《Tbh X Laff》16. In the comfort of your arms


This takes place during and after Laff's and Socks's boxing match.

P.s. This is my first time writing an angsty like fanfiction so it's not the best. I apologise.

Warning: strong language, a bit of angst, heavy themes

Comments are more than welcome!


Tbh's gym was an absolute hit. So when Socks and Blaza came to Tbh basically begging him to train them Tbh didn't have the heart to tell them no.

Socks was there to train for the upcoming boxing match he had with Laff and Tbh tried to help him the best he could, it wasn't easy to work with both of them tho.

Socks was a little tougher to work with, he would often make small complaints and tease Tbh whose nerves were already a little thin.

Even after Tbh snapped a few times at them all ended good and Socks finally felt ready to face Laff.

So when Socks entered the ring he was surprised to see Laff who was even more ripped than him.

Socks internally panicked as the chances of him winning were slim. Laff turned to Tbh who was sitting on the side watching everything unfold and gave him a wink.

Socks looked at the two of them before pulling Tbh on the side. "What happened? When did he get like that?" Socks asked Tbh. "I trained him too, but I worked with Laff twice as much because he sponsors my gym."

Socks looked at him clearly annoyed. "So Meme wasn't enough you had to have Laff too?" He mumbled before leaving off to the match.

Tbh watched in disbelief before going back and sitting in the bleachers. Even at the start, it was clear Socks was gonna lose. Laff might be a few inches shorter than Socks, but he was way more experienced and trained.

Throughout the whole match, Blaza helped Socks, being there and supporting him while Tbh watched as nobody helped Laff. It was unfair, but Tbh couldn't do anything he didn't want to interfere.

He just watched as Laff threw strong and precise punches at Socks, swallowing every time he caught a glimpse of sweat running down Laff's huge muscles.

The minute the match ended and Laff won Tbh ran down and gave him a handshake smiling happily at Laff's victory.

Socks and Blaza were soon exiled while Laff proudly announced his victory whenever he could.

"You have to give me some of the credit you trained in my gym at the end of the day." Tbh said chuckling while he and Laff walked back to the church.

"Yeah trained at 'your gym' that I sponsor and pay for," Tbh went quiet for a second before responding. "It's not like I helped you with everything and trained with you day and night." Laff started walking faster and Tbh followed closely after him.

Soon they were inside the church Laff approaching the altar as Tbh stood by the door. "Why don't you just wanna accept the truth?! I helped you! Not like that's a bad thing!" Tbh called out angrily finally getting Laff's attention who turned around.


Slowly Laff approached him expecting Tbh to back off, but the other didn't move a muscle. Soon they were face to face Laff barely hovering over the slightly shorter boy.

"First of all you didn't 'help me', I didn't train in 'your gym'," Laff says pushing a finger into Tbh's chest while gritting his teeth. "Everything you have I pay for. Everything you 'have' I own! Absolutely everything!" He shouted surprising Tbh who flinched.

They stood in silence for a minute before Laff cockily asked. "What can't handle the truth?" Tbh closed his eyes turning his head to his side and keeping quiet. "That's what I thought," Laff says backing away.

"What about 'us'? What about 'we share everything'? What about our friendship?" Tbh pleaded voice breaking down.

Laff turned back at him with a smirk. "There was never 'us'. As long as you're Meme's little bitch you don't mean anything to me."

Tbh's eyes widened he stood calm for a second before storming off towards Laff grabbing the slightly taller man by his collar.

"What did you just say?! What did you call me?!"

He screamed, but Laff's smirk never disappeared he just placed his hand over Tbh's tearing it off of his collar and holding it in the air.

"Meme's little bitch. That's what you are."

His smirk grew wider as he explained. Tbh shook his head pulling his hand out of Laff's grasp and slapping him as hard as he could.

Laff's head fell to his side and Tbh stormed out angrily leaving the now stunned Laff behind.


All throughout the day, Laff couldn't stop thinking about Tbh and what he said. Guilt washed over him as he realised he was the one in the wrong.

He had to apologise, he didn't want to lose one of his most loved friends like this, especially Tbh. He just couldn't lose him.

So Laff decided to do the only right thing, he made his way over to Tbh's house. He knocked on the door, but nobody opened it. Laff figured out that maybe Tbh just didn't want to talk to him and was still mad at him.

Still, he wasn't gonna give up so quickly. He tried the doorknob and the door opened. The house was unlocked.

Laff felt bad for invading his friend's privacy like this, but he already messed up pretty badly he didn't think he could make it any worse anymore.

"Tbh?" He tried calling the other name but got no response. He tried a few more times...Nothing.

Laff walked through the very familiar house, but Tbh was nowhere to be found. Or so Laff thought...As he exited the living room he heard faint sobs coming from the bedroom.

Laff approached the bedroom door seeing as it was already barely open. He looked through the crack immediately spotting Tbh who lay on his bed back turned to the door.


Deciding to finally make things right Laff opened the door quietly, he walked over to the crying boy sitting down behind him on the bed. He placed a gentle hand on Tbh's back and the boy flinched suddenly turning around and grabbing his wrist in a tight grip.

"Don't you touch me again!" He yelled voice softly breaking from the crying.

"Laff..." His eyes widened and he sniffled as he realised Laff was the one touching him, Tbh immediately sat up launching himself into Laff.

Laff hugged the crying boy as he pushed his face into Laff's chest tears staining Laff's shirt.

"I'm sorry." Tbh repeated over and over as he cried.

Laff hugged him for a minute before he pulled away and took Tbh's face into his hands making the boy look at him.

"You shouldn't be the one apologising you didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who was too stuck up and didn't appreciate all the help I got. Tb I'm so sorry."

Laff said and kissed Tbh's forehead. He looked back at him and Tbh started to cry again. "Tb are you okay? Why are you crying?" Laff worriedly asked as he wiped away Tbh's tears with his thumbs.

Tbh clawed at his shirt as he leaned his forehead onto Laff's shirt. "Meme...he" Tbh started but couldn't finish his sentence.

"Tb what did Meme do?" Laff asked placing one hand into Tbh's hair as the other slowly ran across his back. Tbh took a deep breath and with a shaky voice started to explain.

"Meme came over after we fought. He told me he liked me...And...And then he kissed me. He...He then pulled away telling me I'm not Wiktoria and never will be. He told me he didn't love me." Tbh pushed his face into Laff's shoulder muffling his soft sobs.

"He told me I'm not enough and...Then he apologised and tried to...To kiss me again and he tried touching me...He placed his hand on my knee and I...I pushed him off. I...I know he didn't mean it. He's been in a bad spot recently. But...But I feel so disgusting and awful...I.I don't think I can forgive him for this. "

Tbh finally stopped crying, but all the talking left him a breathless mess.

"Tb" Laff whispered as he ran his hand through Tbh's hair. "I'm so sorry Tbh...I...I promise you nothing like that will ever happen again. I...I will be there to protect you and help you. I was such a bad friend to leave you like this. You're...You are such a great, amazing and nice person and I should never allow something like this to happen again... I won't be able to live with myself if you ever get hurt again."

He kisses the side of Tbh's head finally wrapping his arms fully around the boy slowly rocking back and forth in an attempt to calm him down.

Tbh suddenly pulled away. "Tb?" He didn't respond he just sat before Laff with his head down. "Tbh? Are you okay?" He asked again, but yet again got no response.

Laff placed his hands on Tbh's face again and to his surprise, Tbh placed his own hands over Laff's. He finally lifted his head a big smile plastered on his face.

Laff watched as the tear streaks on Tbh's cheeks, bloodshot eyes and red puffy cheeks were all blinded by Tbh's beautiful smile. Laff's thumbs moved on their own slowly massaging Tbh's cheeks as the other one closed his eyes.

They stayed like that for a minute before Tbh opened his eyes again this time moving closer towards Laff. He placed his hands onto Laff's shoulders now keeping himself up as he sat upon his knees hovering over Laff.

Tbh lowered his head down capturing Laff's lips with his own. Tbh kissed Laff, a large lovely smile plastered on his face, soon enough Laff kissed back. Finally, Tbh felt complete.

Both pulled away at the same time breathing in long-needed air. Not even a second passes and Tbh is kissing Laff again, he places a hand on Laff's chest pushing him down.

They pull away Laff laying down on his back while Tbh straddles him, Tbh lowers down and Laff's arms wrap around his back fully pulling him down.

Tbh falls onto Laff their chests colliding and Laff turns them around. Now they're both laying on their side facing each other.

Tbh's eyes are half lined and he places a hand on Laff's cheek slowly stroking it, Laff's eyes close by themselves and he leans into the touch.

Tbh takes the chance and kisses him again. A slow, passionate kiss that leaves both breathless. They pull away and as soon as Tbh takes a breath tries kissing Laff again, only this time Laff stops him placing a finger on his lips.

Tbh smirks licking Laff's finger who immediately pulls it away. Tbh closes his eyes hand travelling down Laff's chest and about to slip itself under Laff's shirt...

When Laff stops him taking his wrist into a tight hold. "Tb we can't do this now. You are not in the right state...I...I don't want you doing anything you might regret later."

Laff says kissing Tbh's wrist before pulling him closer and tucking Tbh's head into his neck. Tbh just exhales heavily before relaxing in Laff's arms.

They lay like that for the rest of the day. Just enjoying the comfort of each other.

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