《Tbh X Laff》18. Gang AU.


Travelling to a new country for most is a fun experience, something you enjoy doing, even if it's only temporary. Tbh was one of those people who enjoyed the freedom he had; he was never afraid of the unknown or going through any trouble on his way there. He was always so carefree and cheerful that made him seem like an angel from heaven...

Well not anymore. It totally a different story when you are no longer being only a tourist in the country, but staying there...

Tbh recently got into a very good high school in England. It wasn't easy getting into a good college without connections and money, especially if they were all rich assholes, but Tbh managed it. He's always been very smart and knew a lot about everything, so he didn't need any help getting in. His parents would be so proud of him if they saw him now...

The moment the plane landed at Heathrow airport, a loud alarm blared, announcing the imminent arrival of another plane. He groaned and rubbed his sleepy head as the other passengers also woke up in a panic. They quickly ran out of the airport trying to get away from whatever danger was approaching them. Tbh took a step finally exiting the plane after many painful hours he spend travelling to England. The journey was mostly silent, he was too exhausted to talk to anyone and most of the passengers were either sleeping or talking quietly with their friends. Well...

Mostly sleeping.

Tbh called over a Taxi still not used to his new surroundings, after paying him with his American money, he climbed into the taxi and went to the dorms, he couldn't wait to sleep and forget everything that happened today. When they arrived the building stood tall, old wallpaper peeling from the sides and walls slightly cracked, he sighed it wasn't the best, but it was something.

When he came near his dorm, he could already hear music playing from one of the other dorms, some kind of song he's not sure what it is, it sounded so annoying though, and yet so soothing at the same time. It sounds nice...

But Tbh wasn't up for socialising now, he just wanted to get to his dorm and rest.

So he walked slowly towards the door leading to the dorms, it was locked, which was surprising because everyone knows that the rooms are free and open to whoever wants to live here, and this is England. After fiddling with the lock for a bit, he opened the door and went inside, he heard the sound of laughter coming from someone else's room so he decided to just ignore it, not really ready to bother with people at this time.

He closed the door behind him and fell onto his bed, sighing deeply. He looked at the clock above the desk and realised it was almost 12 AM, he should go to sleep now...

He closed his eyes, his head hitting the pillow in a second and his body relaxing immediately.

He felt the warmth of the duvet cover touching his skin and instantly felt his tiredness taking over him. He turned around, facing the wall and closing his eyes again, hoping that tomorrow will bring better results. He's so excited to start his new university and explore the country he'll be living in for the next four years!

A few moments later he was completely asleep, the faint noises of music being played in the background lulling him to sleep.

He wakes up late that day, his body feeling much stiffer than usual from the lack of sleep he gets in the night. He stretches his arms in the air before getting up from his bed. He goes to his bathroom to get ready before leaving the dorms, not wanting to wake up anyone from their slumber. When he walks downstairs, the smell of coffee makes his mouth water and his stomach grumble. He decides to grab some food on the way.


After grabbing a sandwich, a bottle of coke, and a couple of fruits, he sits down outside, enjoying the warm weather. He takes a bite of his breakfast before taking another sip of his drink. He closes his eyes enjoying the sun rays hitting his face. It feels nice to have a lazy day without a lot of work on his hands.

As he finishes his meal, he starts walking back home, his body feeling tired but happy. He reaches the front gate and opens it, stepping outside the campus. The sky is blue and clear, a gentle breeze tickling his nose as he walks across the empty street. He stops suddenly and takes a look to his left side of the road. On the other side is the main entrance of the school building. He looks at his watch and sees that he has 15 minutes until class starts. With excitement in his heart, he continues his walk towards the building, trying to spot the building he was supposed to go to. After ten minutes he spots the big sign of the school and starts running towards it, happy as he notices that he actually made it.

He runs towards the large double doors of the school and enters, looking around for any familiar faces that can tell him where the faculty is, or the principal's office. There isn't anything special about this building apart from its size, the first thing he does when entering it is checking if any students are waiting for classes to start. He scans each row of desks and then walks down a hallway and comes to a classroom, where he finds a group of students sitting in one of the seats waiting for class to start.

He checks if there are any teachers nearby and then makes his way to the nearest seat to the back, where he sits down and puts his bag on his lap. The class starts soon enough, and soon enough the teacher enters the room.

"Welcome students, welcome to your new school year." Said the professor, making the class cheer, "I'm sorry I am late, a certain family emergency forced me to make a last-minute trip to America. Let's begin class shall we?"

Everyone nods in agreement and the teacher goes straight to teaching. He talks about various topics and shows different projects that students could do in the next few months. As he talks about upcoming exams, Tbh's mind wanders off. Suddenly, the voice of the professor changes and he hears him say "Today, we're going to be working on a project together," and suddenly everyone starts talking loudly while pointing at different parts of the board.

What a weird teacher, Tbh thought.

But as the class progresses, Tbh learns more things about the students; they are pretty nice. They don't ask any questions and instead listen. At some point during the class, he started writing notes in the notebook he brought. He doesn't notice that it's passed the time and is now 10 minutes into class. The professor announces the end of class and he packs his stuff, standing up and heading to the exit. Once he arrives, he turns around and sees that the class hasn't ended yet.

He turns to find a teacher and asks if he can leave and they say yes, saying that the whole class needs a break anyway. Tbh thanked the teacher before heading to the exit, turning around and seeing that the class is still busy. He sighs and goes back inside, he thinks he might just go and take a nap, it'll probably make the next week easier, hopefully.


He takes a chair from a corner and starts resting against it, closing his eyes slowly and drifting to sleep. He's awoken by the sound of voices, his eyes still shut.


And he opens his eyes to see a bunch of kids around his age staring at him. One of them is wearing an orange beanie, sunglasses and a red jacket, while another one is wearing a black hoodie and white pants.

"Why are you sleeping here? It's not cool!"

The boy with the orange hat says, smiling broadly. Tbh chuckles lightly.

"Sorry, I didn't know that the entire class was finished," says Tbh.

"We weren't even done yet," says a guy with longish brown hair and light brown eyes, "we had the last two periods free."

"Oh, ok" replies Tbh.

He stands up, stretches and yawns, before opening his eyes fully to look at the boys. They all look like trouble makers, he guesses, he has a good guess about who these boys belong to.

"So, where are you guys headed?" he asks.

They all glance at each other, and Tbh frowns as he realises that he must have been wrong about their ages, he wonders how old are they? Then again he doesn't want to be rude so he keeps silent. One of the boys with a black beanie speaks, "We're heading to our classes"

"Ok..." replies Tbh.

There's a short silence as nobody knows what to say.

"Well, I have my classes so I gotta go," says Tbh as he turns around and walks away. Before he could reach the door he hears a yell from behind him.

"Wait! Who are you? Why do you talk like an American?!" yells the kid, causing Tbh to stop in his tracks.

Tbh turns around and raises an eyebrow, looking at him, "Do you really need to know? Do you also speak like an American?"

The boy scoffs as he crosses his arms over his chest, "You're American too, so why do you sound different?"

"Because it's my first language, asshole," says Tbh, smirking slightly, "It took me a while to pick up on English phrases, I think you guys can understand me fine though" he shrugs before turning around and continuing his walk towards his classes, his heart beating fast as if he ran a marathon.

His breathing is becoming heavier as his heartbeat increases, his hands starting to tremble as he feels anxiety slowly settling into his bones.

He stops in front of his classroom and opens the door with shaky hands, taking a deep breath as he walks inside, closing the door quietly. He leans against it for support as his breathing becomes faster, sweat dripping down his forehead and cheeks.

He doesn't know why he feels this way, why he feels scared. His thoughts are racing through his brain, but no matter what he tries to focus on, every single memory he has associated with being here in England disappears.

He starts shaking, his breaths coming out in short gasps, his heart pounding so loud that he almost doesn't hear the bell ringing.

He didn't anticipate leaving his home and everything behind would be so hard on him.

He didn't expect this kind of pressure, he didn't expect to be surrounded by people who are very different from himself. He didn't expect people who will treat him with kindness even after meeting him yesterday, let alone befriend him.

He was terrified when he realized that he had no one to turn to, no one he trusted, and he couldn't go back home unless his father agreed.

No matter how much he hates his situation, he can't help but feel grateful that at least he has friends who will stand by him no matter what happens.

The bell rings again, signalling the beginning of class and Tbh starts walking toward his desk. As he picks up his backpack, he sees some of his classmates whispering and laughing among themselves, making him roll his eyes.

Once he gets seated in his chair, he puts his backpack on the ground and takes out his pencil case. He grabs a pen and starts filling it with ink. While doing so, the door is opened and the teacher walks in.

"Okay everyone!" said the teacher, "Today you are going to read the book that was assigned to us during the class period. Today we'll be learning some new material about the Civil War. First, we'll get through a few pages of the book. So if you please open your book to page twenty-five and take out your reading glasses and continue, I'll explain the lesson"

As everyone opens their books and starts reading, Tbh starts listening to the lecture.

After a few minutes, he closes his eyes and starts thinking about anything that he can do to help him relax. His eyelids start to close as he lets the words wash over him and eventually drift off into a peaceful sleep. After the lecture ends, the students quickly pack up their bags and rush out of the classroom.

Tbh instead is left sleeping, softly snoring with his head leaning on top of his backpack, his mouth hanging open slightly, a smile spreading across his face. Suddenly the bell rings waking him up from his peaceful sleep. He looks up and notices that the rest of the students had already left the classroom.

A slight blush appears on his cheeks and he quickly puts his backpack on his shoulders and heads toward the exit. He quickly puts the backpack on his shoulder once he reaches the exit, trying his best to ignore the stares he receives as he leaves the building.

The walk back to his house seems longer than normal, and his legs are starting to ache a bit, but he continues anyway because he wants to hurry home so that he can get some rest before his alarm clock wakes him up.

He walks briskly along the sidewalk and makes his way to the entrance of his apartment complex. When he finally reaches the apartment building he rushes inside, ignoring the strange glances people give him. When he reaches his apartment, he locks the door and immediately heads to the kitchen. He takes a shower and then lies down on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

After thinking about what happened today, he begins to feel guilty. This is the first time he's met someone from America and he was acting like an idiot the entire day... But it's okay, he tells himself, there's always next time.

Tbh's eyes snap open.

He sits up abruptly, his mind alert and his senses on high alert, as he realises he fell asleep. He gets up from the bed and puts on some shorts and a T-shirt, he grabs his phone and checks the time. 9am. "Shit.." he curses under his breath. He hurries out of the bedroom and makes his way towards the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face. While brushing his teeth, he hears the familiar ringtone of his phone and picks it up from the counter.

He doesn't have time to pick up the call as he finishes brushing his teeth and walks into the kitchen, grabbing his bag and putting his laptop in it. Once he's packed, he puts on his shoes and leaves the apartment, slamming the door shut behind him. He runs as fast as he possibly can, barely stopping himself from slipping or tripping on any uneven tiles or holes in the ground.

He arrives at school just as the final bell rings and he sprints to his class, only stopping when he reaches the door. He breathes heavily as he opens the door and enters the room. Everyone looks at him questioningly but he ignores them and continues towards his seat.

The class is pretty uneventful. He spends most of his time looking out of the window, occasionally glancing at the teacher to see what she has to teach him. During the lunch break, he decides to grab some food and sit by himself outside.

When the bell rings, he gets up and makes his way to the cafeteria. He goes straight towards a table in the far corner and sits down, placing his stuff on the table and starts eating his sandwich. After a few seconds, a girl comes and sits opposite to him, which catches him by surprise. She smiles at him and starts talking, which distracts him enough to forget to eat.

Once lunch is done, he packs his things and goes outside. After he reaches the bench near the fountain, he sits down and pulls his knees to his chest and starts to stare aimlessly at the fountain.

Suddenly he hears a shout from somewhere nearby. It's quite annoying because of the loud noises it causes. "Hey! Hey, you!" shouts the same voice which caused him to panic earlier.

He turns and looks around, searching for the source of the noise. "I'm talking to you!"

Tbh looks around in confusion, "What do you want?"

"Why did you run away?" asks the voice which sounded suspiciously similar to the voice of the kid who spoke to him at lunch.

"I didn't run away, I just got tired and decided to sit down for a minute" replies Tbh, still feeling a little nervous.

"Oh yeah, right, sure, whatever" responds the stranger, sounding annoyed.

"Why don't you leave me alone?" adds Tbh, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time, where were you yesterday at lunch?" asks the voice, sounding angrier now.

Tbh sighs, "Can I ask why you're so interested in where I am every single fucking day?" He questions, raising an eyebrow.

"You're the reason I'm so interested!" yells the person, anger apparent in his voice.

Tbh furrows his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding why the stranger is so angry all the sudden. He gets up walking back to the campus.

Once he's back on the pavement he starts jogging to his house, trying to clear his head. A lot of things make sense now, he thinks. Why do they keep bothering him? Why those two kids were so adamant about meeting him. The way they act around him, especially the way they look at him. They definitely are trying to talk to him. He doesn't understand why the two kids are so desperate to talk to him, he doesn't even care about them. Maybe they're lonely and he's a good person to talk to. He's never talked to anyone else apart from his parents, which weren't a lot of people.

He knows that he shouldn't say yes to their request, because he'll probably end up disappointing them if he does, but he also realizes that they're probably his last hope and they need his help, and he feels really bad about rejecting their offer. He arrives home after ten minutes of running and enters the house, rushing to his room...

That's how Tbh got to where he is now, he had accepted the offer of the "kids". He felt incredibly bad, but he also knew that if he refused they wouldn't stop trying until they succeeded. And he couldn't risk getting expelled from the public university because of his stupid mistakes. So, reluctantly, he agreed to join them, although he doesn't know why...

Tbh ended in a bad place...It's been 3 years since he joined the gang. At this point, he has become a member of the gang, but he's still living under his old roof, having no desire to return to the public university. Although he tries to pretend that everything's fine, he's actually very stressed about his current situation.

He had become to leader's right-hand man to his group. He was respected and feared by everybody, and he was loved by many. Nobody dared to disrespect him because he had a temper...and nobody wanted to get on his bad side. His temper was legendary throughout the streets...but it seemed like something would happen every day when he was working.

Today was one of those days, he hadn't slept in almost three nights and he could barely stay awake, so the moment the gang leader saw him fall asleep while standing up on a chair, he immediately knew something was wrong. The boss walked up and started yelling at him, and that's the last thing he remembered before he woke up... Tbh had been overworking himself, trying to sell as many weapons and eliminate most of his enemies.

He was constantly exhausted, and every time he tried to sleep, he was plagued by nightmares about his past. And he was losing his temper a lot too. "You fucking idiot!" yelled the boss, hitting a guy in the head with his gun. "You've been taking too long to kill your target, we're just gonna have Tbh do the work. Since all of you are useless!" yelled the boss as he looked down at the guys on the floor who were begging for mercy, crying for forgiveness as the boss hit them with the butt of the gun again.

It wasn't the first time that someone was beaten so badly, so when he saw how the other members of the gang were scared and trembling in fear, he knew it wasn't going to be the last. He quickly stood up from his position on the floor, his legs shaking and tears streaming down his cheeks. Tbh felt pity for the man, but he couldn't do anything, even if he was the most feared of all he still was the youngest one.

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