《Limestone Creek》•SIX•
"Ash." she whispers so quietly, I'm pretty sure human ears wouldn't have been able to hear what she said but it doesn't matter I heard her.
Everything slows down when I hear her say Ash's name. It's not like I didn't know who put the love bites on her neck, it's just different when she tells me. I close my eyes as I look down towards the ground trying to control my anger but it's not working, all I can picture is her neck covered in love bites.
I can't take the pain of knowing someone else touched her. It hurts too much, it feels as though my heart was toss into the hottest volcano in the world but at the same time as if it was frozen during the ice age.
Pain and sorrow are two emotions I have not been privy to in a long time but I recognize them as if I was feeling them just yesterday. It feels as if there is a crater the size of the sun in my heart, sucking me in like a black hole. I hate this feeling that seems to be consuming me so I do the only thing I can think of, turn the pain and sorrow into the one thing I have always known, .
I stare at Logan as she continues to look at the ground with her eyes closed. I start to worry when she stays in that position for more then four minutes but all of a sudden she stands up in a rush, knocking her chair down in the process.
She looks livid, like she could take on a thousand men and win. Her jaw and fist are clenched tightly together, she has a evil smirk on her face like she's about to kill someone and get away with it. Her beautiful eyes that was once a aqua blue are now the deepest shape of navy blue I had ever seen in my life.
She cocks her head to the side in a sadistic manner as she angrily glares behind me. Her gaze reminds me of Ash and I turn to look at her. She still has that smug look on her face but now she is smirking in Logan's direction.
"Leave Gabriela." Logan spits out angrily.
"No, wh-" I start to say but I'm cut off by Logan.
"Leave now." she hisses but her deadly glare remains transfixed behind me on Ash.
"No what's going on?" I ask in a rush as not to be interrupted again.
"!" she hisses in a tone that I know means what she said is final.
I have a feeling if I don't leave soon, I'm going to see something I won't like so I quickly gather my stuff and rush out of the library as fast as my legs will carry me.
I watch as my angel rushes out of the library. I take the opportunity to get a view of her from behind, I'm enjoying the view when all of a sudden my shirt is grabbed and I'm slam up against one of the walls in the library. I snap my gaze to see who would dare touch me but I'm not surprised to see it's Livid Logan.
I chuckle at my nickname for her, Logan must have heard me because I'm pulled off the wall only to be slammed back into it immediately. I'm now slightly pissed so I look at her and hiss "Get your hands of me now, if you know what's good for you."
"Don't touch her, she's ." she hisses angrily, completely ignoring my warning.
"Hands off, Logan." I hiss as I try to control Alex but all she wants to do is rip her throat out for calling our angel hers.
"Don't touch Gabriela, she's ." she angrily hisses again.
"She wasn't saying that when she was in car, in lap, moaning name. Now get your hands off me." I sneer angrily, now truly upset.
"You son of bitch!" she roars just before she punches me in my jaw.
"The bastard hit us." is what I hear from Alex. I quickly say through the pack link to Victor and Victoria "Get to the library !"
I'm just in time because in the next second, Alex has full control.
"The bastard hit us." with that thought in mind I punch her in the face. She steps back from the impact, but recovers fast enough to punch me in the stomach. I quickly grab one of the chairs we were previously sitting on and smash it across the right side of her body.
I go to pick up a second chair but I pause when a chair hits my left side. I recover and grab the chair I was originally going to pick up. I smash this chair once again on the right side of her body. It's like she doesn't even feel it because to next second I'm slam into the table we were sitting at.
I go to retaliate but I'm stop when four set of hands grab both of my arms. I struggle against there grips, I look up and see Logan having the same problem as me but I can't see anything except for Logan.
"Let go of me." I hiss at the hands griping me.
"No." I hear a unfamiliar male voice say.
"Let me go !" I roar letting my alpha tone out.
"No and your alpha tone won't work on us so you can either clam down and shut the fuck up or you can clam down and ." I hear another unfamiliar female voice hiss.
I struggle once more but I see it's not getting me anywhere. I may have a temper but I'm not stupid so I stop my struggling. I can feel myself calming down but I'm still pissed that Logan call angel hers. I close my eyes to simmer down more but she is and I'm going to make that perfectly clear to Logan.
I'm back in control of my body but Alex is still fuming so I know this will not be left alone. I look to my sides, I see Cory Martin and Maddison Adams holding me back, which answers my question as to why my alpha tone didn't work.
I look over at Logan, I see Vic and Vicky holding her back. She still looks a bit pissed off but not to the point where she would try to physically hurt me. I look at the two holding me back and they let me go knowing I've calmed down.
I take a moment to gaze at the mess Logan and I made. The previous spot we were all sitting in is completely destroyed. The chairs are all broken, the table and the wall have dents in them. I'm snap out off my gaze when I hear Maddison asks "What the hell were you two thinking?"
Logan dares to answer her by saying "She touched what is !"
"She is not yours!" I hiss at her.
"What are you guys talking about?" Vic ask looking slightly confused.
"Gabriela!" Logan and I hiss at the same time.
Four voices all say "Oh!" At the same time.
Cory walks over to Logan with a big grin on his face as he says to her "Congrats, you finally found your beloved."
She goes to say something but I interrupt her by saying "No she is not her beloved. Whatever that means, she is my ."
"She is so stay away from her!" Logan says as she glares at me.
"Make me." I say in a challenging tone.
She starts to walk towards me, only to be held back by Cory. I smirk at her and this infuriates her more. She's about to break Cory's grip when Vic grabs hold of her too. I have a huge smirk on my on my face and I'm so delighted with Livid Logan that I didn't realizes Vicky had walked up to me until she smacked the back of my head.
I turn and glare at her but she just hisses at me "Stop instigating!"
"Why? It's fun." I ask in return.
"Because your acting like a child." she answers.
"Fine." I say reluctantly.
"Good and congrats on finding your mate." she says with a small smile.
"Yea I know, she's a beauty." I say with a huge grin.
Just then Rebecca Thomas and Matthew Anderson walk in. They look like there in shock of how the room looks.
"Bout time you guys showed up." Cory says.
"Um yea we had to compel the librarian." Rebecca says to him but her gaze is still on the room.
"Ok well you two need to let those bruises heal, then go to class, we'll talk about this at Logan's house after school." Cory says to all of us.
"No, no way we're meeting at my house." I say immediately after he's finished his sentence.
"It doesn't matter whose house we meet at." Cory says.
"Fine then it's settled, we're meeting at my house." I repeat once again.
"Ok, it's almost the end of second hour so we might as well stay here." Vic says as he checks the time.
I look at the clock myself and see that we have about five minutes till third hour so I sit down in a chair, that we didn't break and watch as they clean the mess we made up. Logan hasn't said anything and I take a moment to look at her. She looks like she's in physical pain and I kind of feel bad that I messed with her.
I know that if someone had touched my mate I would be enraged also, maybe even more so then her. I have no idea the pain she is feeling and I never want to feel it. Another thought is that I like it when Logan turns to Livid Logan and I have to make sure she knows that my angel is .
Numb...That's how I feel, as if Medusa turn me to stone and left me here to rot. Happiness and joy ripped away from me, consumed only with this intense hate and rage. All of this aimed at one person, Ash. She's taking away what is rightfully .
Looking in on their imaginary window of happiness, I stand there dissolving from the acid rain that's falling. This hollow feeling as if I've been carved out, lost all of my organs and no inhuman healing abilities can save me.
These feelings sit with me as I make my way to third hour. I slip into my desk just as the bell rings. I stare straight ahead, not really seeing anything except the darkness in me. A light shines within the darkness as I hear the voice of my beautiful goddess.
"Logan?" she says in a hesitant voice.
I look up at her but I'm so daze by her beauty that I end up just staring. She coughs nervously as she peaks at me from the corner of her eye. I see those god awful love bites on her neck. Any light that was shining is now brisling with the same darkness. I snap out of my dazed stare and narrow my eyes to those love bites. I immediately stand and walk over to Eve.
"Can I have your scarf?" I ask as politely as I can.
"Wow, Logan I never took you as a person to wear scarfs." she says slightly amused with the situation.
"I'm not, how much do you want for it?" I ask pulling out my wallet.
Her eyes pop out of her sockets at the sight of my wallet, which probably three thousand dollars in it. She looks from me to the wallet then back to me in utter disbelief.
"W...How...No." she stutters out still glancing from me to the wallet.
"How bout $250?" I say to her.
"Wh...No...How?" she stutters as she looks up at me.
I take this to mean it's not enough money and offer her "$500?"
"$500!" she squeaks out.
"Great!" I say as I hand her the money, take the scarf from her and walk back to my goddess.
She's gazing at Eve then to me. I wordlessly hold out the scarf to her. She stares at it and then asks "Why are you giving me a scarf?"
"I don't want to see those fuc-, I mean those love bites on your neck. It even matches your outfit." I reply to her.
She stares at the scarf in my hand, her gaze makes my gaze follow. It's just a plain white scarf so she should have no problem with wearing it. After staring at the scarf for another minute she takes it and wraps it around her neck, effectively covering the love bites. I breathe out a sigh of relief as I sit back in my chair, already slipping back into darkness but I'm once again stopped by the voice of my goddess.
"Logan?" she once again hesitantly says.
"Yes..." I say but my gaze is still on the view in front of me.
"Um......Are you ok?" she asks.
"I'm fine, Why would you think otherwise?" I say dully.
"You seemed really angry this morning, in the library." she says.
"No, perfectly fine." I repeat dully again.
"Logan..." she says softly as she softly grabs my hand.
When her skin touches my mine I feel chills run down my spine. I lose my grip on reality, when she starts to rub small circles on back of my hand.
"Logan...Are you sure your ok?" she asks again.
I'm now overjoyed with happiness because of the contact with my beloved. I look at her and smile for the first time since the scene in the library. She instantly beams back at me this amazing smile.
"I'm great!" I excitedly say to her.
"You sure?" she asks once again.
I nod my head, up and down, like a little child who just got two birthdays and a Christmas. She gives my hand a little squeeze and goes to let go of it but I grab her hand firmly and pull her to me, into my lap. I'm smiling like a criminal who just got away with murder. All the while she's blushing the color crimson.
"Will you sit with me at lunch?" I ask her as I take my pointer finger, cup under her chin and turn her chin so her head is facing me.
"Um..." she says still blushing crimson.
"Please?" I ask as I smile my charming smile.
She looks like she's fighting between herself as if she has a dilemma. This goes on for about thirty seconds until she whispers "Ok."
"Really?" I ask her as I stare in her eyes.
"Yeah." she says softly looking back at me.
"Yes!" I say with excitement.
I quickly whip my head around and look at the clock. I must have been out of it for most of class because we have two minutes left in third hour. My goddess starts to squirm in my lap and the direction she's moving, back in forth, is not good for me. I grab her waist with both my hands. My hands are now on her hips, holding her firmly in my lap so she can't move.
She once again blushes crimson but this time she looks anywhere but me. I squeeze her waist as I lean my body towards hers. My body is only inches from hers when the bell rings. Her eyes go wide as she realizes how close we are. She jumps out of my lap and goes to run away but I grab her wrist as I stand. I spin her around so she's flush up against my body. I place my hands on her waist and press her closer to me.
I look down at her and wonder how I got this beauty as my beloved. Our skin touching sends chills down my spine. I glance down at her lips so pink and plump. I'm awaken from my stare by a hit to my shoulder. I turn and glare at the person but keep my hands on my goddess's waist.
"What do you want Matt?" I ask him.
"Oh nothing. Just wanted you to know it's lunch time." he says.
"I know Matt." I respond while rolling my eyes.
I turn back to my goddess and she's blushing crimson. She looks amazing when she blushes. She's innocently staring up at me expectingly.
"You ready for lunch?" I ask as I pull her to her desk and grab her things.
"Yea." she quietly answers.
"Good!" I say smiling down at her.
We walk out of Mr. Moore's room. I'm holding her bag over the right side of my shoulder. My left arm slips around her waist, pulling her closer to me. She once again blushes, man she's going to turn into a fire truck if she keeps that up. We start to walk to the cafeteria.
We arrived at the cafeteria and walk through the doors. Her arm is still around my waist constantly sending sparks up my arm, it's a wonder I can still walk. I was so worried when she told me to leave the library. Her eyes had turned a deep shade of navy, is that normal?
It's like she changed to a completely different person. Her whole demeanor was cold, like she was left out in Antarctica but in Spanish she had changed. She was this joyous person who pulled me into her lap and made me blush nonstop.
The way her hand squeezed my waist. The way she leaned in and was inches from my face. The way she glanced down at my lips. She leaves me breathless but isn't this what I'm suppose to be feeling for guys?
I don't feel that way for guys, I feel this way for two sexy girls. They leave me breathless, make my blood boil, and leave my head fuzzy. I feel a squeeze at my waist and I jump. I look over at Logan and she has a big smile on her face.
"What do you want to eat there's pizza, salad, bread sticks, san-" she says but I cut her off by softly saying "I'll have a salad."
She smiles at me and then makes our trays. She hands me my tray and we move through the line. We get to the cashier and I go in my pocket for my money but she has a different plan. She pays for my lunch and slips her arm back around my waist.
I sure I'm blushing right now as she leads me to her usually table. She sits down at the end of the table. I'm blushing so much from her arm that was around my waist that I didn't notice there is only one seat left at the table, Logan just sat in it. I awkwardly stand there, not sure of what to do. I don't stand there long before Logan says "Are you going to sit down?"
"There's no where to sit." I shyly and softly say as I look towards the ground.
"Yes there is." Logan says as she takes my tray and puts it on the table.
"No the-" I start to say but I'm cut off when Logan grabs my wrist and pulls me into her lap again.
She grasp my thighs, lifts and turns me so I'm facing the table and my tray. She leaves her hands on my thighs, rubbing small circles on both. Everyone at the table is staring at us and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing right now.
"Gabby, this is Cory." Logan's says as she points over at a boy.
He has dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and a tapered hairstyle. Logan points at another boy at the table as she rolls her eyes and says "That's Matthew or Matt."
Matthew has jet black hair, dark brown eyes, and a buzz cut. Logan then points to two girls and says "Lastly we have the girls, Rebecca or Becky and Maddison or Maddi."
Rebecca is a redhead with light blue eyes and long curly hair. While Maddison is a brunette with brown eyes and medium wavy hair. They all look at me with slight amused smiles as they wave in my direction. I look at them and partially wave my hand then look at my salad. I pick up my fork and start to eat but I'm heavily distract because Logan is still rubbing small circles on my thigh.
I'm almost finished with my salad when I hear my name called "So...Gabriela what are you doing this weekend?"
"Um......I'm going to the park." I say quietly.
"Oh, the whole weekend?" Matt asks with a smirk.
"No. Just Sunday." I answer quietly.
"Cool then you can come with us to the movies Saturday!" Cory says looking over at me.
"Um no I can't." I softly reply staring at my salad.
"Well why not?" Maddison asks.
"I have things to do." I answer her.
"Oh really like what?" she asks looking directly at me.
"Um I well see." I trail off not really wanting to tell them my reason.
"She's just busy, damn Maddi leave her alone." Logan says coming to my rescue.
Everyone pauses and stares at us so it leads to a very awkward silence for a few seconds until Maddison says "I just wanted to know why she couldn't hang with us."
With that everyone goes back to the normal conversation. I lean back and snuggle into Logan. She stops rubbing my thighs and slips her arms around my waist. She squeezes my waist as she pulls me closer and I sigh in content.
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