《If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative ending》Tobias' P.O.V.


For Tris' job she chose tattoo artist and initiate trainer. I'm so excited. Afterwards,we all are supposed to visit our families,to share the news. Instead,Tris and I head to my apartment. I ask her to move in with me and she says yes. It would've sucked if she said no. We start to grab her things. It takes hours,but finally we finish and take it to my place. While packing,I found some Abnegation clothes. I just packed them and pretended not to see them. We start to unpack and I slip her Abnegation things in her nightstand. She will find it later.

After we are done packing,we head out to the dining hall for dinner. (I made scrambled eggs for lunch.) "Hey guys." I say as we sit down at our normal table. Uriah is an initiate trainer and works in the control room,like me. Zeke is a fence guard full time. Shauna is a leader. "Tris and I moved in together." I say casually. No one is surprised. "You two are the cutest couple in dauntless. Everyone is talking about you two." Christina says. Tris and I look at each other and laugh. We finish eating and head back to our apartment. The initiates come in two days. Uriah and Lauren will take the dauntless born and Tris and I will take the transfers. We fall asleep in each other's arms. I have a dream about Tris. He killed her. David. I know that he's dead,but it's scary. When I wake up,I try not to move. I don't want to wake up Tris. Slowly I drift back asleep until I wake up to Tris going to the bathroom. I look at the time. We are going to miss breakfast,so I start to make some scrambled eggs. She loves them. She comes out and flops onto the couch. "Good morning." I say and smile. "Morning." She says. "Are you making eggs?" She asks. "I can't cook anything else." I say and we laugh. "Do you want to go to the ceremony tomorrow?" I ask.I hope she says no. I don't want to see Marcus again. "No." She says and I can tell she is about to cry. I finish the eggs and bring her some. "Thanks." She says as I sit down next to her. We eat and sit in silence. All I can hear is the occasional sniffles from Tris. "Tomorrow,the initiates should be at the net around 10. Uriah and Lauren will be replacing Eric. Thank God." I say and that gets a laugh. "I can't wait to scare the shit out of them." She says with an eager expression on her face. She is so cute. I love her so much. Tris gets up and cleans our plates. She comes back to sit down. "What will we do first? Guns or knives?" She asks. I think. "Knives. Then guns. Then hand to hand combat." I say and she nods. I can't wait to train with her. "Don't let them know that we're together. Call me Six." She says. I will tell everyone to keep it a secret. Before we know it,it's the for lunch. I don't expect very many transfers to us after what happened. I also don't think that anyone wants to leave either. Tris and I grab a burger and head to our table. I've noticed that Shauna has been out of it lately. She has been very quiet lately. Tris and Christina decide to go shopping for some new clothes. I decide to spend the day with Zeke and Uriah. We spend most of the time goofing off. The rest of the time is spent by them asking about Tris and i. Most of the questions are sexual. Great. I leave and head back to the apartment. I spend the time cleaning up because it is a mess. Christina and Tris walk in giggling and laughing. They go right to the bedroom and Tris waves at me before Christina pulls her in.



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