《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》*Special* Evil Cycle Hikaru


A/N: Since so many of you asked, might as well write a short chapter. Picture above is young Hikaru when attending Babyls but his skin is a bit tanner.

~Third Person's POV~

The Misfit class are in their new classroom, waiting for their two teachers but they haven't showed up yet.

Lied: They're both late, does that mean we can skip~?

Jazz: Let's just chill out till they get here, I feel like Eggy Sensei will personally hunt us down if we skip.

A few more minutes later, the doors suddenly slams open and a figure walks through.

Clara: Ray-Sensei showed up first~!

Iruma: Good morning Nightray-Sensei!

Hikaru was unusually quiet as he walks to his shared teacher's desk and sits down. The class was casually chatting, if Hikaru was the first one to arrive, he lets them talk as he discusses announcements.


With a single word, everyone stopped talking. They felt a chill as Hikaru was staring at them with an unusual cold look.

Hikaru: Hearing any talking right now is irritating. Stay quiet as I announce the news...

The class was quite shook.

Class: (Who is this?!)

Hikaru was telling the latest new as the class stays quiet, too scared to speak. After he was done, Hikaru glares at Iruma's direction.

Iruma: (W-Why is he looking at me?!)

Hikaru: Iruma. Come here.

Iruma quickly stands up and speeds walks over to Hikaru.

Iruma: Y-Yes Nightray-Sensei...

Unexpectedly, he pats his leg, shocking the class once again.

Hikaru: Sit.

Iruma: ...What?

Hikaru: *glares*

Iruma shivers in fright and sits in Hikaru's lap. When Iruma sat down, Hikaru wraps his arms around Iruma's torso and rested his head on top of Iruma's.

(Something similar to this)

Iruma: Huh?

Iruma wasn't scared anymore, the hug wasn't tight as Hikaru gently holds him.


Hikaru: Warm. Stay.

Class: ...

The class watches as the two were cuddling, there's now a warm, flowery aura around them.

Asmodeus: I-Iruma-sama, are you alright?

Iruma: I-I'm fine, this is actually kinda comfy...

Clara: No fair! Let me join!

Hikaru was now a bit tamed, making the class less frightened.

Jazz: Sensei is now a tamed beast.

Lied: His personality is so different, like Iruma's phase.

Elizabetta: This is actually adorable~!

The door suddenly burst open and it was Kalego.

Kalego: Hikaru, come back to the dorms.

Hikaru slowly opens his eyes and glares at Kalego, holding Iruma closer.

Hikaru: No.

Kalego summons Cerberion to catch Hikaru but he easily dodges, grabbing Iruma with him. The students were watching the intense fight between the two teachers while Iruma was panicking, having to be carried by Hikaru.

Iruma: Ah!

Asmodeus: Iruma-sama!

Clara: Go Ray-Sensei~!

Jazz: I bet on Egg-sensei!

Hikaru manages to kick Cerberion down and was about to escape with Iruma but then vines suddenly appear and captured him. The vines grabbed Iruma and pulled him out of Hikaru's arms.

Balam: Good distraction Kalego-Kun.

Kalego: *sighs* To think he would actually escape.

Hikaru: *growls* Let me go.

Kalego: You're going back to your dorm.

Kalego used a sleep spell and Hikaru fell asleep. Kalego carried Hikaru out as Balam talked to the students.

Balam: Sorry about that, Nightray-Sensei is in his evil cycle right now. Both of your home room teachers would be out for a week temporarily.

Lied: Sensei was really scary...

Goemon: Y-Yeah!

Asmodeus : How come Kalego-Sensei is gone as well?

Balam: Only Kalego and I could handle Hikaru during his evil cycle, don't worry, he'll be back to normal after a week.

Iruma was curious about something and asked.

Iruma: Why did Sensei wanted to cuddle me? He didn't let me go either.


Balam: Hm, well, the only ones he's will to cuddle is Kalego, Opera, Sullivan and me. He most likely think a of you as family.

Iruma felt happy that Hikaru thinks of him as part of his family and gently smiles.

Balam dismissed the students and goes back to Hikaru's dorm. When he opens the door, he sees a sleeping Hikaru cuddling with an irritated Kalego.

Balam: Did he unconsciously pulled you in to bed?

Kalego: *sighs* Unfortunately, I had my guard down.

Balam walks over and sat on the bed, sitting near Hikaru. Hikaru had his head pressed against Kalego's chest while hugging his body.

Balam: How strong was the sleeping spell?

Kalego: Strong enough for him to finally calm down. You better switch with me in an hour.

Balam gently rubs Hikaru's hair.

Balam: Remember the first time we experienced his first evil cycle.

Kalego: ...That was the worst week of my life.

Balam laughs as Kalego frowns.

Balam: You didn't like it because he wouldn't let you go the first day.

Kalego: I hate his stupid strength.

Balam wonders about something.

Balam: Why did he escape this time though? He usually just likes to stay in the room.

Kalego: He was unusually still in his room in the morning so I checked up on the fool. He was in his evil phase but instead of staying in his bed, he was dressing up in his suit.

He glares at the sleeping demon.

Kalego: I told him to stay but he said he wanted to see Iruma and used a spell to keep me in here. It's a good thing he's weaker at using magic since it only took a few minutes for me to escape.

Balam: Just as I thought, Iruma-kun is now special for Hikaru.

Kalego: ...How unlucky for Iruma.

A week goes by and Hikaru was back in his normal self. Once he got to the class room, the misfits all greeted him.

Misfits: "Welcome back Sensei!" "Don't be scary again!" "We miss you!"

Hikaru laughs.

Hikaru: Sorry about that you guys, I must've been a bit scary.

Misfits: (A bit...)

Iruma walks in front of Hikaru and gives him a big hug.

Iruma: Welcome back Sensei!

Hikaru was a bit shocked, he gave a gentle smile and hugs Iruma.

Hikaru: I'm back~!

A/N: *spoilers about the manga*

Recent Manga chapter said Kalego-Sensei doesn't have a familiar...soooo Idk if I should fix the chapter with the familiar summoning...what should I do?

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