《Tbh X Laff》19. Enjoying each other



"I thought it was obvious."

Laff's blush spreads across his entire face and Tbh can't stop the laughter that escapes his mouth. "You're such a cute dork." Tbh teases.

"Am not!" Laff protests throwing a pillow in Tbh's direction which Tbh catches effortlessly.

"And I'm only cute when you say stuff like that, so no more of that. No more making fun of me." He huffs crossing his arms over his chest.

Tbh rolls his eyes with a smile still on his face as he places the pillow back down. "If anything your cuter than usual," he says reaching over to tuck some loose curls behind Laff's ear "which is saying something considering my crush on you."

Laff's cheeks turn a brilliant shade of red which Tbh finds endearing. It reminds him all too well of his own embarrassment whenever someone compliments him but this time it isn't just some random person. This time, it's Laff. The only one he has ever found himself falling for and he doesn't know how to handle it. Laff's hand flies up to cover his face and mumbles out a quiet "Oh God." Tbh smiles sympathetically. "You're such a hopeless mess Laff."

He shakes his head, "But that cute little look on your face is worth every teasing comment I made."

Laff's lower lip wobbles slightly before he manages a small grin. "Shut up..." His voice sounds muffled.

Tbh laughs quietly at the sight of the adorable brunette in front of him. "It's really cute when you get embarrassed though, it's kinda hilarious." He says as he scoots over closer to Laff until they are nearly pressed together.

Laff blushes again, his smile widening and Tbh wonders if his breath smells like coffee.

A part of his brain tells him he shouldn't be thinking about this right now but he ignores it and instead pulls Laff forward into a kiss. His other arm slides around his waist pulling them even closer, both men groaning softly into each other's mouths. They pull apart, breathing heavily, foreheads resting against one another.

"Thank you...for today."

Laff whispers. A warm feeling spreads through Tbh's chest.

"Don't worry about it," he replies leaning forward kissing Laff once more, softer this time. Their lips remain close together, both of them smiling against one another. Tbh's hands slide under Laff's shirt, pressing against bare skin while Laff' hands move up to cradle Tbh's cheek. They break away from each other, both smiling widely. "You know what else is cute?" Tbh asks. Laff leans down and plants a quick peck on his lips before responding.


Tbh looks up at him expectantly "You."

Laff laughs a short but sweet sound, before giving Tbh another peck. Tbh grins and leans forward pressing their foreheads together once again. His hands slide along Laff's sides before finding their way underneath Laff's shirt again. He moves his hands under the fabric slowly, gently tracing circles over Laff's ribs.

Laff shivers lightly at the touch sending a thrill throughout Tbh's entire body. Laff gives Tbh another soft kiss before pulling him into an embrace and holding him tightly to his chest.

"You know I can feel you vibrate right? You're shaking." Laff laughs.

"I don't care about that right now," Tbh mutters as he presses his lips against Laff's neck. Laff bites his bottom lip in an effort to keep his moans to a minimum.

Tbh moves his hands further beneath Laff's shirt, feeling smooth skin beneath his fingers as Laff lets out a sharp gasp and shifts away from him. Tbh frowns and tilts his head in confusion, "Hey Laff, what's wrong-"


Tbh stops mid sentence when he feels the familiar warmth spreading from Laff's side across his chest. Slowly he looks down and his heart almost stops as he stares wide eyed at the patch of exposed skin between the hem of Laff's jeans and the waistband of his underwear.

"Laff." He begins his tone dangerously low, "Is that my tattoo?"

Laff's eyes dart away from his gaze. There' s a flush spread across his cheeks and Tbh can practically hear his heart beating rapidly against his ribcage. He looks down at the spot in question, tracing over the delicate flower design in the shape of a dragon.

Laff sucks in a shaky breath. "Yes." He answers. His response is barely above a whisper.

Tbh swallows roughly, staring hard at the artwork. Laff's hands come to rest on his upper arms, trying to calm his boyfriend down. "Tbh," he murmurs, running his thumbs over his biceps.

"Look at me." Tbh raises his eyes to meet Laff. "I love you, thank you for supporting me so much." He reaches up and kisses Tbh briefly ,moving his hands down to Tbh's stomach. He rubs soothingly at his belly button for a few seconds, before dropping his hands to rest on top of the covers. Tbh swallows hard, unable to bring himself to move his arms.

Tbh brings one trembling hand to cup Laff's cheek and then the other, bringing it to place on the back of Laff's neck. Laff melts into the touch, his eyelashes fluttering shut. "How'd you manage to get that done?" He finally forces out. It takes everything he has not to let his fingers trail down to Laff's hip bone.

Laff bites his lip nervously, "Well," he starts, avoiding eye contact, "When you showed me this beautiful design and told me how much it meant to you...I immediately called an old friend of mine to get it done."

Tbh stares at him, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into the nape of Laff's neck.

Tbh nods slowly. "I've never had any tattoos before, so I didn't realise how much this would mean to me."

Laff's eyes widen, "Really?"

Tbh nods again, "Yeah, I wanted it forever."

There's a moment of silence where they just stare at one another. Laff breaks it by shifting closer, until their chests are flush against one another.

"Do you still want it to be forever?" He questions softly.

Tbh sighs and closes his eyes tightly, nodding in agreement "Of course," he breathes. "Just please stay safe Laff." He squeezes his eyes closed tighter, not wanting to admit how vulnerable he's feeling.

Tbh feels Laff wrap his arms around him, and lean his head onto his shoulder. "Okay babe." Laff responds. "I'll always be safe with you."

Tbh relaxes slightly, allowing his body to melt into Laff's embrace, letting the heat from the other man's body seep into his bones. Laff holds him tightly, stroking his hair in a gentle motion.

They sit like that for several minutes before Tbh finally opens his eyes.

Laff's watching him with a small smile plastered to his face.

"What are you doing to me?" He asks quietly.

Laff simply smiles and leans forward to capture Tbh's lips in another deep passionate kiss. This one lasts longer than the others but soon becomes less urgent. After a few minutes Tbh pulls back reluctantly, resting his forehead against Laff's. Laff rests his chin against Tbh's shoulder.

"Stay here tonight," Tbh whispers. "Please."


Laff sighs softly, tightening his grip on Tbh's shoulders. "Of course."

Tbh smiles and leans in again for another long intense kiss. Laff's hands run along his back, his fingers dancing lazily over his skin. Tbh pushes Laff backwards slightly, making sure to grab his waist firmly and hold him closely. They eventually separate and Laff looks up at him innocently. Tbh rolls his eyes but he can't help but grin. "Can I see it again?"

Tbh asks shyly pulling at the sides of Laff's shirt. Laff chuckles softly and nods. Tbh gently slips his hands underneath Laff's shirt, trailing up his torso slowly, brushing his fingertips over his ribs.

Tbh smirks to himself as his fingers brush against Laff's navel. "So sensitive there..."

Laff groans as Tbh's fingers press slightly harder against the fleshy area, causing the latter to blush and push him away playfully. Laff giggles softly and sits on the bed pulling of his shirt to reveal the tattoo again.

Tbh stares at the drawing, unable to stop the fondness from spreading across his features.

"Does it still hurt?" He finally asks.

Laff shakes his head, reaching up to cup Tbh's cheeks. He strokes the skin with his thumb, smiling.

"It doesn't anymore."

He kisses Tbh gently, smiling against his lips. Tbh smiles, cupping Laff's face and deepening the kiss. When they break apart Laff rests his head on Tbh's shoulder, wrapping one arm tightly around Tbh's waist.

"I love you," Tbh whispers into Laff's ear.

"Mmm.." Laff hums against Tbh's neck. "I love you too."

Tbh presses a soft kiss against Laff's hair. The two lie together in silence for a while, basking in each other's presence.

Tbh eventually lifts one arm, placing a hand on Laff's hip, before resting his cheek against the crook of Laff's neck.

"Thank you." He whispers after a while, looking out towards the horizon.

Laff turns his head slightly so he could look at Tbh and smiles softly. "For what?"

Tbh shrugs and laces his hand together, pulling them to lay flat against Laff's chest.

"For being here."

Laff hums softly and drops a light kiss on Tbh's temple. "Always."

The air was heavy and warm. It pressed against Tbh’s skin causing goosebumps to rise on his bare arms. The sky was dark, and the stars were shining bright in the otherwise pitch black night.

Tbh lay comfortably beside Laff, his leg thrown across Laff's hips. His back was pressed into Laff's front; his legs tangled with Laff's and resting on the younger man’s hips. Tbh turned around and snuggled his head into the crook of Laff's neck, inhaling deeply. Laff's strong arms wrapped securely around his waist, anchoring him.

Tbh couldn' t help but think about all of the things they’d done today, all of the moments they'd shared. All of the ways they'd been loved. It brought a lump to his throat, tears to his eyes. Laff kissed him gently on the top of his head. "Hey baby," he mumbled into his curls, "Everything okay?"

Tbh nodded softly "Everything is perfect."

"Good." Laff replies softly as he tightened his grip around Tbh. He pressed a quick, chaste kiss to Tbh's jaw and shifted slightly, pulling the covers up over both of their bodies. They were laying in a semi curled position, facing each other.

Laff reached out to run his fingers through Tbh's messy bedhead, grinning when Tbh whined softly, shivering under his ministrations.

Laff chuckled and continued to stroke Tbh's hair as he drifted off to sleep.


Tbh wakes up late the next morning.

His body felt sore. Tbh stretched out, feeling his muscles scream in protest. He rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling in confusion. Why did he feel so sore? What had happened last night? And most importantly: How long had he been sleeping in Laff's arms?

A loud groan made its way past Tbh's lips.

That noise drew Laff out of his slumber almost instantly.

Laff sat bolt upright and looked around. The room was quiet, no sign of anything wrong. Laff smiled widely as he saw Tbh peacefully lying next to him. He leant forward and pressing a tender kiss to Tbh's nose. A small smile tugged at Tbh's lips, which widened further as he opened his eyes to meet Laff's gaze.

"Morning sleepyhead." Laff murmured affectionately.

Tbh rolled his eyes, "Shut up."

Laff laughed, leaning back against Tbh's shoulder. "You're just so cute."

Tbh scoffed, "I'm not cute," he huffs, trying to sound stern. He can feel Laff's smile grow even wider. Tbh couldn't help but smile in return. "I guess I am," he says softly. Laff smiles and shifts closer so he's practically spooning Tbh , burying his face in Tbh's neck.

Tbh runs his fingers through Laff's hair, smiling softly. "Everything hurtss~" he whispered, kissing Laff' head lightly.

Laff chuckles and nuzzles deeper into Tbh's neck. Tbh hums and reaches up with one hand to rest it on Laff's waist. He pulls him closer until they're chest to chest and presses a gentle kiss to his head.

They fall into comfortable silence, enjoying each other' presences until Laff starts squirming slightly beneath him. "Hm?"

Laff turns his head ever so slightly, pressing his forehead against Tbh's and grinning brightly. "Cuddling time?" He asked innocently. Tbh snorted and rolled his eyes as Laff grinned wider.

"As opposed to what?"

"Opposed to the activities of the previous night "

Laff teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Tbh laughs softly and moves his arms around Laff's waist again, holding him close. "Whatever we want," he murmurs into his boyfriend's ear.

Laff blushes lightly and pecks him on the lips quickly before scooting backwards on the mattress slightly.

"Mhm my back hurtss Laff~"

Tbh whines teasingly.

Laff huffs and pushes himself forward onto Tbh, who lets out a surprised gasp. He raises an eyebrow at Laff questioningly.

Laff grins mischievously and pushes his tongue into Tbh's mouth. Their tongues slide together rhythmically, moving in perfect synchronization.

Tbh moans in appreciation, running his hands down Laff's sides.

Laff pulls away slightly and gasps as Tbh bites his lip, tracing patterns into his lower abdomen. He bites down again, licking and sucking a small mark into Laff's skin.

Laff arches his back sharply, letting out a loud moan of pleasure. He reaches behind Tbh and grabs Tbh's shoulders, keeping him steady as he rocks his hips.

Tbh gasps softly as he feels Laff's hand slip between them. Laff pokes at Tbh's stomach and he giggles squirming under the touch. Tbh wraps his arms around Laff's neck and kisses Laff hungrily. They pull apart panting harshly.

Tbh runs a finger along Laff's collarbone before pushing the boy roughly on the bed. Laff yelped in surprise as Tbh climbs on top of him straddling his waist.

Tbh leans down and kisses Laff passionately once more.

Laff's hands wander to Tbh's biceps and begins kneading them slowly, sending shivers down his spine. Tbh lets out a small whine, arching his back slightly, Laff's hands continue massaging Tbh's arms, causing goose bumps to appear.

Tbh tilts his head, kissing Laff deeply. Laff breaks the kiss to trail open mouthed kisses along Tbh's jawline, making Tbh's breath catch in his throat.

"Laff." He breathes out, his voice cracking slightly due to the way Laff's mouth makes contact with his skin. Laff looks up from where he was sucking harshly at Tbh's pulse point.

Laff smirks as he watches the pink tint dust Tbh's cheeks and the small smile form on his lips.

"Hmm?" He hums into Tbh's neck, continuing to suck.

"Do it again.."

Laff smirks and continues to suck the mark he'd left earlier. The sound that leaves Tbh's lips is something Laff doesn't often get to hear.

It's raw and needy and laced with need and desire and need to be touched. Laff loves hearing it. Likes seeing his boyfriend like this. So vulnerable and needy and wanting. It never fails to send butterflies fluttering through Laff's stomach every time.

He continues to suck and bite at the mark on Tbh's neck, occasionally slipping his tongue out to lick up the marks he'd left behind. After several minutes, Tbh finally sits up slightly, pulling Laff with him by wrapping an arm around his waist. Laff slides off Tbh and rolls on to his back, watching as Tbh pulls the duvet over them. "Are you okay?" He asks softly, brushing some loose strands of hair from Tbh’s face.

Tbh nods "Yeah... just a little sore. Nothing a hot shower won't cure."

Laff giggles as he remembers exactly how sore Tbh is.

"Can I give you a massage?" Laff asks shyly, rubbing Tbh's feet softly.

Tbh looks at him questioningly "What do you mean?"

Laff smiles and pulls his knees close to his chest "Like... you know... a massage." He explains, rolling his ankles slightly and shifting slightly closer to Tbh.

Tbh chuckles and rests his chin in Laff's lap "Yeah okay, sure."

Laff smiles brightly as he leans forward to place light kisses all over Tbh's body. He works slowly, kissing every inch of his pale skin, trailing featherlight kisses wherever he goes.

He trails soft kisses up Tbh's chest and ribs, across his pecs, to his nipples which are hard and taut, begging for attention. Laff gently sucks one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it to sooth it. He trails down again to trace patterns along Tbh's abs, eliciting deep breaths from Tbh.

Tbh places his hands over Laff's as they keep going. Laff's thumbs rub circles into the small space between Tbh's knuckles. Tbh hums quietly, feeling his entire body relax. His mind goes blank and his eyelids grow heavy. Laff notices and frowns slightly. Tbh knows Laff wants to look at him, but right now he just needs peace and tranquility.

"Sleep baby, I'll take care of you."

With one final kiss to Tbh's forehead, Tbh closes his eyes and slips into sleep. Laff flips him onto his stomach, soft hands working over his back and kneading the flesh there, working his fingers into knots. Tbh lets out a deep sigh as Laff's nails scrape against the base of his spine.

Laff smiles fondly and continues to stroke through Tbh's hair slowly.

His breathing eventually slows and becomes calm, and Laff follows suit after about half an hour. His hands run down to Tbh's thighs, gripping them tightly, keeping them still while his thumbs gently massage Tbh's inner thighs. Tbh let's out a tiny moan and tries to lift his hips upwards slightly.

Laff smiles slightly, but stays firm and continues to work Tbh's muscles.

Tbh let's out a quiet groan, his whole body tensing slightly. Laff stops immediately, his hands freezing in place. He waits anxiously for Tbh's response.

A moment passes then two before another groan escapes Tbh' mouth. Laff smiles happily and resumes his ministrations.

About ten minutes later, Tbh suddenly lets out a startled whimper, eyes shooting open. Laff stops immediately. "Shh baby, shhh.." he whispers, pressing a kiss against Tbh's cheek.

"You're okay. You're safe."

Tbh swallows thickly and turns his face towards Laff, looking at the man looming over him. "I'm sorry.." he croaks out hoarsely, "That was stupid. I didn't mean to make a noise."

Laff shakes his head "No, don't apologize, please Tbh! It was cute!"

Tbh huffs and shakes his head "Still..." he mumbles. He looks embarrassed and ashamed as well as sleepy and dishevelled.

Laff smiles softly at Tbh before leaning forwards and placing soft, gentle kisses over Tbh's temple, eyelids and cheeks. "How are you feeling? Any better?"

Tbh nods. "Much better." He replies quietly.

Laff smiles widely and brushes his lips against Tbh's before standing up and helping Tbh to sit up.

Tbh yawns tiredly "Thanks babe, I really needed that."

"Of course, my love." Laff coos before leaning forward to plant another sweet chaste kiss upon Tbh's lips.

Tbh pulls away smiling brightly at Laff, leaning forward to capture Laff's lips again.

"So... What do we have planned for today?" Laff smiles down at Tbh, leaning his forearms over Tbh's shoulders.

"Hmm.." Tbh purses his lips thoughtfully, "I think we could try and take a nap if you want to... we both deserve it." Tbh says sheepishly.

Laff laughs lightly and nuzzles his nose against Tbh's.

"Sounds like a great idea." Laff grins and Tbh scoots down underneath the blankets. Laff plops himself down beside Tbh and leans his head into Tbh's shoulder. Tbh wraps his arm around Laff and brings the bigger man closer into his side.

Tbh hums contently and snuggles deeper into his blanket cocoon. Tbh thinks back on his night with Laff, he can already feel exhaustion seeping into his bones. He starts to drift off into slumber with a satisfied smile plastered on his face.


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