《Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)》Chapter 11: Evil Cycle Iruma


~Hikaru's POV~

Kalego and I are in the faculty room, dealing with papers and planning lessons.

Hikaru: Yesterday was pretty crazy. The Dissolution Election was so fun~!

Kalego smacked me with some rolled up paper.

Kalego: There's no time for fun when the exams are coming up.

Hikaru: *pouts* There's no need to smack me! Anyways, who were you rooting for if you voted? Even though Ronove would be fun, I would like a capable President like Ameri-chan.

Kalego: Obviously Azazel, she makes this school a better place. Ronove would just cause headaches and trouble.

Hikaru: Isn't that your description of Iruma-Kun? Difference between them is the fact that you like Iruma a little~!

I dodge the incoming paper ball.

Hikaru: Hah! You-!

I didn't expect for him to summon Cerberion to sit on me, pinning me to the ground.

Hikaru: Oi! No fair! Cerberion, get off!

Cerberion shook its head as Kalego places some papers in front of me.

Kalego: Do some work down there.

Hikaru: Meany!

Robin: Is this normal?

Dali: Very.

Robin: I don't know who's he meaner to, me or Nightray-Sensei.

Kalego: *glares*

Dali: ...I think it's definitely you.

I reluctantly did some work while being pinned on the ground. The damn dog got comfy sitting on my back! This morning was peaceful so far when there was a sudden commotion outside the faculty room's door.

Kalego: What is this ruckus?!

Hikaru: Is something happening?

A teacher walks through, looking very nervous.

Teacher: Kalego-Sensei! Nightray-Sensei! All the misfits class are requesting a meeting with you two!

Kalego unsummoned Cerberion and I got up the floor while dusting off my suit.

Hikaru: A meeting?

Kalego: What do these brats want? Tell them I'll talk to them all later.

Teacher: Well...they're all coming right now...

Right on time, the door opens to reveal the misfits class with Iruma leading.

Iruma: Kalego-Sensei, Nightray-Sensei. We need to talk.

Kalego: No.

I smack Kalego's arm and drag him away.

Hikaru: Sure! Let's go over there.

We moved to the two couches. On one couch is Kalego and I, while the other one is Iruma with the misfit class behind him. Looking at Iruma, he feels total different than usual, I see black feathers instead of his usual flowers. Iruma gives us a smile.

Iruma: The misfits class demands a new classroom.

Kalego crosses his arms.

Kalego: What are you thinking? Marching in here all of a sudden and making a criminal demand like that...and what's with the new attitude...

Hikaru: New Iruma-Kun is interesting, I like it~!

Iruma: Until now, I've been too unworldly. As you must know Kalego-Sensei and Nightray-Sensei, our classroom is absolutely awful! Furnishing an environment conductive to learning is the school's responsibility, is it not?

Kalego: Learning...? Your class?

Hikaru: They might not be serious in learning but I think Iruma-Kun makes a point, their classroom isn't in the best condition as the others.

Iruma: Nightray-Sensei agrees! And yet! Why have we been cordoned off!? What makes us so "abnormal!?"

Kalego: ... *sighs* Hikaru, the book.

Oh boy, here comes the book. I used my bloodline magic and made the book appear. I handed it over to Kalego and he flips through it.

Kalego: Suzuki Iruma: Committed violent acts during the entrance ceremony, destroyed a school building.

He points at Asmodeus.

Kalego: Accomplice: Asmodeus Alice.

Asmodeus: My wonderful introduction to Iruma-sama!

We both took turns reading each name as I read Sabnock's.

Kalego continues to list all the troubling things the misfits caused.

Kalego: Is that enough for you?

Iruma paused in silence but then suddenly yelled.


Iruma: Just what makes us abnormal!!

Kalego: In what world is any of that normal!!

Iruma: Fine, you proven your point.

Hikaru: Actually~! Wasn't there a time where a lot of demons asked you for figh-?

Kalego smacks his hand over my mouth and glares.

Kalego: We do not mention that! And it was Senpai's fault anyways!

Iruma: Even with those points, we still should not be treated this way! Clara, bring out the map.

Clara: Okey dokey!!

Iruma puts down a map on the table.

Hikaru: Sorry guys, I get your points. I've requested a new classroom for you guys but there isn't an empty, available one for you.

Kalego: There's nothing we can do about it. There are no other classrooms isolated from the rest.

Iruma just smiles.

Iruma: Hey hey. There is right?

He gives us a smirk.

Iruma: Unseal [the King's Classroom] Royal One.

Those words shocked us, even the misfits class didn't expect that from Iruma. The Royal one was used by the last demon king and has been preserved. It's no longer been used ever.

Iruma: It's close to the gates and the first year tower. And more importantly, Royal One's prestige-

Kalego summons Cerberion behind us, stopping Iruma from talking. Kalego is being serious and pissed, which is not a good combination.

Kalego: That place is the pride of our school. The likes of you using it? Know your place!

Kalego's magic was scaring the misfits class. I sigh at their unfortunate fate.

Lied: I-Iruma-kun...we should stop...

Iruma: The likes of you...then we'll prove it to you. That students like us deserve to use the Royal One.

Iruma used one leg to step on the table.

Iruma: What do you say?

Kalego unsummons Cerberion.

Kalego: ...The approval of all faculty members...in three days.

Hikaru: Three days? Is that unfa-?

He silencing me again with his hand.

Kalego: If you wish to meddle with the relics of the king, you must accept a challenge of that level...

Before Kalego could finish, Iruma slaps his hand.

Iruma: Kay! Condition accept!

That hilariously shocked Kalego.

Iruma: Do you agree with this Nightray-Sensei?

Hikaru: ...*sighs* You won't convince Eggo-Kun unless you do this.

I give him a smile and held my hand out.

Hikaru: Good luck~! I'm rooting for ya'll!

Iruma: Thank you Nightray-Sensei!

Iruma slaps my hand and turns to leave.

Iruma: Don't go back on your promise, Kalego-Sensei!

They left the room as the rest of us teachers stare.

Robin: You promised him!

Dali was shaking in laughter.

Dali: Your students are always so much fun!

Hikaru: *smiles* Aren't they the greatest~!

Kalego: They're all idiots.

~Third Person's POV~

Once the teachers were out of ear shot, Hikaru talks to Kalego quietly.

Hikaru: Aren't you being too mean Kalego-Kun?

Kalego: What are you talking about?

Hikaru: You know this task is impossible. The way you worded it too...

Hikaru slightly glares at Kalego.

Hikaru: You're purposely making them fail.

Kalego: ... *sighs* To think you would figure it out.

Hikaru: Of course I would, we're best friends.

Kalego: I'm still denying that.

Hikaru was still slightly glaring at Kalego.

Hikaru: Why would you give them such an impossible task with a three day limit? They can't get all those signatures in three days.

Kalego: It's their fault for not listening carefully. I did say all the faculty members. They're always like this, jumping in without thinking it through.

Hikaru: ...Is this to teach them a lesson? I still think they deserve better.

Kalego: ...If they get many approvals then I'll help them change their classroom but, I will never hand them the Royal One.


Kalego stand up from the couch.

Kalego: Since you know, are you going to tell them?

Hikaru: ...

Hikaru stands up as well.

Hikaru: You promised, if they did get all the signatures, the Royal One is theirs?

Kalego: Yes, I will not back down from that.

Hikaru: *smiles* I'm not gonna tell because I believe in them.

Kalego shook his head.

Kalego: You believe in them that much?

Hikaru: Yep! I do because they're such a wonderful class! Also, Iruma's the one leading them. Whatever seems impossible, somehow Iruma could make it possible.

Hikaru made a stamp appear in his hand.

Hikaru: If they come ask, I'll just give them my stamp~!

Kalego: Oh no you don't, you're part of the deal too! You'll only stamp if they get all the slips!

Hikaru: You can't make me!

Kalego: I'll lift off your sweet limitation for one month.

Hikaru: ...

Kalego: Two months.

Hikaru hands over the stamp to Kalego.

Hikaru: You know me too well.

Kalego: Unfortunately.

Over the next three days, this misfit class is working hard to get their papers stamped. They tried to seduce Hikaru to stamp with candy but Hikaru stayed strong and refused.

Hikaru: I would love to stamp but Eggo-Kun bribed me a really good deal, sorry guys~! Good luck~!

During one of those days, Kalego and Hikaru were walking through the hallways when Iruma and Jazz approached them.

Iruma: If I used my seal, I can get Kalego-Sensei paws to sign~!

Hikaru: That's a good idea!

Kalego: Oh no you don't! Hand over the seal!

Once Kalego snatched the seal, he sends the two away.

Hikaru: ...I'm surprised you let Jazz-Kun take your book.

Kalego: I'll let them get away with this for now.

Hikaru: Wonder what they want with it? It's just your planner and thoughts written.

A lot of venting about Robin and many annoying incidents with Hikaru is in that planner. Also Kalego keeps track of Hikaru's sweet intake on there too.

When the three days were up, the misfits brought all the teacher's papers stamped.

Iruma: All signatures of the teachers, have a look.

We skimmed through and he was correct.

Kalego: It seems all 36 of the teachers have approved.

Iruma: Yours and Nightray-Sensei's signatures are the last ones.

Kalego: If they're all here I would sign one too.

The class was cheering but unfortunately, I know what's coming next.

Iruma: Then go ahead and sign.

Kalego: Therefore, we won't be signing.

Lied: Wh-What?

Hikaru: What Kalego means, is that you're missing some papers.

Kalego: I said all the faculty members.

Hikaru: You've gotten all the teachers, but...

Kalego: The faculty includes the cafeteria workers, school store employees, grounds keepers, librarians...you need approval from everyone working at Babylus.

Sabnock: What the hell?!

Lied: Cheater! You never said anything like that!

Iruma: Kalego-Sensei! This excuse is-

Kalego: Silence. You lot are always like this. You never think things through.

(Author: Sorry, this is too many words to type)

Kalego: And they deserve to be burned.

Kalego sat back down and I touched his shoulder.

Hikaru: I still think they deserve something after getting all 36 signatures Kalego-Kun.

Kalego: *sighs* I guess I agree with that, we'll do something to get your classroom fixed. But I cannot approve your transfer to the Royal One. Let that be the end of this, Iruma-

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and the old ground's keeper comes in.

Old man: Is Iruma-Kun here?

Iruma: Old grounds keeper?

Old man: You said you were pretty busy but I heard you need my application? Take it.

Iruma: Uh, thanks.

Iruma takes it.

Lied: Plus one!

Jazz: That's nice, but...

Old man: Hm? Not enough? Heeey! They still need more!

The grounds keep calls out and many of the other staff comes in, handing their signatures to Iruma. Hikaru smiles and Kalego frowns.

Kalego: I can't believe it.

Hikaru: I told you they could do it~! Our class is wonderful~!

Iruma: Now then, Kalego-Sensei, what you said wasn't wrong. We didn't think this through. Everyone laughs and looks down on us, maybe we look like clowns to you but that...ends today.

Iruma: If all faculty has approved, you'd sign. Isn't that your words?

Iruma said with a smirk. Kalego hesitated to stamp but I grabbed his hand and stamped it for him. I got my stamp and signed another paper.

Hikaru: Here you go! Congratulations~! The misfits class transfer has been approved! Welcome to the Royal One~!

Everyone cheered and celebrated.

Dali: They got you good Kalego.

Hikaru: Yep, I told you~!

Kalego: Seriously...things never go the way I want when it comes to the misfits.

Hikaru: If it did go your way, it'll be way too boring!

Kalego grabs Hikaru's head and squeezed.

Kalego: What did you say?

Hikaru: Ow ow ow! F-Forgive me Eggo-Kun! Y-You're totally not boring!

He squeezes harder.

Hikaru: Ah! 。゜(`Д')゜。

The next day it was time to open the Royal One. This was so huge that there are even vendors outside. Hikaru was enjoying the food while Kalego was watching him. Kalego spots Iruma and drags Hikaru over to them.

Hikaru: Hey Iruma-Kun~!

Iruma: Hi Hikaru.

Kalego: Satisfied? You wanted people to acknowledge your classmates, didn't you?

Iruma: Uh huh.

The other classmates rushed over to the teachers, wanting them to open the door right now.

Hikaru: It's time to open the doors!

Kalego: Today, I declare the Royal One to be reopened.

The other teachers had large keys and they flew up to open the locks. Once the locks dropped, the doors started to open.

Kalego: What lies beyond is the pride of our school, the relic of our king, and your new...

Misfits: Castle!

The group rushes past Kalego to go inside. Hikaru gets excited as well.

Hikaru: Wow~! So shiny!

The two walk in, observing the room.

Hikaru: This place sure is beautiful and this is our new home room class~!

Kalego: *sighs* They better not ruin this place.

Hikaru leans to Kalego's ears and whispers.

Hikaru: Aren't you glad to be their teacher? We get such a wonderful classroom and students~

Kalego: I would appreciate if they don't cause trouble, but trouble comes to find them.

Hikaru wraps his arm around Kalego's and he drags Kalego around to have a tour around their new classroom.


Iruma was back in his original self, so now Sullivan and Opera were celebrating his return.

Iruma: Grandpa, I've been wondering something.

Sullivan: What is it my boy!

Iruma: Since Hikaru is half demon, did he get an evil cycle?

The two were in silence after that question and Sullivan start crying.

Sullivan: His faze was awful as well!

Opera grabs Iruma's shoulders.

Opera: It's best if we don't talk about it...

Iruma: Huh?! What happened?

With Hikaru and Kalego, they were both hanging out in Kalego's room.

Hikaru: Iruma's evil cycle sure is crazy. I wasn't that bad when I had it was my first time, right~?

Kalego: ...

There was a ringing from Hikaru's phone and he picked it up.

Hikaru: Chirou-kun! You cannot believe what just happened today~!

Hikaru stands up and leaves the room to talk to Balam. Meanwhile, Kalego was remembering evil cycle Hikaru.

Evil cycle Hikaru was very brash, doesn't smile and is aloof. The opposite of Hikaru. Whenever he gets pissed off, he beats the shit out of the delinquent that bothered him. There was a lot more body counts to the hospital that week. Hikaru was still nice...in a brash way. If he wanted cuddles, he doesn't say anything.

Actually, his need of wanting cuddles increases. They find out he quiets down if he's cuddling with either of them. He immediately picks up either Balam or Kalego and cuddles with them without saying anything. His strength gets stronger so Kalego can't escape at all from Hikaru during his evil cycle, especially when Hikaru naps. With that, young Balam and Kalego make a silent agreement between each other.

Balam: We should always keep Hikaru-Kun's stress in check, I don't like his colder personality, I miss old Hikaru-Kun.

Kalego: I unfortunately agree with you. I rather have his damn smiley, annoying self than his angry, clingy side.

Although Kalego won't admit it, he also likes Hikaru the way he is. Since then, Hikaru hasn't has his evil cycle in a while, it comes here and there but it's a rarity. When his evil cycle does come, Balam, Kalego and Hikaru would be absent for a week. If Hikaru doesn't have them near him, he'll most likely cause a rampage. So with that, it's Kalego and Balam job to be Hikaru's teddy bear.

Balam doesn't mind being cuddled but Kalego shivers at the memories of Hikaru never letting him go and his stupid tight grip.

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