The capability of magic as well.

Hikaru sighs and got up. He walked away somewhere and came back with something in his hands. He gave it to Balam who stared at it in shock.

Balam: This is!?

Hikaru: These are...my parents.

Hikaru revealed Balam the photo that Sullivan gave him when he arrived in the demon world.

Hikaru: My father is a demon and my mother is a human. According to Sullivan, I'm the first demon half blood.

Hikaru told Balam his past, everything that happened in his human life up to Sullivan picking him up. Balam was silent, taking all this information in.

Balam: I see...no wonder you couldn't tell anyone this.

Balam looks at Hikaru and curiously touched his hand.

Hikaru: What are you doing?

Balam: The reason I know that you're a human was because of Iruma-Kun. I made a huge reaction but touching your hand...I don't feel scared to touch you.

Hikaru: Iruma was the one that told you?

Balam: There was an incident today where I thought his wings are gone. To apologize I invited him to drink some tea but then he told me he was a human. He said because I was so kind but that boy is so reckless.

Hikaru smiles and grips Balam's hand back.

Hikaru: He is a kind yet reckless boy. I did tell Iruma-Kun about you, most likely he thought you already knew.

Hikaru wasn't mad at Iruma, it was a simple mistake but he could forgive his precious boy.

The two were just calmly enjoying each other's presence. Now that Balam knows his secret, a weight was lift off of his chest.


Balam: So every "theory" you said about humans, all of it was true?

Hikaru: Yep! I wouldn't lie to you Chirou-Kun~!

Balam: I see...

Balam was now getting excited. Since Iruma and Hikaru are humans, he can learn and study about them more. Now, Balam had one question in mind.

Balam: Are you going to tell Kalego-Kun?

Hikaru looked down and squeezed Balam's hand.

Hikaru: I-I don't know. Kalego-Kun was the one I was the most afraid to tell. I was less afraid to tell you since you were fascinated about us but Kalego...I don't know how he would act. That's what scares me the most.

Hikaru didn't notice some tears fall, making Balam try to comfort Hikaru.

Balam: It's okay! I-I'm sure Kalego-Kun would understand.

Hikaru: *sniffs* Wh-What if he gets mad...gets disgusted for lying about a huge part of myself. Wh-What if he decides to break off our friendship and leaves me...I-I don't want to lose him. You're both so precious t-to me... *sobs*

More tears fell, now Hikaru was crying hard. Balam quickly hugs Hikaru, trying to calm him down. Balam had small tears falling as well.

Balam: Don't say things like that!

Hikaru was silently crying as Balam gently rubs his head.

Balam: Kalego-Kun and I have been with you for years. If he leaves just because you're a human after all these years...I would knock some sense into him!

Balam gently wipes away Hikaru's tears.

Balam: Even though Kalego-Kun doesn't show it, he cares so much about you Hikaru-Kun. If anything happens to you, he would destroy any demon that gets in his way, same thing for me. Please, trust in him. Trust the bond the two of you have together...

Balam summons a tissue and hands it to Hikaru.

Balam: I'll be there for you when you tell him, don't worry.

Hikaru sniffs and slowly wipes the remaining tears in his eyes.

Hikaru: Y-You promise it'll be okay?

Balam: I trust Kalego-kun, now let's clean you up a bit and head to his room.

Hikaru nods and Balam helps Hikaru freshen up. Once Hikaru has completely calmed down, which took a while, the two walk together to Kalego's room. Hikaru was feeling more dreadful as they keep walking closer to Kalego's room but Balam reassured him every time. Once they made it to his door, with a deep breath, Hikaru knocks on it.


Kalego: Come in.

Balam opens the door and the two walk in to see Kalego checking the exam questions for any mistakes in his living room. He glances up at the two.

Kalego: Hikaru, Shichirou, what brings you two here? Are we eating dinner together again?

Balam: We need to talk.

Kalego took notice with their unusual behavior and became serious. He straightens up and looks at them. Hikaru was shaking but Balam touches him, signaling that everything would be alright. Hikaru and Balam sat across from Kalego.

Kalego: What do we need to talk about?

Hikaru: ...

Balam: Go on, Hikaru-Kun.

Hikaru looks at Kalego straight in the eyes.

Hikaru: There's a secret I've been keeping from you.

Kalego: ...

Kalego nods for Hikaru to continue on.

Hikaru: I-I'm....I'm a human.

Once Hikaru said that, Kalego had a shock expression. Kalego was quiet, which made Hikaru extremely nervous and Balam worried. Kalego gets up and walks to Hikaru, standing in front of him. Kalego looking down at Hikaru with a serious expression.

Kalego: Is what you're saying true? You're a human...

Hikaru lower his gaze to the ground but nods to Kalego's question.

Balam: Hikaru-Kun is actually half human. His other half is a demon.

Kalego: I see...

Hikaru was still looking down, too scared to look at Kalego. Kalego kneels down on one knee and grab Hikaru's chin, making him look at his face.

Kalego: Why tell me this now?

Hikaru: I...Balam found out first...

Kalego: When.

Hikaru: An...hour ago...

Kalego: And you didn't tell me immediately, why?

Hikaru was silent, he didn't want to answer.

Kalego: Tell me Hikaru.

Shaking once again, Hikaru spoke in a whispered tone.

Hikaru: ...I was afraid...

Kalego: Afraid of what.

Hikaru: I-I...was too scared...that you would...

Hikaru was crying a bit now.

Hikaru: Th-That you would...l-leave me...break off our fr-friendship. *sniff*

Kalego sighs and flicks Hikaru's forehead.

Hikaru: O-Ow! *sniff* Wh-Why did you do that?!

Kalego: You idiot...you dumb idiot...

Suddenly, Kalego enveloped Hikaru in a hug, shocking Hikaru a lot. Kalego is never the one to hug first, ever.

Kalego: I knew you were a dumbass but to think that I would leave because of this.

Hikaru hugs back, giving a tight squeeze.

Kalego: I don't care that you're a human. I trust you and Shichirou since we met. Half blood or full blood, you're...my friend.

Hearing Kalego say that they're friends for the first time after the years Hikaru claimed them as best friends, Hikaru gave the brightest smile.

Hikaru: Y-You don't care that I'm part human?

Kalego: Your dumb decisions of kindness makes sense now.

Hikaru laughs as Kalego looks away in embarrassment. Then they heard a click.

Kalego: You! Delete that!

Balam: This is a rare moment that needs to be captured.

Hikaru: Send that to me Chirou-Kun~!

The three had dinner together afterwards, Kalego and Balam making sure that Hikaru doesn't cook this time after his crying session. After dinner, Hikaru makes a request.

Hikaru: C-Can we all have a sleepover together...please?

Balam: Please Kalego-Kun?

The two double team in with puppy dog eyes and Kalego gives up.

Kalego: Fine! But this will be the only time!

Hikaru: Yay~!

The three had a sleepover. Hikaru had the most relaxing sleep that night.


Kalego wakes up the next morning, being sandwich between two cuddlers with abnormal strength. Which means getting out of bed would be a pain.

Kalego: I hate my life.

The teachers noticed something new about the duo.

Dali: Aren't these two even closer now?

Hikaru was bothering Kalego but Kalego doesn't smack him away as usual or did a harsh punishment. He just pushes him away but not as harshly.

Robin: How does Nightray-Sensei do it? I wanna try to get close with Kalego!

Robin dodges the incoming pencil, which was stabbed through the wall. Kalego was menacingly glaring at Robin.

Kalego: Don't you dare get close to me.

Hikaru hugs the angry Kalego.

Hikaru: Don't be so mean to Robin Eggo-Kun~!

Kalego sighs and pushes Hikaru off as he continues his work. Hikaru smiles and works next to Kalego.

A/N: This chapter was a bit more dramatic and sad but with a wholesome conclusion. I hoped you liked this chapter.

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