

My mom calmed me down and slept with me that night. Some time in the middle of the night Adalene and Adrena cuddled up into the bed with us. It was comfortable…that dark tunnel that even the best night vision goggles couldn't see through is showing a little light.

I’m glad it was the weekend because I couldn’t handle another breakdown. I just laid in bed with them until they started to stir.







I shot up out of the covers when Adrena jumped onto my stomach with her tiny body.

“What the fu-”

I stopped when I got glares from My mom and Adalene

“What the fu?” adrena started

“No no no don’t say that adrena”




….Adalene looked like she was ready to beat my ass. And my mom looked like she was ready to beat Adrena’s. I threw adrena over my shoulder and ran out the room. Adrena was laughing and screaming ‘getty up horse they're gaining on us’. I couldn't help the bright genuine smile that appeared on my face...this family is something else

I grabbed a spray bottle with water, gave it to adrena and hid her behind the counter as back up. My mom and Adalene ran into the kitchen charging straight towards me.


They paused mid tackle trying to turn back around but it was too late. While I was busy distracting them Instead of using the spray bottle. Adrena dumped a bucket of water on them...and that’s when I ran. Leaving Adrena to fend for herself.

Time skip/////

“You told us if we beat you we could get anything right moms?”

Yeah...I started calling Adalene mom and got the best reaction ever


Short flashback

‘Hey mom?”

“Yes luv” Ariel answered

“No I was talking to Adalene”

“Wait what”

“Y-yeah...is that okay?”


Did I mention that we were in the mall…

I couldn’t tell her to quiet down before she squeezed the life out of me

“Say it again”

“I-I can’t”


“C-can’t b-reathe”

“Oh SHIT i’m sorry”

“Shit” Adrena said

“Adrena no….”

“Shit shit shit shit”

“Adrena Imma beat your ass”


My mom(Ariel) started chasing adrena down the hall earning a lot of stairs from people on the sides. I was smiling so hard my face hurt.

“Okay...now say it”


Short flashback over

“Umm...yes we did”

“Anything right?” adrena asked


I whispered in Adrena’s ear what we wanted. She squealed and told them


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