《Tbh X Laff》23. Taming the bully ( 11k words)


This is a veryy one.

Hope you enjoy!


Tbh pulled the guy closer holding him up by the collar, his other hand bailed into a fist finally making contact with the guy's extremely ugly and already bruised face.

He took some satisfaction in seeing the man's eyes widen, full with tears. Tbh finally let go of the man letting his spent body hit the ground with a loud 'thud'.

He turned around slowly, emerald green eyes darting over his surroundings, inspecting them silently as the guy's friends watched in shock, no-one brave enough to mutter a word or even breathe.

Tbh shrugged bringing his eyes back over to the guy who was sitting on the floor, dark crimson blood dripping down his face and onto his pale blue jeans, he was gripping at Tbh's leg muttering and begging incoherent words.

Tbh grimaced, eyebrows furrowed together and lips curling downwards into a disgusted expression. With a swift move his leg made contact to the guy's stomach sending him tumbling to his side curling from the pain, he howled panting as he tried sucking in a breath.

Picking up his forgotten bag that was thrown to the side in the rush of the fight Tbh left the alleyway. He was a little shaken from the whole ordeal but nothing he can't handle.

He checked his bag shuffling through his belongings. Everything seemed to be in place, great. He threw the bad over one shoulder letting it dangle on his side.

Tbh stood by the bus station, lolipop in mouth and hand holding tightly on the bag strap. His eyes looked to the side noticing a couple being all lovey dovey, he cringed pulling the now bare lolipop stick out of his mouth and throwing it on the floor as the bus approached them.

Tbh pulled at the hood of his jacket pulling it over his messy hair, he entered the bus stretching out his arm showing the bus driver his ticket. He walked through the bus noticing no free seats were available, finally he noticed an emtpy seat next to a blonde lady, she had headphones in and was playing on her phone.

No-one was sitting next to her, rather the seat was occupied by her bag which was gradually leaning forwards threatening to fall down and spill whatever was in it.

Tbh wasn't an asshole to go removing a strangers stuff so he stretched his arm out tapping her lightly on her shoulder, she turned her head towards him, still not taking out her headphones. She eyed him up and down before finally nodding and removing her bag so Tbh could sit down.

Uncomfortable by the eyes of the woman Tbh sat down, back slightly turned towards her and legs completely resting in the isle.

He pulled out his broken phone, he gritted his teeth as the phone turned off. How great, now he had nothing to do for the next 50 minutes.

He threw his head backwards colliding it with the seats top making the seat rock slightly.

10 minutes into the ride a grandma carrying two bags worth of groceries entered the bus, she frantically looked around, the look of concern visible on her wrinkly face.

As she approached Tbh he got up taking his bag with him. "Here you can take my seat." he offered with a small smile, she immediately smiled back and whispered a quiet "thank you" patting his forearm slightly.

Tbh leaned onto a seat, trying to compose his ballance as the bus drove.

"C'mon Jason, let 'im sit down, now won't ya?" The rich English accent paired with a deep, slightly rough voice pulled Tbh out of his daydreams.


"Hey there! You in the red hoodie!" Tbh turned around eyes searching for the source of the noise, finally he noticed a hand waving slightly towards him.

He tilted his head to the side confused by all the fuss. "C'mere" Tbh obeyed slowly making his way towards the noise, he was confused when he was met by 3 men all of them clearly older than him.

Tbh panicked. What did they want from him? He'd never seen them before. What was their business here?

"Don't give me that face c'mon now, yeah?"

Tbh was pulled out of his head, he straightened his composure pulling at his hood to hide his face the best he could.

"We wanted to ask you if yer'd like to sit down, our friend over here has a free place next to 'im, yeah?" He mentions, pointing his finger towards a free place next to a guy dressed in black jeans and a white hoodie.

Tbh nodded. "Yeah, thank you." He sat next to the man placing his bag into his lap as he realxed into the seat. He decided he'd get some sleep, so Tbh closed his eyes slightly drifting away until sun hit him in the face.

He turned his head towards the man, the other noticing Tbh's struggles stretched out his hand sheltering his eyes from the sun.

Tbh was surprised by the sudden gesture. "Thank you?" He said quietly at which he got no response.

He tried drifting off again, but nothing worked so he opened his eyes, they immediately laded on the man to his side. Tbh took a better look at him, you couldn't see him well from the hood on his head, but a strong jawline and fluffly brown hair were easily noticeable.

Sooner than Tbh wanted it to be the stranger noticed him, shifting his gaze towards Tbh, quickly Tbh looked away eyes gluing themselves back to his bag.

"Ay mate the kid's blushing. What did you do to 'im?" The guy from before chuckles and asks his friend who shrugs his shoulders before leaning back into his seat. Tbh tries to ignore the guy's presence, focusing only on the bag.

Eventually the bus came to a stop, Tbh exited the bus, he took of walking, bag swinging on his side and shortish black hair flying backwards.

The sun shone brightly against his eyes forcing him to squint, he made his way towards his apartment.


Tbh groaned turning to his side and picking up his phone, he turned it on immediately blinded by the strong light. He hissed lowering down the brightness before finally looking at the clock.

'3:30am' he groaned, laying on his back and stretching his arm over his eyes. He'd just woken up by yet another nightmare, nothing helped with those, no amount of sleeping pills.

He gave up on sleeping long ago, so Tbh just turned to his side curling up under the covers.

He kept his eyes open, staring aimlessly at the ceiling, listening to the soft noises of the night. Eventually he decided enough is enough and dragged himself out of bed, going through his morning routine.

After finishing he grabbed his bag and walked out of his room dragging his feet on the ground lazily.

Tbh took the bus again, he took a step into the school front yard when someone pushed past him making him stumble over. He glared at the kid catching him by the back of his neck.

"Don't you have any manners? What do you say after pushing someone?" He asked pressing down harder and the kid wailed, eyes filling up with tears. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"


Tbh let go of his neck letting the small man fall forwards barely catching himself.

Now this behaviour wasn't unusual for Tbh, he always made sure everyone knew their place and more often than not he'd end up in fights heavily overnumbered.

Tbh was a skilled fighter, he always preferred strenght over brains. He didn't have a style he was just a bull throwing punches and kicks. He'd made sure everyone knew he was the boss, it didn't matter to him, younger or older he'd beat up anyone who dared to cross his path.

It was one of those days again.

"Move. I wanna sit down." Tbh ordered fist tightening it's hold on the bag strap over his shoulder.

"What are you gonna do? You think you're the boss? Well kid hate to break it to you, but you're not the boss of me."

He said back gritting through teeth as he crossed his arms.

Tbh already had enough, he rushed forwards fist connecting with the guy's jaw making him fall backwards over the bench. Tbh walked around it kneeling down next to him, he lay there groaning in pain.

He turned towards him teary eyes looking up at Tbh.

"Don't cross paths with this kid again, k?"

Tbh warned pointing a finger to his chest.


Tbh was walking home from school, stepping slowly through the dark alleyway, suddenly he was pulled back by his wrist harshly, making him stumble backwards into the dirty brick wall.

In front of him stood three men, all of them wearing black hoodies, one of them rushed at Tbh trying to punch him into the stomach, but Tbh simply moved out of the way letting the man connect his fist with the brick wall, causing a loud 'crunch' to fill the quiet air.

While Tbh wasn't looking one of them grabbed his arms painfully twisting them backwards, he held his arms behind his back, the other approached him taking Tbh's face and inspecting it.

"Such a pretty face, shame to ruin it." He said before punching Tbh in the cheek an ugly bruise immediately showing on his pale skin.

He punched him again this time in the stomach making the smaller bend over in pain, pathetically gasping for air. As Tbh bend down he kicked his legs and Tbh fell down, his whole weight pressed onto one of his hands and he cried out.

The man in front of him soon feel to the floor groaning loudly in pain. A few seconds passed and the other ran away, Tbh looked up recognising the man from the bus, with all of the strenght left in him Tbh lifted himself up, leaning against the cold wall.

He crouched next to Tbh carefully looking him over, gently, almost comfortingly he moved Tbh's slightly long hair behind his ears, soothing it carefully.

Tbh would be lying if he said he didn't appreciate and enjoy the innocent touches. He felt safe, he felt like he could trust him. Soon he turned still kneeling, and Tbh blushed fully understanding the situation.

He could barely stand up, but he managed to clime on the others back, letting himself be carried. Tbh relaxed onto the man's back, head resting on his upper back as he closed his eyes.

It was foolish really, to trust a complete stranger, but Tbh had no other choice, he was beaten up, starving and oh how thirsty. He could barely talk, throat dried and closed.

Soon he found himself in the emergency room, a small nurse took him in cleaning his bruises, the man quiet as always stayed watching as the nurse took care of Tbh.

As the nurse was about to leave he stopped her telling her something and writing down an address on her palm. Slowly he closed her palm with his hands and she blushed looking back at Tbh before nodding.

Just how great, Tbh just got beaten up and this guy's picking chicks in the hospital, that was probably the reason he stayed.

Tho...It was not like he minded, of course not! Why would he mind? This guy's an absolute no-one. Just a stranger...A very kind and handsome stranger, yes, but that's all he was!

After a few seconds just standing by the door, the man approached Tbh sitting down next to him, he crossed his arms over his chest exhaling heavily.

They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Tbh awkwardly moved trying to get more comfortable sitting on the tough bed. Slowly the other got up patting Tbh's back awkwardly before leaving the room.


It's been a few days since the incident and Tbh couldn't stop thinking about the man, he didn't know why? He didn't know anything about him, but he wanted to know everything.

Tbh was walking into the school's backyard to eat his lunch in peace when he noticed him sitting under a tree in it's shade, eyes closed, body leaning against the tree, probably sleeping.

Tbh approached him slowly sitting on the other side of the tree, the sun shining brightly, almost blinding him. He heard rustling coming from the other side.

"Why are you sitting in the sun? You can sit next to me I don't bite." He commented chuckling softly. Tbh's cheeks turned pastel pink, it's the first time he's heard his voice. The deep, slightly rough and raspy voice mixed with the British accent really made Tbh melt.

Not in a weird way of course, the dude just has a nice voice, nothing weird about admitting that.

Tbh nodded, getting up and slowly walking to the front of the tree, as soon as he stepped into the shade he felt better, his eyes finally met the stranger.

He was now laying on the grass, brown hair ruffled everywhere, a small smile on his face, he was wearing a white hoodie, the hood covering the upper half of his face, only his mouth, chin and his sharp jawline were visible.

His arms were bent behind his head, used as pillows, his legs were stretched out one over the another. The hoodie he was wearing was slightly lifted showing of sharp hipbones and a bit of a toned stomach.

The sight was mouth-watering really, the man before him was very handsome and well-build, again nothing unusual in admitting that.

Tbh soon realised he was staring so he averted his eyes and approached the stranger finally sitting down next to him.

Tbh leaned against the tree, a branch was uncomfortably digging into his back so he moved bumping shoulders with the stranger.


He said quietly, his voice scratchy, the man beside him smirked turning to look at Tbh who quickly looked away.

"It's okay don't worry about it."

They sat, well Tbh sat and the other laid in silence for some time, Tbh quietly eating and the other sleeping peacefully.

They stayed like that for some time, Tbh feeling peaceful and warm, content and above the all comfortable.

The other shifted again, pulling one of his arms from beneath his head.

"You've got a pretty cut on your head." He muttered opening his eye.


Tbh asked, he felt slightly alarmed at what he might have said.

"There is blood dripping from your forehead, you should take care of it before it gets infected."

Tbh nodded quietly thanking the man before leaving of to clean the cut.


Tbh leaned against the wall, hood over his head when his friend came to him giving Tbh a fist bump before leaning against the wall next to Tbh.

"Did you hear the news?" He asked litting up a cigarette, Tbh shook his head popping a lolipop in his mouth.

"Someone messed with the senior's brother."

He mentioned taking a long breath.

"You mean the annoying kid?"

Tbh mentioned taking the lolipop out.

"Tb, did you seriously mess with the kid?" His friend asked in disbelief, stomping on the cigarette before turning towards Tbh.

"What's he gonna do? He's only a year older than us. And above the all I'm the best fighter in the school."

He shrugged.

"I dunno, I guess he'll come after you."

He said shrugging and Tbh chuckled.


The rest of the school day was uneventful, classes went by relatively peacefully. Tbh was chilling in the back of the school now, talking to his friends, his friends noticed something all them becoming tense and worried in a matter of seconds.

"Tbh's there's the engineering senior." His friend finally mentioned pointing his finger towards the man. Soon the other man was next to Tbh they locked gazes for what seemed like a moment.

Tbh turned around only then noticing how all of his friends had left him. He swallowed, a lump stuck in his throat as he looked back at the taller man.

"What do you want from me?" Tbh asked clenching his fists.

"I don't want to fight that's for sure." The other responded looking back at Tbh with a small smirk.

"You said you'd 'beat up whoever did it', your words not mine." Tbh said raising his eyebrow, the other looked slightly offended, eyebrows knitted together and mouth curved into a frown.

"First of all" he started approaching Tbh closer. "don't put words in my mouth" he pressed his finger against Tbh's chest which made the smaller jerk away on instinct.

"Second of all, you really shouldn't believe all the rumours you hear."

He continued advancing on Tbh.

"Third of all" Tbh was starting to panic, his breathing fastening, he'd never been cornered like this, he never hesitated to start a fight. But somehow this was different, he felt stuck and helpless and weak.

"You didn't actually do anything to my brother. You're just a bully, yeah?"

Tbh froze. Of course he knew that, he knew he was just a bully, but hearing someone else say it so clearly hurt him. Tbh sighed in defeat.

"Yeah." He admitted, voice low.

The other frowned slightly confused, and Tbh wasn't sure whether or not he was angry.

"Well mister bully" the other started again, moving backwards a step to let Tbh have some space. "all will be forgiven if you accept a deal I have for you."

Tbh looked up at him curious, but also suspicious of the man.

"What's the deal?"

The other smiled softly.

"I'll be around you and make sure no-one approaches again and you'll change your ways."

Tbh looked back at the man and chuckled. Did he really think Tbh needed protection? He was the best fighter, everyone feared him, nobody dared mess with him. Why would Tbh of all people need protection?

"It might sound funny to you and you might be the strongest fighter in your school, but you've messed with bad people, a lot of them. Remember how you got beaten up at that alley, yeah it isn't easy to beat up a few people at once, yeah?"

He raised his eyebrow.

Tbh gulped, he really had messed with a lot of people, it never came to him that they could all try to get revenge on him together.

"What are you gonna do about them?" Tbh asked not so sure about the deal.

"Well there is a few ways, one I could help you beat them off or two I could just pay them the leave you alone."

Thinking about it Tbh really had no other choice, he was all alone and broke, not really the best conditions to fight so many people.

"And what do you get from that?" He finally asked curiosity getting the better of him.

"Well" he took Tbh's chin in his hand turning his head from side to side inspecting it. "I like you, you're a very pretty man."

Tbh's cheeks turned slightly pink and he slapped the man's hand away. "You're joking aren't you?"

The other looked at him and smirked, before leaning so close that Tbh could feel his breath on his face. "Not at all."

His eyes widened and his fists clenched.

"If you expect me to sleep with you for this then I'm not doing it. I'm not gay."

He looked offended, eyebrows raised and eyes widened.

"Oh my my, no I'm not that kind of a man. I just want to be in your company and help you change. I'm not gonna make you whore yourself out for something like this."

The words coming out of his mouth sounded so raw and true, no hesitation behind any of the words the other said.

"Fine then, I accept."

Tbh replied still surprised at what just happened, he wanted to hate this guy and yet he couldn't. He couldn't really explain it, he just never had anyone offer him something like this, something so life changing.



And soon he got to know the man better, his name was Laff, he was an engineer and his father was extremely rich. Laff turned out to be the same man Tbh sat next to on the bus and under the tree.

He was a good guy, since the day they made the deal Laff's been taking care of Tbh. He'd make sure the other ate, drank enough of water and stayed safe.

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