《If It Was Caleb--Divergent alternative ending》Tobias' P.O.V.


Tris was really good at initiation. After training,she goes to the tattoo parlor. I just hang out with Uriah. Turns out that Uriah likes Christina. He needs to chill. Her bf just died. We haven't seen Shauna in a while, I hope she's okay. "Hello?" Uriah says and waves his hand in my face. I snap out of it. "Huh?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Let's go to dinner." He says and I nod. We walk into the dining hall. Zeke is already at the table. Uriah and I sit down. "Where are Christina and Tris?" Zeke asks. We shrug. Just then, Christina walks up behind us and sits down. "Where's Tris?" She asks. All of us shrug. After we finish eating Christina gets up and leaves. All the guys look at each other. "Did we do something wrong?" I ask hesitantly. They shake their heads. "I'm gonna go look for Tris. Catch up with you later." I say and walk out. I walk to Tris' old apartment and knock. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I pull out her spare key and go in. She isn't here. I run through the pit,to Christina's,the training room,and my apartment. She is nowhere. Where did she go? No. She can't be alone. I can't lose her. I pace back and forth in the pit for a while. I know where she went. I rush to the roof and wait for the train to come through. It's been hours since dinner. The train finally comes. I see two figures hop out. Tris and Christina. I walk up to them. "Why are you here?" Tris asks. "I remembered where I thought you might be,so I was gonna go on the train." I say. She grabs my hand. We walk to our apartment and lay down. "I was worried about you." I say. She nuzzles her head into my neck. Tomorrow is fights. I decided on the while she was gone. I fall asleep to the sound of her steady breathing.


When I wake up,she is almost ready. I throw on a t shirt and black jeans. We head to breakfast and sit at our usual table. "So,Uriah, how many initiates do you have?" Tris asks, stabbing her food with a fork. "16" he replies. Our eyes widen. "Seriously?" I ask and he nods. After breakfast we meet the initiates in the training room. The fights go

Darin vs Jake

Taylor vs Lisa

Greg doesn't fight.

"Today we will start fighting." Tris yells as I write the pairings on the board. "Darin and Jake,into the ring." I say. "Fight." Tris says. They start. Jake gives him a good punch in the face and Darin backs into the corner. Darin kicks him in the gut and he doubles over in pain. Darin continues to beat him until I say "Stop." I circle Darin's name and on to the next fight. This time Taylor wins. She hit Lisa once,in the face, and Lisa went unconscious. I drag her to the infirmary and Tris dismisses them all. After that,we head off to lunch. Training is done for the day.

We sit down with the group. "So, tomorrow is fear landscapes." I say and they all nod. "How are your initiates doing?" I ask Uriah and he shrugs. "Not great?" He nods. "Same." Tris says.

After lunch, I plan a picnic at the chasm. We've been together for almost a year. I love her so much. She heads back to our room while I prepare it. After a bit,I go and get her. I knock on the door and she opens it. "You do realize that you don't have to knock?" She says and I laugh. "Yes. I like to be dramatic." I say. I grab her hand and take her to the chasm,where we had our first kiss. We joke around the whole time and then we have dauntless cake. Afterwards,I clean up and head back to the apartment. We lie down together and she lays in the crook of my arm. My hand finds her waist and we both fall asleep.



I m trying to write ahead,in the need,should anyone die? If so,who?

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