《Tbh X Laff》17. Shiba Inu Laff


Laff wanted to make a new potion, but got distracted by Tbh and messed something up. What happens next?


"Tb stop laughing it's not funny."

"It's not funny it's cutee." Tbh giggles while stretching his arms out towards Laff.

Laff is currently freaking out. While trying to make a new potion Tbh came in and distracted him, making the man make a stupid mistake in the proportions of the potion.

To say it ended badly would be an understatement. Laff didn't get poisoned or anything, but his body did change.

"Come here you cutie." Tbh whines while sitting up on the couch.

Laff's cheeks turn pastel pink and he shakes his head.

"All of this happened because of you."

Tbh crosses his legs on the couch waving his hand in the air with a big smile on his face.

"It didn't turn out how you wanted it, but it's way better this way."

"Better for you, you can make fun of me."

Tbh scowls crossing his arms and sinking back into the couch.

"I'm not even making fun of you."

"I know you are," Laff says quietly his new recent ears laying flat on his head.

Laff turns around continuing to mix potions.

"What are you doing?" Tbh asks approaching Laff and looking over his shoulder.

"Trying to find a way to make this thing go away," Laff replies mentioning the ears and the tail.

"Why? It looks great on you." Tbh says placing his hand flat onto Laff's head and scratching the back of his ear.

Unbeknownst to Laff, he pushes his head into Tbh's hand. He only notices when Tbh lets out a quiet giggle, immediately Laff shakes his head moving away from Tbh.

"Tb stop messing with me," Laff warns catching Tbh's hand when he tries to pet him again. He squeezes the slightly shorter man's wrist while Tbh just watches in fascination.


"What?" He asks noticing how Tbh's looking at him. "What dog breed are you?" Tbh asks him and Laff growls letting go of the boy's wrist. "I can't believe that's bothering you."

Laff says defeated placing his hand onto his forehead.

Suddenly Tbh placed his hand on Laff's shoulder. "It can't be that bad right." Laff turned to the slightly shorter boy who gave him a small smile. "I guess so." He replied turning his head around as his cheeks turned light pink.

"Laff are you okay?" He groans. "Just a little sleepy." He mutters with a small yawn. Tbh looked him up and down. "You look very tired, could it be the potion?" Laff yawned again. "I don't know."

The rest of the day was a blur.


Laff woke up to probably the best feeling in the world. His head moved on it's own trying to find more of the comforting warmth and gentleness.

Slow, gentle strokes on his head made him exhale happily.

His eyes opened slowly almost lazily only to be met with Tbh's pale neck. Laff's eyes widened and he looked around himself only to notice he was laying on Tbh, his head on Tbh's chest.

Laff freaked out, he was currently laying on his crush while he played with his ears. Laff tried to move his arm only to figure out it was stuck under Tbh.

"Laff?" Tbh asks groggily moving his hand from Laff's hair to cradle Laff's cheek. Laff whined pushing his head into Tbh's chest.

"I'm sorry." He apologised before placing his hand back in Laff's hair and petting him.

After a minute Laff lifted his head up one eye open as he examined Tbh. Tbh was under him squeezed between the couch and Laff.

Laff's arms were wrapped around Tbh's upper torso hugging him like a pillow. Tbh looked at Laff's face and giggled using his other hand to move the strand hairs off Laff's face.


They looked at each other for a second before Laff threw his head back into Tbh's chest. "Unf" Tbh moaned at the sudden movement.

"Sorry," Laff whispered into Tbh's chest and Tbh just smiled continuing to pet him. "Are you happy?" Tbh asked him, but got no response.

"You're happy! I can see your tail wagging." Tbh exclaims with a big smile on his face at what Laff just groans making Tbh giggle louder.

They stay cuddling for a minute longer before Tbh look at the clock and groans. "C'mon Laff you need to get up"

Nothing... "Laffff you need to get upp" Tbh begs, but Laff ignores him again.

"Laff I can't stay here forever." Tbh says pulling slightly at Laff's hair.

Laff finally lifts his head up looking at Tbh. He untangles his arms from Tbh and lifts himself up sitting between Tbh's legs.

Tbh blushes madly bending his legs trying to get up, as he tries to lift his torso Laff places a hand on his chest pushing him down.

"Laff?" Tbh whispers getting Laff's attention. "What are you doing Laff?" He asks blushing.

They stay quiet for a second before Laff finally speaks up, voice groggy due to him just waking up. "Can I kiss you?"

Tbh turns his head to his side staying quiet for a second, when Laff tries to pull away Tbh's legs cross behind his back trapping him.

Laff looks behind wondering what Tbh is doing when Tbh's hands find themselves on his cheeks turning his head around. They're finally looking at each other and Tbh smiles gently at him.

"Yes, yes you can kiss me." Tbh finally says and Laff doesn't waste a minute immediately capturing Tbh's lips in his.

As they pull away Laff moves into a more comfortable position now towering over Tbh. He bends down kissing Tbh again and the boy wraps his hands around Laff's neck.

As they kiss Laff pushes his tongue into Tbh's mouth and Tbh's hands move up Laff's head wrapping themselves around Laff's ears softly scratching them.

Laff gasps pulling away from Tbh. Who immediately removes his hands from Laff's head placing them on Laff's shoulders. "Are you okay? Did I go too far?" Tbh asks worriedly, but Laff doesn't reply he takes Tbh's hands into his and Tbh lets him do so.

Laff holds Tbh's arm in front of his face slowly kissing from his wrist downwards. Tbh squirms under him and Laff steadies him placing a hand on his hip and pushing him back down.

When Laff approaches his shirt Tbh goes to take it off, but the other easily rips it with his new claws and Tbh just gasps at the action.

Laff continues kissing to Tbh's shoulder before softly biting down at the spot. Tbh gasps hips moving upwards.

Laff continues biting down his body leaving a variety of different bites everywhere on Tbh's body. He goes back and places gentle kisses over every bite.

"Laff?" Tbh asks worriedly and Laff's head shot up, eyes widening. Tbh cradles Laff's cheek with his free arm. "Don't worry you did nothing wrong, just ahn my shoulder hurts."

Laff's eyes dart over to Tbh's shoulder only to notice two small holes and a thin line of blood running down.

Laff immediately pulls away. "Tb I'm so sorry I didn't-" He stutters not able to form proper words. Laff's freaking out until Tbh pulls at his ear getting his attention.

Laff yelps looking back to Tbh who gives him a small smile. "Don't worry Laff I liked it." The news calm Laff down and he bends down placing another soft kiss onto Tbh's lips.

They pull away and smile at each other. "Alright let's get you fixed up."

Laff says and Tbh nods as he helps him get up.

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