《Tbh X Laff》24. The business man and the waiter


Warning: RUSHED

Just a small chapter I rushed while working on my bigger one :)

Stay safe.


"Hey, Blaza I'm here!" Tbh exclaimed as he entered the small shared building. The sound of little bells ringing followed after him as he stepped inside.

Stretching his arm to the side he grabbed his apron tying it to his waist, Tbh breathed in the smell of fresh coffee a slight smile appearing on his face as he walked through the small kitchen, trying to find his blonde friend.

After seeming unsuccessful for a few minutes he walked to the front eyeing the still dirty tables and unevenly left chairs.

He sighed to himself grabbing a cloth cleaning the tables, rearranging the chairs and later on sweeping the floor.

Just as he finished putting the broom away his nose picked up a smell. Doughnuts. He realised the small smile on his face growing just a tad bit bigger.

He walked through the building following the amazing smell of freshly made doughnuts.

With a quiet step, he entered the kitchen spotting his tall friend occupying himself with the delicious freshly baked sweets.

He came closer quiet like a cat creeping up on its prey. Tbh placed a hand on Blaza's shoulder causing the taller boy to flinch and almost drop a doughnut.

Blaza gasped eyes darting over to Tbh in a glare, Tbh ignored his glares simply leaning his head on Blaza's shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Tbh asked leaning forwards to closer inspect the delicious sweets. "Glazing the doughnuts," Blaza responds with a sigh.

Tbh smirks before quickly grabbing a doughnut and fleeing from the scene leaving an angry Blaza yelling after him.

Tbh runs to the front munching on his doughnut only to notice a man sitting right across from him.

The man is dressed in a suit, suitcase resting next to him on the table, one hand resting to his side and the other turning the papers of a document he was working on. Deep in thought looking at the said documents rereading them and writing something down occasionally.

Tbh places the doughnut down, slowly approaching the man. "I'm sorry we are not open yet." He declares openly and politely catching the man's attention.

"It says you are open from 9 am." The man answers eyes darting over Tbh's figure and back at his paper.

"Yeah, but that's on weekdays, sir." Tbh says slowly inspecting the man sitting. He had fluffy curly dark brown hair and brown eyes, thick eyebrows and thin lips. He was quite attractive focused completely on the papers in front of him deep in thought.

Suddenly the attractive stranger's gaze is back on him and the stranger places his head in his hand stroking his chin before speaking again.

"Today's Monday and it's 10 am." He states this time keeping his gaze on Tbh longer, before bringing it back on the papers.

Tbh is stunned for a second before he reaches behind and grabs his phone from the back pocket. Tbh turns the phone on and sure it says:

10:20 am


Tbh hurriedly pushes his phone into his back pocket before dusting himself off.

"I'm so sorry sir, forgive me I was mistaken. How can I help you today?" Tbh says in his sweeter voice nervous at how the customer will react, he really messed this up.

Weirdly the stranger looks up and smiles at Tbh who is fiddling with his fingers nervously.

"It's alright I'll have a black coffee no sugar." He says with a slight smile before again looking back at the papers.


Tbh nods taking the order and moving into the kitchen where he exhales heavily before preparing the customers order.

"Here I hope you enjoy it." Tbh says with a smile as he places the coffee in front of the customer.

"Thank you." He answers smiling at Tbh in return. "Also here this is on me." Tbh says placing a plate with his popular pancakes on the table.

The stranger looks at Tbh weirdly and Tbh clears his throat awkwardly before speaking again. "It's for what happened earlier."

Tbh turns around ready to leave to the kitchen when he hears the stranger speak again. "Thank you, you shouldn't have." Tbh turns around and smiles before leaving to the kitchen.

He enters the kitchen immediately slumping down to sit on a chair.

Monday's were never busy in their coffee shop sometimes people who work nearby come in and order something, but most of the time Mondays go without many customers. So it wasn't a surprise Tbh didn't notice it was a Monday.

Tbh sat there for another minute before he got up and walked back out he noticed the man wasn't there anymore.

Tbh sighed before walking over to clean the table when he noticed a small note.

'Thank you for the pancakes they were delicious here's a little tip'

Under the note was 30 dollars. Tbh picked them up surprised the man left such a big tip after what happened earlier.

He smiled to himself holding the money. "Whatcha smiling about?" Blaza asked suddenly catching Tbh of guard making him drop the note.

Tbh turned around glaring at Blaza who only shrugged. "Nothing." He said annoyed bending down trying to pick up the note only to be beaten to it by Blaza who took it first.

Blaza read the note and smirked placing a hand at his side. "Nothing you say? What's this then?" Tbh's cheeks turned slightly pink at the mention of the note and Blaza's smirk went wider.

"Like I said it's nothing Blaza." Tbh says annoyed glaring at Blaza before he turns around and continues to clean the table.

"C'mon why are you so mad I'm just joking," Blaza says placing a hand on Tbh's shoulder, Tbh looks back at him and smiles before looking back at the table and staring at it.

"Yeah, you are right. I'm sorry." Tbh says sincerely sending Blaza a warm smile. "I'm gonna go take a break." Tbh continues running a hand through his hair.

"Okay," Blaza confirms patting Tbh on the back. Tbh was stressed he felt embarrassed by the whole situation and couldn't get it out of his head. He just hoped the guy won't be back anytime soon.


It's been a couple of days and Tbh is desperately trying to forget the embarrassing interaction.

Tbh was standing behind the counter playing on his phone when he heard a familiar song of the ringing bells.

He looked up placing his phone on the counter only to be met by the person he wanted to see the least.

The man moved towards the counter sitting down looking directly at Tbh.

"Hi welcome again. What can I get you?" Tbh mutters looking around trying to seem busy.

"Same as last time thank you." The man says sending Tbh a warm smile before reaching into his bag.

Tbh got onto making the coffee noticing as the man again was busy with some papers. He let out a quiet sigh trying to forget their previous interaction.

"What's your name?" The question startles Tbh almost making him drop the coffee. He looks at his side his eyes meeting the eyes of the man.


"I'm sorry." He adds and Tbh shakes his head before fully turning to him. "My name is Tbh." Tbh says pointing at the tag on his shirt.

"I'm Laff," Laff says sending Tbh a small smile before looking back at his papers.

Tbh finishes his coffee, puts it on the tray and walks to Laff's table. As he is about to place the coffee down Laff's hand bumps his own and Tbh spills the coffee.

Laff lets out a hiss as the hot coffee spills all over his right thigh. Tbh hurriedly grabs a napkin sitting down on his knees and starts to clean of the hot coffee all the while repeating " I'm sorry."

"Thanks, don't worry you're okay I've had worse." Laff says looking down at the coffee stain spreading on his trousers and sighing. "I should go now." Tbh says looking away unable to look Laff in the eye.

"Are you sure you dont need me to call someone to get it cleaned up."

Tbh offers standing up.

"No you don't have to do that. Its fine really." Laff replies smiling kindly at Tbh. "Thank you."

Laff leaves shortly after leaving Tbh alone with the mess he made.

Tbh stands frozen for a couple of minutes before shaking out his thoughts and wiping up the coffee. Then he begins wiping down the tables until they sparkle and shine, cleaning every surface.

Tbh sighs once he finished he looks down at the clock seeing it reads 5:56 pm. He decides to leave early and go home to take a shower and rest. Tbh cleans everything before going back into the kitchen and getting his things before leaving out the back door to walk to his car.


It's been a couple of days and Tbh is desperately trying to forget the embarrassing interaction.

Tbh was standing behind the counter playing on his phone when he heard a familiar song of the ringing bells.

He looked up placing his phone on the counter only to be met by the person he wanted to see the least.

The man moved towards the counter sitting down looking directly at Tbh.

"Hi welcome again. What can I get you?" Tbh mutters looking around trying to seem busy.

"Same as last time thank you." The man says sending Tbh a warm smile before reaching into his bag.

Tbh got onto making the coffee noticing as the man again was busy with some papers. He let out a quiet sigh trying to forget their previous interaction.

"So um," Tbh breaks the silence. "Are you coming back tomorrow?" Tbh blurts out, he mentally smacks himself. Great job Tbh now you make conversation!

Laff smiles at Tbh, his eyes glistening. Tbh has to stop his heart from beating so fast.

"Maybe," Laff replies with a shy grin. Tbh's eyes widen and he smiles brightly.

"Great!" Tbh says getting up and putting the coffee tray back on the shelf. "See ya tomorrow!" He shouts as he makes his way back to his register.


After work Tbh heads home. His mind racing with the encounter between him and Laff. He doesn't know if Laff is aware of the fact his thumb brushing against Tbh's.

All he knows is the fact that he wants to touch Laff's face and touch those soft lips.

He thinks about Laff's sweet smile as well as that gentle gaze he shot at him.

He wonders what kind of face Laff makes when he's happy, or confused and Tbh feels butterflies flutter in his stomach thinking about the look of confusion on Laff's face.


2:15 pm - Friday

Laff's POV

As soon as he steps inside his house he rushes upstairs to wash the coffee stains off his pants.

As he walks into his room, he pulls of the shirt covering his torso, and sits down on his bed.

He stares at his thighs trying to forget the feeling of that touch he felt earlier today.

Laff blushes remembering the way his heart thumped hard against his chest as his fingers brushed lightly over the area where he had accidently spilled coffee.

His heart rate increases as he remembers how soft and smooth Tbh' skin is compared to his own chapped and calloused palms and elbows.

"Oh no don't think about Tbh now!" He groans quietly to himself pushing those thoughts away.

Tbh was different from any other person he'd met, he was nice, caring and caring with others, Tbh was also kind, patient, intelligent and even funny which surprised him a lot.

The thought of Tbh makes his heart beat faster, what did he mean when he said I shouldn't tell anyone about him?


4:30 pm - Wednesday

Tbh sits at his desk his arms crossed across his chest listening to music. Suddenly he stops and looks up hearing footsteps approaching him.

He smiles seeing Laff step into view leaning over the desk towards him until his face is an inch away from Tbh’s, Tbh freezes feeling the heat rush to his cheeks.

Laff smiles at him softly before pulling away slightly. “Hello Tbh."

Tbh can’t help the wide smile spreading across his face, he was always amazed at how handsome Laff was.

"Hey Laff," He replies leaning his arms on his desk, not really paying attention to anything Blaza says in the background.

"You okay?" Laff asks softly his hand rubbing the back of his neck, Tbh frowns slightly wondering what made him ask.

"I’m fine why wouldn’t I be?" Tbh questions looking at Laff confused.

Laff shrugs and smiles gently "I just saw how quiet you've been recently."

A slight blush appears on Tbh’s cheeks, “I haven’t been silent” Tbh says crossing his arms over his chest.

“Oh really?” He teased earning him a glare from Tbh causing him to laugh softly.

“Shut up!” He shouted pouting.

Laff laughs even more and gives Tbh’s arm a light slap, a smile still present on his face.

Tbh’s heart skips a beat and he clears his throat. “Anyway, what brings you here?” He asks changing the subject.

Laff hums in thought before answering. “Just some papers for my boss I need to finish.” He replies. Tbh nods as he grabs a chair and sets it next to his.

Laff begins writing something on one of the papers and occasionally glances at Tbh who is sitting on his chair and staring straight forward lost in thought.

Tbh’s gaze lands on Laff’s lips. He finds them mesmerizing, they’re full but have a perfect shape and color that is unique to his lips.

Tbh bites his lip nervously hoping Laff didn’t notice him staring. Luckily, he didn’t and continued to write on the paper.

‘Wow...so pretty.’ Tbh thinks to himself biting his lip more.

Suddenly Laff turns his paper around giving Tbh a good view of his messy handwriting, “This should be good right?” Laff says smiling up at Tbh.

Tbh swallows thickly before replying, “You don't have the prettiest of handwriting.”

Tbh jokes and Laff smiles at him happily handing over the final page of the worksheet. “I know.” He responds as they both stand up ready to go.

Laff looks at Tbh hesitantly “Do you wanna grab dinner with me sometime?” He asks.

Tbh pauses for a second as he processes what Laff asked. Dinner? With him? A date? He can't help the smile appearing across his face.

“Yeah sure.” Is the only thing he manages to say.

Laff's heart is racing after having his heart nearly jump out of his mouth after saying that. But somehow Tbh seemed less intimidating now.

“Okay great!” He exclaims smiling back at Tbh.

“It’ll be a date then.” And Tbh chuckles a little bit at the end of his sentence before nodding.


Tbh waits outside the restaurant waiting for Laff to finish getting dressed and when he finally comes out Tbh's eyes lock onto the bigger boy's walking towards him.

Laff is wearing grey skinny jeans, a white shirt tucked into it and a black leather jacket over the top. His hair looks very fluffy due to its length and Tbh wishes he could run his fingers through it.

He notices Laff’s cheeks are slightly flushed and his smile brighter than normal.

Laff smiles at Tbh as he approaches. “Ready to head out?” Tbh asks.

Laff smiles, “Definitely.” taking Tbh's hand into a gentle hold, kissing the back of his hand.

Tbh can feel himself blush at this, he hasn't gotten used to Laff's touches yet, the warmness, the gentleness, the affection, everything that happens makes Tbh’s heart race in a way he doesn't understand.

He tries to concentrate on how his hand fits perfectly in Laff’s.

They walk out of the restaurant holding hands, and Tbh feels like he’s floating on clouds, like nothing else matters besides his hand intertwined with Laff's.

Tbh watches as their feet hit the pavement making their way to the restaurant. He thinks maybe there’s a reason why he likes Laff.

The guy is extremely kind and cute, not to mention, extremely attractive. Tbh couldn't wait to see him everyday; he was going crazy from wanting to see Laff every day, his cheeks begin to flush, and his heart starts racing.


Tbh and Laff have been dating for 2 months now , they were living together they'd spent hours sleeping, watching TV, working, shopping for food, etc. They usually went out on dates whenever they had time but lately all they really have done is sit and talk on the couch.

Laff had recently gotten a big promotion on his job and he had been spending most nights working late which means he would either leave late at night or arrive home early in the morning.

Tbh was laying on the couch, legs stretched out one over another and scrolling through his phone when the apartment door opened.

He looked up from the couch eyes meeting Laff's. "You're back early! I missed you, how did the meeting go?" Tbh asked placing his phone down on the table, Laff didn't answer his question.

Instead the bigger man took of his coat and his shoes, quietly approaching Tbh. "I missed you so bad." He finally whispers leaning over the couch and kissing Tbh passionately.

Tbh kisses back eagerly wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck bringing his body closer so he has more room to move around and wrap his legs around him.

After their kiss Tbh pulls away resting his forehead against Laff's.

And before Tbh knows it Laff is kissing him again, rough, possessive the kind of kisses he never expected from Laff.

Tbh moans as Laff trails kisses along his jawline and across his neck before moving lower till he places a kiss at the base of his neck leaving hot kisses all the way down to Tbh’s collarbones.

Tbh gasps softly feeling his face heat up.

He runs his fingers through Laff's soft brown locks enjoying the feeling, the smell of the other's hair fills his nose.

He lets his breath hitch as he hears Laff let out a low growl, licking slowly along the skin under his shirt trying to get a reaction.

Tbh shivers and grips at Laff' hair tighter, Laff moans again nipping at the skin beneath Tbh's jawbone causing him to moan loudly and pull Laff's hair tightly, forcing Laff to remove his mouth and look into his eyes.

Tbh can feel sweat form on his brow as he pants softly staring back at Laff. "What's up with all of this?" Tbh asks breathlessly.

"I love you." Laff says leaning over kissing him again but Tbh pulls back slightly.

"Why do you keep doing that?" He breathes heavily and pushes Laff off of him slightly, his chest tightening at the memory of how much he'd enjoyed those kisses earlier today.

Laff stares sadly at him for a moment before sighing, "Because I want to. Because it's what you deserve." He answers.

Tbh shakes his head lightly, "Laff no, you're not allowed to give me things just because you think it's what I deserve and I'm not gonna take it." He says pushing Laff back slightly.

Laff looks hurt and confused by Tbh's words, "So you don't want my kisses?" He asks saddened .

"I don't mean it like that!" Tbh snaps.

"You deserve love and care and happiness, but you keep on insisting how you don't deserve it."

Laff argues.

"Well that's because I don't, Laff. I'm broken." Tbh explains, he doesn't mean for that to come out sounding so defeated.

"Why won't you believe that I love you?" Laff cries looking desperately at Tbh.

"How could I?" Tbh mumbles.

"Because I do!" Laff shouts, tears coming to his eyes. "It hurts knowing you still think you don't deserve to be loved, and I want that for you. So please, if it's too much to ask, can I give you that love?"

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