《Tbh X Laff》26. A worthy boyfriend


Idea by:

Fluffy and steamy!

Ps. a little rushed I'm sorry if it's not the best.


Memegod was never interested in dating or hookups. It seemed pointless to him, just a waste of time. He liked being alone, spending time with his thoughts and not wasting time on anyone except himself.

He was Aroace, unlike his gay twin Tbh, who despite being more attractive than Memegod (everyone admitted that, even Memegod) just couldn't get a date.

Truth was everyone wanted to date Tbh, guys, girls you name it. Just no-one managed to catch Tbh's eye and meet his expectations, he wasn't searching for a prince in shining armour, he just wanted a nice, gentle guy who will take care of him instead of treating him like a trophy.

After many failed attempts at dating Tbh finally gave up, he decided to avert his time back to studies and his part time job instead of desperately trying to find a date.

Memegod however, didn't give up, he still had plenty of ideas to try and find a boyfriend for his desperate brother. He suggest dating apps, speed dates, clubs, but Tbh was stubborn, he insisted on finding a boyfriend himself.

Memey gave up after a while, seeing how his stubborn brother just wouldn't let go and wasn't accepting any help he saw no reason to continue bothering the other.

Meme was bored, laying on the couch with his legs hanging off the side. He was scrolling mindlessly through his phone.

An ad popped up immediately catching Meme's attention, he went on to install the game.

Not enough storage, oh just how great. He started scrolling through his apps trying to find the ones he hasn't used in a while to deinstall.

Memegod stopped when he noticed Grinder, a dating app, he tried to get Tbh to use it and find himself someone, but the latter refused times and times again.

Instead of getting rid of the app Memegod opened it, maybe he could meet some new friends on there, it might be a dating app, but why not try? You never know when you'll hit the jackpot after all.

Memey made himself an account, he made sure his bio made it obvious he wasn't searching for a relationship, just some friends.

He started mindlessly scrolling, every other guy looked the same, all of them were like clones, now Memegod understood why Tbh wasn't a fan of dating apps.

He continued his search for a few more days, he didn't even know why but he just seemed to be glued to the app.

Finally after 3 days Memegod came across someone, he seemed different than the rest, his bio was simple just stating a few fact about him. Unlike the many horny, cringey, plain out weird bio's Memegod came across.

He swiped right hoping the other would do the same. To his surprise he got a message the next day, turns out the other swiped right on Memegod as well.



"Hello :)"

Memegod happily replied to the stranger.

"I just wanted to ask if you'd like to be friends."

He was beyond happy someone finally took enough time to read his bio and not just blindly jump into his dm's.

"Yes! Of course, what's up?"

"Nothing much just playing with my dog, hbu?"


They continued talking for hours on end, Laff was a great guy, he loved animals and fully respected Memegod's sexuality.

After about a month the talks started to get more personal, they were talking about their past lovers, bad ex's, embarrassing dates.



Laff: "I had a lot of embarrassing dates, most of them when I still didn't know my sexuality, hbu?"

Meme: " I didn't have many myself, but my brother has lmaoo."

Laff: "You never mentioned you had a brother!"

Meme: "Yes I do, we're twins, but he's a lil different."

Laff: "You're twins, but he's different how's that?"

Meme: "He's just prettier? More handsome, only a bit tho I'm still a Greek god."

Laff: "Lol, what's his sexuality?"

Laff: "If you don't mind course."

Meme: "He's gay and single, doesn't have any luck getting laid."

Meme: "I should introduce him to you. he'll like you for sure ;)"

And for good measures Meme send Laff the best picture of his brother he could find.

Laff: "Wow"

Meme: "Like what you see? ;)"

Laff: "Yes- I mean kinda, also please stop with the emojis you're scaring me."

Meme: "Righ right ;)"

Laff: "Stop it mate."


As the months passed the two grew closer and closer, Memegod kept on talking about Tbh whenever he could and Laff listened patiently.

At this point Meme talked more about Tbh than himself and Laff loved listening to him talk.

He started teasing Laff, the British boy apparently fell in love with a person he never met just from Memegod's stories about Tbh.

The funniest thing being Memegod would gossip about Tbh whenever he could, telling Laff his most embarrassing stories, but the other enjoyed hearing them never falling out of love with Tbh.

Finally after so long they decided to meet up.


Meme: "Hey bro, want me to come over?"

Laff: "Sure, your place? "

Meme: "Yup, I'll be there in 10."


The thing is, Memegod forgot about the plan to meet up, his life has been a mess for the past week and the meet up was the last thing on his mind.

So the Friday when they planned to meet up Memegod left, he wasn't paying enough attention to remember that today he was supposed to meet up with Laff.


Laff was currently standing in front of Meme's apartment complex confused why the other wasn't replying to his texts.

When he arrived the door was unlocked and he pushed it open cautiously, peeking inside to make sure the room was empty.

He slowly closed the door behind him making sure not to make any loud noises.

It was quiet and he heard shuffling coming from the room and followed the sound, entering the messy livingroom. There was an armchair by the window, on it was sitting a familiar figure.

Laff walked past it, he already entered the apartment without anyone's permission he isn't gonna stare at someone as they sleep.

Laff stood in the hallway when his phone buzzed.

Meme: "My room is the last room on the right, I'll be there in 2 hours, I'm sorry for the long wait something came up."

Laff nodded he understood Meme and wasn't gonna make a big deal about it.

Slowly Laff made his way to Meme's room. opening the door and entering, he looked around the room before making his way towards the bed and sitting on it.

Laff pulled out his phone, he decided he'll just entertain himself while he waits.


After about 30 minutes Laff stomach growled, he shouldn't have skipped breakfast.

Laff: "Hey, weird question, but can I raid your fridge I'm hungry."

Meme: "Yes of course, make yourself at home."

Laff got up slowly making his way to the kitchen.



Tbh just woke up from a nap, he slowly blinked a few times trying to wake himself up. He got up from the armchair and stretched.

There was rustling coming from the kitchen and Tbh thought it was just Memegod making himself lunch, he slowly walked leaning against the doorframe.

His eyes widened as he watched a stranger rummage through the fridge, this must be one of Memegod's friends.

Slowly he approached the other, placing a careful hand on the others shoulder. The stranger jumped back turning around and finally facing Tbh.

Both of them looked at each other for a minute wide eyed and mouth agape. After the uncomfortable pause the slightly taller man scratched the back of his neck.

"You must be Tbh, your brother told me a lot about you." He mentioned with a small smile.

"Well I hope my brother didn't say anything bad about me." Tbh said with a small chuckle before stretching out his hand.

"It's great to finally meet you Laff, Memey talks lots about you."

Laff smiled at the statement and shook Tbh's hand.

"Well he does have a way of saying the sweetest things."

"Oh really? From how much he talks about you I feel like I already know everything about you." Tbh jokes, giggling quietly.

"Likewise." Laff replies, chuckling along with Tbh.

"So what exactly is it you need?" Tbh asked after the both stopped laughing.

"Well, first off I am sorry for waking you up." Laff apologized again.

"And honestly I was about to raid the fridge." Laff admitted sheepishly, Tbh smiled shaking his head from side to side.

"No worries, just give me 5 minutes and I'll go fix us some food." Tbh replied walking into the livingroom.

"I'll help!" Laff announced running towards the kitchen. Laff and Tbh spent an hour cooking their food together.

Tbh couldn't stop complimenting Laff's cooking skills, Laff couldn't stop smiling everytime Tbh praised his skills.

"Wow that was really nice thank you." Tbh commented while finishing the last of the food they cooked.

"Of course," Laff replies, his smile growing even wider.

"Soo what are we gonna do now?"

He asks curiously looking around the room.

Tbh chuckled and replied, "Um I guess we could just chill, why don't you stay over tonight ?"

Laff felt his heart skip a beat and he immediately blushed. He looked down, avoiding eye contact and tried to think of anything else but Tbh.

"Uhmm.. I-I'd love to."


An hour later the both were lounging around watching TV, eating popcorn and drinking tea.

Laff was currently sitting on the couch next to Tbh, staring intently at the television screen, Tbh was sitting next to him and slowly leaning onto him.

Laff was too concentrated to notice the proximity between the two until Tbh whispered in his ear.

"Why are you staring at me?" Tbh questioned with an amused tone, he then continued with a playful smile plastered on his face.

Laff felt his whole body heat up from the words that left Tbh's lips.

"Hm... What if I was staring at you because I wanted to?" Laff responds smirking at Tbh.

Tbh laughs and leans closer kissing Laff's cheek causing Laff's breath to hitch in his throat.

"What was that?" Laff asked, still trying to keep his voice steady despite it sounding shaky.

Tbh leans even closer whispering a little louder.

"That's what you get if you look at me like that."

With those words Tbh moved back, giving Laff space to breathe properly again.

Laff turned towards Tbh, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Well if I look at you like that it must mean that I want to kiss you."

Tbh leaned forward and captured Laff's lips in his. They kissed gently until they needed air, pulling away after a few seconds Tbh rested his forehead against Laffs.

"I can't believe I've waited a whole year for this, you're mine now and only mine." Tbh says softly.

Laff laughed nervously wrapping his arms around Tbh's waist.

"All yours." Laff replies, one hand cupping Tbh's cheek and gently stroking under his eye. Tbh leaned into the touch closing his eyes as he let out something akin to a purr.

Tbh's hands found themselves on Laff's chest fingers tangling themselves in the loose fitting shirt and feeling Laffs heart beating beneath.

As Tbh stared at Laff, Laff started to lean further towards him until they both were practically pressed against each other.

The other leaned in kissing Laff again, this time one of his hands tangled itself into Laff's hair deepening the kiss further. Laff's hand ran down Tbh's body trying to mesmerise every curve of the beautiful body in front of him.

They both moaned at the feel of the other touching them. Laff moved one of Tbh's legs over his thighs pulling him into Laff's lap and kissing his neck leaving wet marks wherever he touches him.

Laff places soft kisses on all of the spots he could find on Tbh's skin and places soft butterfly kisses all over his jawline.

"Mmmmmmmm.... Laff.." Tbh breathed out trying to catch his breath, his hands pulled at Laff's hair gently, as Laff trailed his tongue around the spot where his neck meets his jaw.

Tbh pulled at Laff's hair making the other look up, he looked into Laff's dark brown eyes, he placed a gentle yet loving kiss on the corner of Laff's mouth.

Their lips were inches apart, waiting for another connection they were more than ready for. Laff licked his bottom lip asking for permission and Tbh instantly granted him. Both boys pulled away panting heavily and smiles on their faces.

Slowly Tbh pulled at the sides of Laff's shirt and the other obliged, pulling away slightly and taking off his shirt throwing it off to the side.

Tbh's mouth immediately met the skin of Laff's chest, placing wet open-mouthed kisses everywhere he could. Laff closed his eyes enjoying Tbh's lips against his skin, the feeling of Tbh sucking and biting his neck made him let out a soft groan.

Finally the other lifted his head up resting his forehead against Laff's shoulder.

"It's not fair if I'm the only one without the shirt."

Laff muttered pulling at the collar of Tbh's tight shirt. The slightly smaller relaxed in his hold letting him pull of the annoying shirt.

Laff leaned over placing a careful kiss on Tbh's shoulder, he pulled away leaving trails of light pink kisses over Tbh's exposed shoulders.

Tbh shivered at the feeling of Laff's warm breath hitting his bare skin.

He continued placing slow, gentle careful kisses over the others delicate skin. Laff's hands wrapped themselves around Tbh, pulling the shorter boy into a tighter embrace.

Soon a hand was on the side of Laff's head guiding him upwards and soon Laff found himself being pushed into Tbh's neck as the other gasped quietly.

Without a second thought he began placing small kisses over the pale neck, growing more bold s the time went on. Soon he was gently biting into the skin, leaving faint pink marks wherever he could just like Tbh did on his neck.

Laff moved his hands over Tbh's stomach pressing firmly against his hard abdominal muscles. Suddenly Tbh let out a loud moan, his hands moved to grab onto Laff's hips pulling him closer to himself.

Laff pulled away slowly placing his hands to his side.

"I don't think neither of us is ready. I really don't want this to be a one time thing so please let me take you out on a nice dinner first."

Laff suggested, watching as a small smile danced on Tbh's lips.

He finally smiled widely, taking Laff's head into his hands and pressing a long kiss to his lips.

"Thank you for being so considerate, I'd love to go on a date with you." Tbh responded.

Laff smiled, pressing a quick kiss to Tbh's lips before moving out of his arms, he stood up and picked his tshirt back from where it landed at the foot of the sofa.

Tbh got up as well grabbing his sweater and shirt from the floor, putting on his clothes. He looked back at Laff.

"How about we watch a movie."

Laff smiled sitting back down on the sofa patting the spot next to him.

"Sounds great."

Tbh immediately joined him sitting as close as he could to Laff.


Memgod finally came home, hours later, he figured Laff would have left at this point. He took off his shoes neatly placing them to the side before taking off his coat and hanging it.

The sound of TV immediately caught his attention and he decided to turn it off.

He entered the livingroom only to find Laff and Tbh on the couch happily snuggling.

Meme smiled, finally his brother found himself someone who deserved him. Someone who was worthy being Tbh's boyfriend.

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