《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 14: Home Visits & Walter Park


~Third Person's POV~

It was a very stressful week for the Bablys students as the tests were coming up. The teachers were busy also, getting ready. Iruma found out that Balam didn't know Hikaru's secret and apologizes.

Iruma: I'm so sorry Hikaru-Kun! I-I assumed Balam-Sensei already knew and-!

Hikaru patted Iruma's head.

Hikaru: It's alright Iruma, I forgive you. It's just a misunderstanding and...I'm kinda glad you told Balam.

Iruma: R-Really? You're okay now?

Hikaru: Yep, no worries~! I always wanted to tell Balam but I don't think I would ever push myself to do it.

Hikaru helped Iruma study for the exams. Hikaru scolded Sullivan later for not helping Iruma learn the demon world before throwing him in school. Hikaru saw Iruma's score and thought he just wasn't a good test taker, learning the true reason why made him mad at Sullivan.

Hikaru: You can't kidnap a child without letting them learn about how this world works.

Sullivan: Yes Hikaru...

Opera: I told him so.

With Balam's picture books, classmates group study and Hikaru's simpler explanations, Iruma had an easier time absorbing the materials information.

Time has pass by and not it was the day of the exams. All the misfits are here, ready to take the exams.

Hikaru: Good luck to all of you~!

Kalego: The exam begins...now!

Everyone started writing, the atmosphere was serious. Hikaru was proud of them, he watched them all work hard and study together. Once everyone has completed their exams, the two divided the work and graded the exams. They double checked each other's work and was now ready to announce the results.

Hikaru: Everyone, it's time to tell the news~!

Kalego: We shall return your exams.

Everyone: Please wait!

The class yells at them.

Misfits: "You gotta have time for us to prepare mentally!" "We don't want extra classes!" "Give us time to party also!!"

Kalego didn't listen.

Kalego: The results are...

Misfits: Wait a moment!!

Hikaru was enjoying their nervousness.

Hikaru: Haha, you guys, calm down~!

Kalego: *sighs* If I may continue now.

The student were silent and their anxiousness increased.

Kalego: Unfortunately, the person who have gotten a bad grade would've taken supplementary classes.

Hikaru: In this class...it's no one! Everyone passes, congratulations~!

The misfits cheered.

Misfits: We did it!

Jazz: Everybody's safe!

Goemon: We can play now!

Clara: We did it Iruma~!

Iruma: Yeah!

The celebrated, Hikaru watches them with a smile while Kalego was irritated by their loud cheering.

Kalego: Silence! Also you three! Come up here!

He pointed at Lied, Goemon and Kamui. Hikaru handed them their new ranks.

Kalego: Anyone who was ranked 1 with the score that's higher than average, shall now be promoted to rank 2.

Hikaru: Allocer shall now be promoted to rank 3 since he made the highest score.

The class congratulated the newly ranked demons and now they're planning their trip together. Kalego had a slip of paper and hands it to Iruma.

Kalego: You have improved the most but receiving a rank up is still very far away...

Hikaru: Good job Iruma-Kun~!

Iruma sparkles in happiness and runs out of the classroom. Kalego was yelling at the others to be quiet but Hikaru was joining in their celebration, not helping Kalego at all. Once class was over, Hikaru and Kalego were walking together in the hallways when they suddenly spot Balam.


Kalego: Shichirou!

Hikaru: Chirou-Kun~!

Balam turns around to greet them.

Balam: Kalego-Kun, Hikaru-Kun.

They took notice that something was very different.

It was two very different reactions.

Kalego: You...that hair style...*cough* w-wait a moment.

Kalego was in the verge of laughing.

Hikaru: Ch-Chirou-Kun! Your hair!

Hikaru jumps in Balam's arms and pets his hair.

Hikaru: You look so handsome! I-I mean, I like your other hair too! It made you cute but seeing you in a different hair style...I'm shook!

Hikaru was in shock and awe but that didn't stop him from rubbing Balam's new hair. Balam wasn't bothered by the petting and let's Hikaru do it. Hikaru climbs up a bit and sat on one side of Balam's broad shoulders.

Balam: Kalego-Kun, it's been a long time since we seen you repress you laughter.

Hikaru: His hair is not that funny meany Eggo-Kun~! I love your new look Chirou-Kun!

Hikaru said that has he wraps his arm around Balam's head to give him a hug. Balam blushes at Hikaru's compliment.

Balam: Thank you Hikaru-Kun.

When Kalego finally calms down, he walks closer to Balam.

Kalego: Anyways, it's good thing that you're more confident than before. After all, you are one of the most unique here in Bablys, rivaling Hikaru and I.

(Just imagine Hikaru is sitting on Balam's left shoulder while smiling)

With that, the exams have ended. The final day was inching closer! (Final day is their long vacation)

In another day, Kalego and Hikaru were summoned by the principal. Kalego was very displeased by Sullivan's request, which was going to each student's home for a home visit. Now the two are flying to the home of Asmodeus.

Hikaru: Cheer up Eggo-Kun, it's not that bad~! We can still have our mini celebration before the final day!

Kalego: Tch, let's do this quickly.

When they arrived at Asmodeus' house, it was o ly him and the butler that greeted them.

Hikaru: Where's your mother?

Asmodeus: She...couldn't make it.

The two knew instantly that he didn't tell her. It went chaotic as his sisters came in and started arguing with him about Iruma. It led to staying there for an hour.

Hikaru: Whew! That was long~!

Kalego: The next is...

They arrived at Clara's house and Kalego wanted to leave immediately when they made a special entrance for them. They discover that there was actually a normal Valec member and Kalego was getting more of a headache when Hikaru joined in their chaos. It took two hours and Hikaru was happily carrying treat home.

Hikaru: I love their family~!

Hikaru was going to store it when Kalego took it away.

Kalego: No, I'm keeping count of your intake and this will make you go over.

Hikaru: Nuuu, give it back meany!

Hikaru cries as they go to the next house. They visited Goemon's home and were immediately asked for a match. When they arrived at Jazz's home, they were greeted by Jazz and his older brother.

Older brother: Thank you for taking care of my little brother.

His older brother touched Hikaru's shoulder but Kalego instantly slaps it away.


Older brother: Ow. What was that for~?

Jazz: D-Don't do that!

Hikaru: Huh?

Kalego glares at him.

Kalego: Try to steal his wallet and I'll break your arms.

Jazz shivers in fear but the brother wasn't phased.

Older brother: Got it.

At Lied's home, they were running away from his sister. The rest of the classmates homes were chaotic as well. Lastly, it was Iruma's home now and Iruma greets them.

Iruma: Welcome to have you two here-

Kalego instantly used Iruma as a meat shield, which made Hikaru laugh.

Iruma: Umm??

Kalego: Where's the principal? Quickly lead the way and get this done before that person comes.

Opera sneaks up behind Kalego.

Opera: Yo, Kalego-Kun.

This scared Kalego, making him hide behind Hikaru who greeted Opera happily.

Kalego: O-Opera-Senpai!

Hikaru: Hey Opera~!

Opera explains that they were the two's senpai when they all attended Babyls. Opera told the story of making Kalego buy lunch and made him carry their bag. Once they all settled down, it was time for the meeting. Hikaru and Kalego each told their examinations on Iruma's progression in school, impressing Iruma.

Iruma: (Even though Hikaru-Kun is always cheery, he can actually be serious about being our teacher. Kalego-Sensei took many details as well.)

Sullivan snatched their examination books and shows Iruma their hard work. The two wrote a serious examination for everyone in the misfits class together, commenting their strengths and weakness while telling how to improve. Kalego snatches both of their books back.

They were about to leave but Opera stops them. Opera wants Kalego to stay so they could pet fluffy Kalego. Although very frightened, Hikaru manages to help Kalego escape. Hikaru was given a reward, which was obviously more lollipops and it made him very happy. To punish the students for making his visits hell, he gave them all assignments for the final day.

It was the first day of the final day, the teachers have a vacation too so Hikaru was sleeping in his dorm. He didn't wake up from the sudden ring of his phone. When he eventually woke up when there were constant calls.

Hikaru: *yawns* Hello...

Sullivan: Ah, you were sleeping in. I was calling you for a while.

Hikaru: Hm? Why?

Sullivan: I want you to help chaperone Iruma and the misfits class at Walter Park. Opera, Kalego and Balam would be with you as well.

Hikaru: Chaperone? I...guess I won't mind. I haven't been at Walter Park in a while~

Sullivan: Great! You should hurry up, everyone is already at the park.

Hikaru: What?!

Hikaru jumps out of his bed and quickly gets ready. Hikaru always wears a suit as a teacher but outside of school, he likes to wear more comfortable and casual clothing.

(The one on the left...obviously)

Once he was ready, he immediately flys off to Walter Park. He texted Kalego that he was on the way.

~Hikaru's POV~

Once I arrived at the big gate, I head inside to find them. When I finally spotted them, I ran towards Kalego.

Hikaru: Eggo-Kun~!

Kalego couldn't dodge in time and I glomped him.

Kalego: Get off!

Hikaru: Score 5-6! In my winning favor~!

When I let go, I greeted my students.

Hikaru: Hello everyone~!

The class collectively said hello. I said hi to Balam and Opera when Iruma approached me.

Iruma: Hikaru-Kun! You look different!

Hikaru: Not used to see me suit-less right? I get that a lot.

I look at the group to see them all separated?

Hikaru: What's going on here?

Clara: We decided to do a contest! Whoever has the most fun at the end of the day, Eggy-Sensei will pay for food!

The class cheers but Kalego glares at them.

Kalego: And whoever loses gets extra homework during break.

The class boos but Kalego sadistic self smirks at them. Since Hikaru came late, he didn't have a group.

Hikaru: Well, since everyone has a team, why not join one~!

Which one should I pick~?


Kalego collapsed in exhaustion after the student's home visit.

Hikaru: You look dead.

Kaelgo: I wonder why...

He said sarcastically and Hikaru playfully sticks his tongue at Kalego. They are in Hikaru's dorm right now, chilling on his couch. Hikaru used his blood line magic and brought out one of Kalego's favorite wines in his storage.

Hikaru: Well, since the final day starts tomorrow, let's do a celebration drink.

Kalego: Sure, why not.

Kalego takes the bottle and looks at it.

Kalego: Wait, this is the strong stuff. You can't handle this one as well.

Hikaru: Don't worry~! Tomorrow is our break so I'll drink this without any regrets!

Kalego: Sure, whatever you say.

Hikaru is an average drinker but since he doesn't drink wine that often, his tolerance doesn't build up. After a few glasses, Kalego stares at the now passed out Hikaru, who is resting his head on Kalego's lap. Quietly, Kalego reaches out and pets Hikaru's soft hair.

Kalego: *whispers* I still can't believe that you're part human...

He gently touches Hikaru's horn, confirming they're real.

Kalego: I thought that you were one of the most strangest demons I've ever met...but I was never repulsed of you.

He continues petting Hikaru's head on his lap.

Kalego: I'm...glad to have met you...Hikaru.

The next morning, Hikaru woke up with a massive headache.

Hikaru: Owie, I shouldn't have drank over my limit.

He noticed something on his night stand, it was so pain killers, water and a note. Hikaru picked up the note and it read,

"You drank too much and I had to carry your dead weight to bed. Make sure to drink some when you wake up, take care of your self, idiot. - Kalego"

Hikaru smiles and took the pain killers.

Hikaru: You're such a Tsundere Eggo-Kun.

A/N: It's time to vote my lovely readers~! Which team should Hikaru join?

Team Balam

Team Opera

Team Kalego

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