《Limestone Creek》•SIXTEEN•
Her hands come up to my cheeks as she bring her lips down connecting our lips together as she kisses me before pulling back to tell me "Your stuck with me."
"Glad to be." I whisper back to her as I stare up into her blue eyes before shivering from coldness of the rain.
"Let's get inside." she says as she turns to the door grabbing the handle and tries to push the door open. She tries to open it again but the door doesn't budge. She turns back around as she asks "You wouldn't happen to have a key in those slippers?"
I shake my head no and she sighs to herself before saying "Then we're stuck out here."
I shake my head no again as I step down from the porch and lift up a loose stone from the pathway to the house. I pick the spare key up from under the stone and set the stone back down before getting up. Looking over at Logan I see her with a smile on her face before she says "You could have let me get it. Your wearing white."
"Here ya go." I laugh as I say walking over to her to hand her the key. Her hand grabs the key as she takes it and turns around to the door before unlocking it. She holds the door open for me first and I walk through heading up stairs to the bathroom for a towel. I turn around when I'm three steps up the stairs as I say softly "You staying?"
"I kinda walked here so yea." she says as she follows behind me.
"Why didn't you take your car?" I ask as we continue up the stairs together.
"Ah the weather was nice." she says with a chuckle as we make it to the top of the stairs. I walk into my room and head for the bathroom but not before telling Logan "Wait here I'll bring you a towel."
I go in the bathroom and grab two towels before heading back out to the inside of my room. Logan starts to walk up to me and I hand her a towel once she reaches me. She takes the towel before walking to my bed placing the towel on the covers. Bringing her hands to her waist as she lifts her black shirt up over her head exposing her upper body.
I stare in silence as I take in her chest covered by a blue sports bra before bringing my eyes lower to see her six pack thats glistening from the rain that soaked through her shirt. She picks up the towel as she wipes her stomach, arms, neck, and etc. All the while my eyes are trained in on her movements as if they were my own.
As she sets the towel back on the bed and her hands go to her pants I can literally feel my heartbeat speed up. She unbuckles her belt before pulling it out and laying it next to the towel on the bed. I watch as she unbuttons her black pants before sliding them down her legs. I hear the slight thump as I watch her pants fall to the ground.
My eyes stay trained to the ground where her pants are laying as I see her feet step out of them and kick them to the side. I hesitate before I bring my eyes up slowly looking at her toned calves. My eyes travel further up her legs to her thighs that are slim. I breathe in deeply as I my eyes finally land on her butt.
She's wearing blue boxer briefs that shapes her butt especially when she bends over as she dries her legs off. I release the breathe I was holding in when she finishes and sets the towel back on the bed. She looks up over at me as she says with a smile "Ya have any clothes that will fit?"
I draw my gaze away from her body and blink dumbly at her as I ask "What?"
She chuckles as she starts to step closer to me and I suck in a breathe as she says "I asked if you have any clothes that'll fit me."
I look into her eyes for a brief second as I whisper "No."
"So I'm going commando?" she ask as her hands go down to her briefs.
I close my eyes tight as I almost scream out the words "No!"
I hear her laugh before she tells me "I wouldn't think you would mind. Seeing as you were just about gawking at me a minute ago."
I feel my cheeks heat up as I open and close my mouth trying to think of something to say. Logan speaks up before I have the chance to as she says "I'll just sleep in this. Are you going to dry off?"
I look at her before glancing down at my clothes seeing that I'm still very soaked. I lift my head to look at her as I shake my head yes before turning and walking to my dresser. I get a set of black pajamas out then turn and make my way to the bathroom but not before I hear Logan ask "Aw I don't get to watch?"
I smile to myself as I re-enter the bathroom and shut the door. I lean up against the door before I start to take my clothes off and dry myself off.
Logan's POV:
I chuckle as I look towards the bathroom as she shuts the door leaving the room. I glance around the barren room looking for something to occupy myself with but coming up with nothing. I look towards the bed before climbing in the cover and making myself comfortable. I'm fluffing the pillows when the bathroom door opens and out comes Teddy.
She looks around the room for me until she spots me in her bed giving me a surprised look before walking over as she says "You know Amber doesn't want anyone in my bed."
I smile at her as I throw the sheets back then look at her as I say with a grin "What Amber doesn't know, won't hurt her. "
She hesitates as she looks over at me before she goes over to the light switch turning it off. She then walks back over to the bed and climbs into it, getting under the covers but staying close to the edge. I look over at her curiously as she lays down close to the edge before turning her back towards me. I sit up some before telling her "Your going to fall off the bed."
"I'll be fine." she mumbles softly as she pulls the cover onto her more.
"No you won't come here." I say as I move closer to her.
"I'm ok-" what she was going to say is cut short when I slip my arm under her. She squeals as I tuck her into me bringing my other arm across her stomach as I pull her closer. I place my chin over her head as I spoon her from behind. I feel her sighs before she pushes back into me and her hand touches mine before intertwining our fingers.
I smile happily before closing my eyes, smelling her scent to get a nose full of white chocolate. I tighten my fingers to hers as I move my face down to her ear before whispering just before I fall sleep "I wish we could stay this way forever."
As I open my eyes I'm happy that I don't feel water on me this time. I look down seeing that Teddy has moved during the night and is now facing me as her head rest on my chest with my arm still around her. I smile as she breathes deeply letting me know she's still asleep.
I stay put not wanting to wake her up but that thought stops when I hear a knock on the door. I gently shake her as I try to wake her up before Amber decides to come into her room. Her eye flutter open as she sleepily smiles up at me. Another knock is heard and she turns her head towards the door before saying "I'm up sis."
We're both quiet until we hear the footsteps disappear. I look over at her and break the silence first as I say "GoodMorning beautiful."
She blushes as she looks away from my eyes whispering "GoodMorning."
I watch her as she hides her face from me before turning back around to look into my eyes. Smiling at her as my hand comes up to her cheek and I bring my lips down to hers as I kiss her. She pushes me back as she mumbles out "My breathe."
"I could seriously care less." I whisper to her before reattaching ours lips and kissing her firmly. We continue to kiss until I pull back saying "You have to get ready."
She nods her head then sits up to captures my lips once again. She kisses me as her hand goes to my stomach feeling my abs before she pulls back. As she does I stare into her beautiful silver eyes that leave me in a trance every time I gaze upon them. She smiles before getting up and going to her dressers.
She looks through it before she takes out some clothes and heads to her bathroom to get dressed. I get up out of her bed as I search for my clothes from yesterday. I find them one by one and put them back on when I do. I'm fully dressed by the time Teddy comes out of the bathroom in a blue shirt and white jeans with white socks.
She walks over next to her dresser before bending down as she picks up a pair of blue converses. I watch as she walks over to me while she asks "You ready to go?"
I nod my head before slipping my arm around her waist and starting to walk to her bedroom door. Just as I open the door I see a sleepy little man getting ready to knock on her door with his thumb in his mouth. His eyes coming up and once they have connected with my figure he throws his arms out as he hugs my legs close before saying "Daddy!"
He's all dressed for school wearing a orange shirt, black pants, and some orange sneakers. I take my arm from around Teddy's waist as I bend down and pick him up saying "Hey little man."
"You here to play daddy?" he ask as he lays his head on my chest.
I chuckle before saying "Wish we could little man but your mama and I have to head to school so do you."
He nods his head and we walkout of Teddy's room heading downstairs. Once we get downstairs I set little man down before asking him "Have you ate breakfast yet?"
He shakes his head no as his thumb goes back in his mouth and the doorbell goes off. I look over at Teddy before motioning that I'll get the door. Teddy smiles towards me as she grabs little man hands and says "Come on baby boy come eat with mama."
I walk through the living room heading for the front door. When I get there I turn the knob and as I open it the door up I ask "Hello how can I help you?"
I pause as I look into her eyes which seem to be trying to digest the situation. We stare at each other for what seems like the longest time but Ash then calmly tells me "I'm here to pick up Gabriela."
I open the door wider as I take a step back making room for her to walk in. She walks past me and starts heading towards the stairs. She stops as she hears me say to her "She's in the kitchen."
Ash doesn't respond but instead turns and starts to head in that direction. I walk after her following and when we reach the kitchen I smile to myself seeing little man with a spoon on his nose. I walk over to him passing Ash as he says "Look at what I can do daddy."
I look in his bowl of cereal but find no cereal just milk. I smile at him as I take the spoon off and say "Very good little man but don't forget to drink your milk."
He drives his face into the bowl and begins to slurp his milk down in a very unpleasant way but it only makes me smile. As I glance at Teddy I see that she's frozen on the stool looking from me to Ash. I just give her a smile as I look backwards at Ash who is just standing there with a blank face.
Little man burps as he brings his face up from the bowl before telling me "All done daddy."
I pick him up off the bar stool then walk towards a still frozen Teddy as I steer them past Ash and out of the kitchen. When we get into living room we see Amber dressed and ready to go. I set little man down and he runs over to Amber who hands him his book bag before asking him "Nice to see you Logan and Ash. You ready to go Eli?"
He nods his head as he slips on his book bag and runs back over to me hugging my legs. He runs over to Teddy before giving her a hug as well then turns and goes back to Amber. She waves goodbye as she takes little mans hand and heads out the front door.
Gabriela's POV:
As I turn and glance at Ash for the first time since she walked into the kitchen I say "Hi."
She smiles at me so now I at least know she's not upset. She walks closer to Logan and me as she says "Hey."
She glances at look Logan then to me before saying "Are you ready to go?"
"Um yea. Could you give Logan a ride to her house?" I ask in a hopeful voice as I look up into her eyes.
She looks over at Logan then at the ground before she groans out "Sure."
I jog over to her as I give her a hug then say to them both "Let's get going."
We all start walking to the front door as we head out of the house. We're all seated in Ash's car with Ash driving, Logan in the back, and me in the passenger seat. Ash pulls out of my driveway and starts driving down the street. It's quiet in the car as we make our way to Logan's house in uncomfortable silence.
As try and think of something to say that will break the obvious tension between the two. I glance at Logan as I ask "So how'd you guys meet?"
She laughs as she shakes her head before glancing over at Ash asking "You want to tell her?"
Ash had a big grin on her face as she says "Don't think I'd remember it as good as you Lo."
"Alright Alright I'll tell it." she says as she turns to look into my eyes and begins "So it started the first day we came to Creek High. It was Rebecca, Maddison and me but Rebecca and Maddison met her first. See she was very ambitious as a tenth grader wanting to mark her legacy within the school. Both with football and girls."
"She went to both of them and tried to persuade them to have a threesome with her. They denied her but she pushed on believing that they would give into her. When she didn't stop they came and got me to make her understand. As I walked up to her for the first time the first thing I said was "You got the right idea but the wrong girls.""
"She laughed as she said "A threesome is always the right idea. Well I'm off to find the right girls." With that she walked alway and I guess from that day we both had an understanding of each other." she says as she glances over at Ash who is staring at the road.
I look between the both of them as I laugh and say "That's an usually way to meet."
We pull up to Logan's house and I open the door as I step out letting Logan out. She hops out of the car leaving Ash and I alone in the car. She turns and looks at me as I get back in the car she says "Is Lo going to be there in the morning from now on?"
I look over at her and then look at the dashboard of the car before saying "I don't know."
I hear her sigh before we both sit in silence as we wait for Logan to come out of the house and back to the car. Ash taps on the steering wheel as we wait and I unconsciously watch her. She glances at me abruptly as she asks "Would you like to have dinner with my family at my house?"
My head wipes around as I stare at her in shock. She gives me a smile as she asks "Well?"
"I um...yea okay." I stutter out just as I see Logan coming out of the house in a brown shirt, black jeans, and some timberlands on her feet. Her is in her layered cut hairstyle and she runs her fingers through it as she makes her way back to the car.
I open the door and step out as I let Logan in the back of the car. As I get back in and shut the door Ash is starting up the car. She pulls out of Logan's driveway as she starts to speed down the road heading to school. It's silent as we pull up into the parking lot and Ash heads to her normal parking spot. She parks the car and turns off the engine as she opens her door.
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USA TODAY Bestselling Author Holly S Roberts likes to gloss over her exciting past as a homicide detective and make you think she sits at a computer all day writing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You’ll find Holly in the mountains on a long hike or at the gym pounding barbells with the boys. She’s a health coach and nutritionist as well as being vegan and proving muscles come from hard work and plant-based foods. When the weather’s too cold for outdoor play, she sneaks into her dark cave and writes until her fingers ache. She’s also followed around by a hundred-pound Rottweiler with anxiety issues and constant need for affection. Each finished chapter gets a dog lick when Holly stays on course.
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A Collection
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The CEO's Shy Girl (Editing)
"Ms. Peterson, did you attend a club Friday night? " Mr. Shaw said causally as he focused his eyes on his twirling pen."No" I said trying not to show that I was lying. But then again people always think I'm lying."Well I just ask because when I went to a club Friday night...there was a girl who looked an awful lot like, you dancing on one of the tables at a bar with a bra on as a top" he said focusing his narrowing eyes on me now." Is that question really appropriate to ask in the work place sir?" I said confused."I'm not sure? Is it Ms. Peterson?" he said a little sarcastically."Well... since you are not sure, I will just be on the safe side and not answer it sir" I said hoping to get a positive response for what I just said. "Very well. Get out now" he said coldly and I walked out of the office with my next assignment.Why didn't God answer my prayer about Mr. Shaw getting attacked by a bear? I thought to myself when i had close the door behind me.(Written September 22 2017Has mature language and I might write another part for the steamy scenes and this is my first book so take it easy.This is still Jenjen010101 I just changed it to Enn0114 because I can.#233 on July 6DON'T STEAL MY FREAKING WORK. I GOT RIGHT'S ON THIS BITCH , BITCH. Thank you and have a pleasant read)
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ever since your family was killed by a gang of outlaws, you've lived your life on the run. you had to learn to survive on your own and protect yourself.never staying in one place for long lead you up into the Grizzlies where you got stuck in a snowstorm. freezing and starving, you thought you were going to die, until one day when two outlaws found you and took you back to their gang. there, you were introduced to their charismatic leader. you quickly fall for the wise leader, but how will you react when he wants to keep your relationship a secret?
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