《Tbh X Laff》25. Business partners


This is kinda a Socks smp AU. but not really, take this however you want :)



Tbh had never expected he'd be attracted to men..And out of all people he never expected it to be Laff! He rarely ever hung out and engaged with Laff.

They were just two people living in the same city, but when Laff suggested sponsoring Tbh's gym and restaurant Tbh felt unusually giddy, happy, even warm inside. It was truly a new feeling, something he never felt around Memegod.

At first, it was simple happiness, having someone sponsor him meant he could use the extra money to grow his business further.

Then came the giddy feeling, he just felt so happy and excited it made him feel like he might fall off his feet. Of course, he'd never let himself be embarrassed in front of Laff like that.

After all, came the warmth, it was weird, he didn't know why he felt that way, but interacting with Laff lit up something deep within Tbh.

Sometimes Tbh felt unprofessional, dumb, even like a child when he was around the man. He was so well kept, so professional, his every move was calculated and planned to the simplest of details.

Laff was always well mannered around Tbh, simply talking business and making plans, so the other tried his best. Tbh was a good businessman, positive and silly, but good nonetheless.

His workers loved him, new or old, they all loved him and his personality. Around Laff tho, Tbh seemed to change, he was stuck up, nervous and quiet, if it wasn't for the 2 inch height difference someone would think they are the same person.

Laff talked rarely, only when he needed to and everything coming out of his mouth had to sound cold, correct and calculated.

In contrast, Tbh liked talking, now that didn't mean Tbh was naïve or talking absolute nonsense. No no, Tbh was well-spoken, always easy to understand and smart with his words, he just liked to make sure everyone followed him and heard his word.

As mentioned before Laff was a professional, so when it began everyone was a little surprised.

When exactly what began? You might be asking, well let me tell you. The touches. When the touches began everyone was surprised.

What touches? The small, innocent touches Laff did around Tbh. Be it simply placing a hand on his forearm and keeping it there or something more risqué like placing his hands on Tbh's hips when he had to move him out of the way.

Tbh didn't really understand why Laff did any of that, the lad had never shown a particular interest in Tbh or dating him. Thinking about it nobody understood Laff and his weird ways.

It didn't take long for Tbh's workers to start making fun of him tho, they'd joke and laugh about it. And Tbh didn't really mind, he'd joke with them and do anything to keep the mood lighter.

All hell broke loose when Laff's court room got destroyed. He rarely visited Tbh after that day, he never came by and nobody ever saw him. The payment still kept coming in tho, though even in the hardest of his days Laff kept sponsoring Tbh.

So one day the raven told his right-hand to take the business for the day deciding to visit Laff and help him if he could. Slowly he packed a sandwich and a bottle of water unsure if he'd really need it, but deciding to just bring it with him.

As Tbh walked to the court house he saw something on the roof, he approached it closer, finally noticing a moving figure on the roof.


Upon further inspection and coming closer he finally realised the figure was Laff, the man was sitting fixing the roof one hand propping him up and the other holding a hammer.

It was an especially hot day and Tbh could see sweat dripping down Laff's nose as he leaned forward. He watched the man for a minute longer, eyes lingering over his figure.

"Do you need any help?" Tbh finally called out getting Laff's attention. The other turned to face him a small smile playing on his lips as his eyes found Tbh.

Thinking about it Tbh had rarely seen Laff smile, the only times the man seemed to smile were times involving Tbh in some sort.

"No thank you lad, don't want you falling of the roof, eh?" Laff replied slowly getting off the roof to greet Tbh. Tbh chuckled eyes still glued to the other.

"Don't worry, I'm a capable man." Tbh mentioned and Laff chuckled throwing his tools to the side.

"If you don't mind, is that for me?" Laff asked pointing at the bag Tbh was carrying.

The other looked down, before turning his gaze back smiling softly at Laff.

"Yes." He stretched out his arm handling Laff the bag, goosebumps raising on his arm as their hands touch and a spark of electricity shot through him.

Quickly both men pulled away, Laff looking at his hand like it had been burned.

"Thank you for this." Laff breaks the silence calling out to Tbh. Tbh smiles lightly taking in how bright Laff's eyes were and the smile still on Laff's lips.

"I'm glad you like it." Tbh stated watching Laff pull out the sandwich and bottle, opening it and taking a sip before offering it to Tbh.

"No thank you."

Tbh responds not wanting to take anything from Laff.

"Suit yourself." Laff states shrugging and putting the sandwich back into the bag.

A comfortable silence settles between the two men, Tbh looks around the courtyard as Laff continues to eat his sandwich. It's beautiful, all red bricks and black cobblestone, the sun shining brightly above them.

"You're going to get burnt if you stay out here too long." Tbh says breaking the silence.

"I'll be fine." Laff replies waving his hand dismissively.

"You should go inside, it's getting hot out here." Tbh suggests and Laff nods, slowly pulling his bag over his shoulder.

He pauses and turns back facing Tbh,

"Have a good rest of your day, and thanks again." He tells the raven, Tbh merely nods with a wave of his free hand.

Laff walks towards the door, turning his head slightly, eyes locking with Tbh and then walking off disappearing behind the doors.


Its the next day and Tbh hurries to the office, messily straightening his shirt. Soon in his view comes Laff, as well-kept and professional as always, Tbh catches up to him walking alongside his business partner.

The day goes smoothly, Tbh helps Laff and they work together seamlessly. It's amazing, and they make an amazing team, Tbh can't help but admire Laff, the way he manages things, the way he can make anyone elses work more efficient and easier without even trying. Laff always manages to put others first.

He loves to work and be productive.

Once the morning is finished Tbh decides to spend the day with Laff, the boy has done nothing but talk to Tbh for hours now.

Laff's wasn't much of a social being, he usually liked to be alone. Not when Tbh was around tho, he loved spending time with Tbh, talking business and sometimes just relaxing in the boys presence.


There was something special about Tbh; something Laff couldn't put his finger on. Something that brought Laff joy every time he spent time with Tbh.

The two decide to grab lunch, Laff takes Tbh to an Italian restaurant near their work.

The restaurant was full and bustling and Tbh finds himself laughing and talking with Laff whilst the two sit at a table.

Their conversation eventually moves onto the upcoming trial, discussing strategies, tactics and the different companies involved.

Tbh learns that Laff isn't shy around him, he talks freely and laughs easily, even when Tbh speaks of work Laff doesn' t seem bothered or ashamed at all.

This means Laff likes working with Tbh, and Tbh actually enjoys listening to Laffs talk.

They eat a decent lunch, Laff sharing food with Tbh. They talk idly about everything from the business to the weather, everything from Laff to Tbh.


After finishing lunch Tbh walks along side Laff, who keeps up his chatter the whole time and despite the fact he's usually not so chatty Tbh enjoys hearing him talk.

Eventually they reach Laffs apartment building and soon after entering the apartment they find themselves talking about something again.

Laffs place is nice, clean and organised, everything is in its proper place, the lights are on and everything seems perfectly fine and neat.

There are plants scattered around the apartment and the couch looks comfy enough too.

Laff invites Tbh into his home, and Tbh accepts which is strange because normally the raven would turn Laff down.

They both settle down on the couch, Tbh resting his back against the couch pillows and Laff leans on him slightly while continuing to talk about the case, the two men end up talking until Tbh realises the time passing.

He looks up to see Laff watching him intently with a soft yet nervous look adorning his face. "I should head back" Tbh chuckles shaking his head as Laff pouts.

"You should stay and hang out." Laff insists, Tbh simply shakes his head once more.

"I shouldn't keep wasting your time." He tries reasoning with the brunette, he hates seeing Laff disappointed, but unfortunately, Laff is stubborn and won't let go of his stubbornness.

With that, Laff makes his decision. Without another word, he stands up grabbing Tbh gently under his arms and pulling him up as well.

Before Tbh knows what's happening Laff is hugging him tightly and burying his face in his chest.

Tbh's breath hitches, Laff is warm and smells nice... When Laff feels Tbh stiffen he immediately lets go and apologises profusely.

"I didn't know what to do so I just hugged you." he stammers sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Tbh stares at the older with wide eyes, trying to process everything that's just happened.

His heart beats rapidly, he has never felt so close to someone in such a short amount of time and he knows that he will remember these feelings for quite some time.

Laff keep on insisting, keeps on asking Tbh to stay and finally after so much convincing the younger agrees.

Laff's face breaks into a huge smile and Tbh can't help but reciprocate the gesture, he hasn't smiled so wide since he was a child and he suddenly feels like smiling again.

"Thank you so much!" Laff exclaims happily before quickly engulfing Tbh in a hug once again.

As they separate Laff grabs Tbh' s wrist and pulls him up from the couch leading him to his bedroom, which is just as big as the living room.

It's decorated differently than Tbh would expect, there's no red brick walls to be seen, instead the bedroom consists of a bed, a wardrobe, desk and chair, a wooden floor and a bookcase.

On the wall opposite the bed Tbh notices pictures of him and Laff, all framed by blue glass and hung above the bed. Tbh remembers how much those photos cost him when he was younger and the thought brings a sad feeling to the raven's chest.

"Sorry for the mess." Laff apologies noticing the frown appearing on Tbh's face.

"It's okay." Tbh reassures him giving him a reassuring smile.

Tbh glances around the room once more, it reminds him a lot of himself in many ways, although it was definitely Laffs.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go on." Laff replies smiling softly.

"You've never invited anyone over, why me?"

"Because you're special." Laff replies almost automatically.

Tbh stares at Laff in surprise, did he hear that right?

"That sounds so cheesy." Tbh whispers to himself.

"Why?" Laff asks curiously tilting his head slightly in confusion.

Tbh looks away, biting the inside of his cheek nervously.

"I don't know."

"Well, I think you are special." Laff states matter of factly.

"How so?" Tbh asks curious.

"You're smart, funny, kind, caring, loyal, brave, strong, handsome, talented, intelligent, and you're so beautiful."

Tbh doesn't really know how to respond to Laff's compliment, he can feel heat rising in his cheeks but he ignores it as best as he can and instead focuses on the other's words.

"Wow." he mumbles quietly staring down at his hands which are currently fiddling with the strings of his hoodie.

"I'm gonna have to start bringing you coffee in the mornings if this continues." Laff jokes lightly.

Tbh grins, "I'd like that" He responds, "You should sleep, we have a big day ahead tomorrow." He adds.

Laff nods and sighs, "yeah. I am tired, I haven't slept well recently." he admits looking a tad guilty.

"We can cuddle if you want." Tbh offers, he thinks it's only fair to share his blankets and pillows with Laff.

He watches the brunette smile softly and nods, "I'd like that."

And with that the two get changed and lay in bed, with Laff facing Tbh. The raven places a blanket over them both before pulling the taller man closer.

For a second, Tbh feels content lying next to Laff, but then Laff begins snoring softly and Tbh realises that he fell asleep.


Tbh wakes up the next morning with a slight crick in his neck. He reaches behind him blindly searching for Laff, he finally comes across the brunette's sleeping form tangled into the sheets and turns over fully to face the smaller male.

Tbh smiles softly, his smile quickly fades when he notices Laff's confused and panicked face.

"Why are you in my bed? What's going on?" Laff panics, his breathing erratic.

"I uhh, you invited me." Tbh mutters and the other looks back at him wide eyed.

"I don't remember anything, ughh, my head hurts." Laff mumbles placing the back of his hand against his forehead and groaning softly.

Tbh frowns softly at Laffs behaviour, "You don't remember inviting me here?"

"What?!" Laff gasps shocked. "No! I- last thing I remember was drinking wine in the restaurant." Laff mutters frantically turning towards the other as his panic increases.

"Okay okay calm down, you want to tell me you were drunk after the dinner yesterday?" Tbh asks carefully and the other nods.

"I told you to stop drinking, didn't I?"

Laff hesitates for a moment before admitting "Yes".

Tbh chuckles "Come on Laff, you're a grown ass man, you should know better."

"But..." Laff starts, he wants to argue with Tbh, but Tbh interrupts him.

"Don't worry about it Laff, we'll deal with this later, let's just get ready we'll be late for work."


Tbh enters the building, all stares following him as he walks.

"Yo Tb!"

He turns around hand over his mouth as he yawns.

"What's up Blaza?" He finally asks running a hand through his hair.

"Nothing-" he starts before looking Tbh up and down and continuing. "Damn Tb! First you get all friendly, then the dinner now you turn up to work in his clothes. You really got him wrapped around your finger, huh?"


Tbh starts glaring at the other man who seems unfazed, his smirk remains plastered across his face as he walks off.

"Fuck!" Tbh mutters angirly as he hears others snicker after him.

"Who's Blaza?"

Tbh freezes and looks around frantically, he spots Laff who is stood in front of him waiting patiently.

"No-one important." Tbh tells the taller shrugging nonchalantly.

"Are you sure?" Laff questions skeptically, Tbh nods his head in response and quickly moves past the taller to find somewhere quiet where he relax and freshen up.

Tbh enters his office, sitting down in a chair and starting with his papers.

He thinks about the small touches Laff gave him when they passed each other, how he would brush his fingers against Tbh's arms or waist, how soft and delicate his skin was, how he smelled amazing, how warm his body felt.

Tbh wonders if he'd have those gentle touches again, if he'd get that feeling of butterflies in his stomach and warmth spreading throughout his body.

Tbh decides not to leave Laff alone, that would be cruel and ungentlemanly.

So Tbh gets up approaching the door and opening it slowly, his eyes fall on Laff who's nervously standing in front of his door.

Tbh gently smiles."Come in." he says and Laff nods entering the others office. Tbh walks past him sitting down in his chair, Laff following close after and standing on the opposite side of the table.

"I wanted to talk about what happened yesterday." Laff starts off and Tbh listens carefully nodding his head along.

"I was drunk and I'm sorry if my feelings took over and I made you uncomfortable. Truth is I like you, not only as a business partner, but as something more. I've noticed you've been avoiding me and I'm here to apologise for acting selfishly, I hope we can still work together as everything's improved since I started working with you."

Laff finishes his speech awkwardly.

"Woah woah woah slow down!" Tbh exclaims raising his hands in protest. "It wasn't like that at all, I liked spending time with you, even if you were drunk." Tbh explains trying his hardest to reassure the other.


"Absolutely." Tbh confirms smiling widely.

They stare at each other for a few seconds, an intense tension between the two males, until a knock from the other side of the door distracts both boys and breaks their trance.

"Not now!" Laff shouts grabbing hold of one of Tbh's hands gently interviewing thier fingers.

Tbh stares down at the intertwined fingers before smiling shyly.

The door opens slowly, and Laff scrambles backwards letting go of Tbh's hand. In walks Socks straightening his tie, he clears his throat taking a seat on one of the chairs.

Tbh is still lovestruck, blindly looking at Laff as the other takes over the meeting finishing it quickly. Laff and Socks shake hands and the other leaves, Laff sighs out loudly turning around and sitting on Tbh's table.

"Thanks for that." Tbh mutters looking back down.

"Yeah... No problem." Laff answers.

"Can you stay for a little bit? Maybe I'll be able to finish my work quicker." Tbh suggests and Laff agrees eagerly sitting down with a bright smile on his lips.

Tbh returns the smile before returning back to work and working for another hour or two without any major interruptions.

After an hour he stands up stretching before walking over to where Laff is sat and sits down on the arm of the chair, he wraps his arm around Laff's shoulders and pulls him closer, resting his chin on top of the other males head.

Laff hums contently leaning into the touch.

"That suit was a good pick for you, it's a little big on the sides, but overall not too bad."

Laff comments running his fingers over the delicate fabric.

"Everyone immediately noticed it's not mine tho, I've never wore something so expensive."

Tbh chuckles. And Laff looks him up and down again before placing a hand on Tbh's chest.

"You're way to skinny the jacket is hanging off of you." He finally adds.

"I'm not skinny! I'm the perfect weight!"

"Yeah right." Laff takes Tbh's wrist into his hand, the long slender fingers and a big palm dwarfing the thin wrist.

"See? I can easily wrap my fingers around your arm."

"That's not my arm, and after all you just have long fongers." Tbh replies smirking.

Laff laughs loudly before standing up. He holds out a hand and Tbh grins.

"Give me your jacket, I wanna show you something." Tbh looks at him skeptically before taking off his jacket handling it to Laff. He turns the jacket inside out, he shows Tbh the underside of the collar on which in bold white letters is written 'Property of Laffengas'

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