《If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative ending》Tris' P.O.V


I wake up and start to get ready. The initiates will be here in two hours. I start to get ready and Tobias is still sleeping. I decide not to wake him,he gets ready fast. I'm putting on a little make up and hear him stirring. "Morning. Only an hour and a half until we need to be at the net. That includes breakfast." I say quickly. "Good morning to you too." He says and I laugh sarcastically. By the time that I'm done,he is too. We head to the dining hall and I grab a muffin. We sit at our usual table. All of us start our jobs today. "Remember,don't tell them anything about four and I okay?" They nod.

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We wait at the net for the first initiate. I see a blur of white. Candor. I help him off the net. He looks me in the eyes. "What is your name?" I say in my instructor voice. He doesn't answer. "Hello?" I say. "Jake."He says.

More people come down and we only have 5 transfers.

Jake,Taylor- Candor




We gather them all and begin. "We are your instructors. I'm Six and he is four." I point to Tobias. "Wait... Like the numbers?" Asks Lisa. "No,like the letters." I say sarcastically and everyone laughs except her. "You weren't even Candor. I'm surprised. Talk like that again and we'll deduct points." Again I get some laughs. "First we will show you the pit." Tobias says. We walk and stand by the chasm. "The chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy." I start to have flashbacks. I fall against the wall. Tobias rushes to me. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod. "Flashbacks." I say. "Of what?" Darin asks. "What did we tell you?" Tobias says. "During my initiation I was kidnapped and almost thrown into the chasm and my friend killed himself in the chasm," I say. I try not to cry. He looks down. I can tell that he feels bad.


Next we go to the training room. "After lunch,you will be here by 1 or your out. Got it?" I say and they nod. We walk them to the cafeteria for lunch. They succeed to the corner table. Tobias and I sit at our normal table. We talk about our initiates. Sounds like Uriah got way worse initiates. I'm so glad. Tobias and I go to the training room early to set up the targets and knives. At exactly 1 everyone enters. "Today we will be throwing knives." Tobias says. "Six." He says and points to the Target with his head. I walk up to the Target and stand like I did one year ago. He turns to face me and throws a knife to my side. Then above my head. Lastly one that cuts my ear. They all gasp. "Your turn." I say. They all start to throw knives. They all are okay. Everyone hit the target at least once. As of today the ranks go...






We dismiss them and I head off to work. An hour later Lisa and Taylor show up at the parlor. I see them walk in as I finish up a tattoo of a Lily on a girl's wrist. She gets up and walks on the mirror. "Thanks." She says and walks away. They are staring at me,so I walk up to them. "Didn't know you worked here." They say. "Well I do so what would you like?" I ask. "A rose on my shoulder." Taylor says. I nod and lead her to my chair. When we decide on a design I finally start. She keeps squirming. After an hour it's done. I walk up to Lisa. "And you?" I ask. "Yellow heart on my wrist." That's easy. She sits down and I begin. Hers only takes 15 minutes. They leave together. It's almost time for dinner,so I start to pack up. Instead of going to eat,I jump onto the train. I hear footsteps behind me,but they don't get in the same car as me. I sit in the corner and cry.


I cry for Caleb. Normally,I'd go see Caleb. We pass erudite and the tears come harder. I'm are approaching my destination. I lean my head out and jump. I walk along the ground and hear someone get off behind me. Their feet are moving much faster than mine. Suddenly I see Christina next to me. "Chris?!" I ask. Our eyes meet. "I saw you and thought I would come with you." She says and gives a faint smile. I see it. I see where Caleb was buried. I look at his watch,on my wrist. My hands cradle my head as tears fall. "Why couldn't it have been me?" I ask in a mumble. "Because Caleb wouldn't let you die." Chris says. "He loves you." Tears fall onto the grass. She opens her pocket and pulls out two burgers. One of them she keeps and the other,she offers to me. I shake my head. We sit together and I cry and cry. Where does Tobias think I am?


I know Uriah dies but he is amazing so I let him live👍✌️

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