《Limestone Creek》•SEVEN•
I have to say waking up on time for the second time in one week is quite different from my usually routine. I'm really not a morning person at all so getting up for school is like pulling teeth. Yet today I'm up on a Thursday at 5:20am looking for clothes to wear for school.
I finally decide on a white V-neck with a light green vest, a pair of light green boxer briefs, black slacks, white loafers, black fedora, platinum chain, white watch and my one diamond earring. I grab everything and go into my bathroom. I turn on the shower and put everything on the counter as I stripe down. I make a pile on the floor with the clothes I just took off and hop in the shower.
After turing off the shower and getting out. I dress in the white V-neck and slip the green vest on after. I slid on my boxer briefs and then my slacks. I put on my platinum chain along with my watch and diamond earring in my right ear. I grab my hair spray and comb from the cabinet. I put my hair into its usually faux hawk and carefully place my fedora on top so I don't mess up my hair.
I look in the mirror and I have to say I'm looking good. I have to be ready to kill if I'm going to win my mate. I look at my watch and I see it's 6:00am which is just enough time for me to get to Gabriela's house and still get to school early.
I run upstairs from the solitude of my basement. I grab my keys from the counter and walk though the living room to get to the garage. I get into my car and press the button that opens the garage door. I pull out of the garage and drive up to the gate. It opens and I make my way to Gabriela's house.
All during the drive I try to get Alex to talk to me but to no avail. I'm really worried that she will never talk to me again. I don't know if I can live with losing her and my mate. To lose your wolf and mate is like losing yourself. It hurts just thinking about it.
It makes me think about my childish behavior over the years. How it started freshman year when I realized I could get any girl I wanted. It made me cocky and conceited. It made everyone see me as a player. All the guys admire and envy me or they just hate me because I was with their sisters.
I was an asshole now that I look back over the years. I was the girl to sleep with you, leave in the middle of the night and pretend it never happened. The one to make a freshman fall in love with me just so I could see her heartbreak. The one to swoop in after a major break up, pick up the pieces, fuck you then leave and watch you crumble again. I was a very big asshole.
I was the last person to be straight with you. If I wanted something I got it even if it hurt you in the process. No one mattered to me if it didn't serve my own interest and my interest was to screw every and any thing that has a vagina. I started off with the paper shakers but ran through them before half of my freshman year was over.
I then went through all the school clubs. It was like they had set up my own hunting field. The only girls I didn't fuck were the raunchy girls. That was my life and at the time I honestly loved it. I mean who wouldn't like getting laid every other night.
Now that I look back at it, it was wrong of me to sleep with all those girls when I knew I had my mate out there somewhere. My angel is now here and I regret sleeping with all those girls. She'll find out and go running into Logan's arms. Leaving me heart broken and lost.
My mind is still elsewhere when I pull in my angel driveway. I distractedly get out of my car and make my way to her front door. I knock on the door and it only takes a second before the door opens but the women who opens the door I've never seen before.
"Can I help you?" she asks with a confused looking face.
She has blond hair that's straight and long but not as long as my angel's. Her eyes are a subtle shade of brown. She's taller then my angel standing at about 5in, 4in. She has curves in all the right places and a full set of breast. She's absolutely beautiful but not as beautiful my angel.
"Ah yea is Gabriela ready." I say after I get over my shock of seeing the women open the door.
"And who might you be?" she asks as she looks me up and down.
"Um I'm Ash Davis." I reply to her question.
"And why are you on my porch?" she asks glaring at me like I'm untrustworthy.
I start to squirm and stutter under her glare "Um to pick G-Gabriela up for school?"
"She has a car." she states as she glares at me harder.
"Um I ah carpool?" I stutter out as I gaze at the ground.
She doesn't say anything just studies me longer before she opens the door a little wider and motions for me to come in. I hesitantly walk through the doorway and proceed into the living room. I take a seat in one of the sofa chairs and watch as she goes to the bottom of the stairs and yells "Gabriela get down here."
She then walks into the living room and sits in the sofa chair straight across from me. She's once again glaring at me and it's making me nervous because I've never met parents when I was trying to sleep with a girl. They usually just snuck me into their room so I try to put on my charm as I say with a smile "Wow Mrs. Stevens you look young enough to be Gabriela's sister."
She stares at me like I'm the biggest idiot in the world. I don't know what I did so I just keep smiling as she gives me that look. She blows out a breath then drily says "I am her sister."
I look at her in shock as I study her features again. Now that I'm looking I don't know how I didn't see it. I was so blind to the fact that they are sisters. She's way to young to be my angels mother but they do look very similar in everything except there eyes.
I gulp as I am once again nervous. I stare at the wall above her head and wait for my angel to come down. I don't have to wait long before I hear footsteps on the stairs but to my surprise it's not my angel who comes down the stairs. Eli comes rushing down the stairs and runs straight to the women and screams "I beat mama again, Auntie Amber!"
For the first time I witness I real smile come to Amber's face as she looks down at Eli. She picks him up and sits him on her knee as she asks "Oh you did? Well mama's a slow poke in the morning isn't she?"
He nods his head really fast as he says "Yea slow as a turtle!"
Amber laughs as she agrees with him "Yea slow as a turtle."
I look at them and can't help but feel happy that my mate has such a caring family. I'm unknowing smiling at them as she puts Eli down. I start to think about what my angel and my ankle biters will look like. How they will have killer good looks and a great personalities, man I can't wait.
Staring dreamily ahead I can see our wonderful life together. It's amazing that one person can make me feel this way. The feeling of the sparks and tingles every time we touch. She ignites such a fierce passion within me that I don't know what to do with all the love I have for her.
My angel she walks down the stairs with her classy chassis look as usually. My eyes travel from bottom to top. Starting at her feet I see that she's wearing purple chucks. Gazing upward I see her smooth bare legs until my eyes land on her white skirt that is hiding her most sensual part.
My eyes travel further up to her flat stomach which is hidden behind a purple blouse. A little further up I see her B-cup breasts which shape just right in her blouse. She's carrying two book bags. Gazing up more I see her neck which needs more of my love bites because the small ones I put on her neck are gone.
Looking up at her face, I see her biting her bottom lip. I can feel my eyes glaze over as I watch her, she has no idea what she's doing to me. I can feel my bond with Alex a little and I'm guessing she is just as aroused as I am from our mate. I hear my name being called from the side of me but I'm too busy eye my angel.
"Ash?" I hear again.
I shake my head and turn to the voice as I stumble "Huh?"
I see Amber glaring at me again because I obviously checked out her sister. I open my mouth to speak but she raises an eyebrow to add with the glare I'm receiving. I shut my mouth just as Eli opens his and runs over to my angel.
"Mama one of the big scary men are back. You say they weren't coming back and that their not your friends." Eli says as he gets to my angel.
It's my turn to raise an eyebrow as I look at my angel. She looks down sheepishly at Eli and softly says "Eli we'll talk about that later. Don't you want to get to school and see the bunny rabbit?"
"Yea mama. We got to go Auntie Amber, come on!" He says grabbing his book bag from my angel.
Then running to Amber, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the living room. I gaze at them as they leave then turn my gaze to my angel. She's sheepishly staring at the ground with her book bag on her shoulders. I walk over to her just as she looks up at me. I mask my face to look as if I'm hurt as I say "I'm not your friend?"
Her face clouds with worry as she softly stumbles "I-I um see." she trails off as she looks down.
We stand there for a few seconds. I'm about to say something when I hear soft small sniffles. I lift my angels chin with my pointer finger. My heart breaks when I see her eyes full of tears. Alex awakens our bond when the tears fall gracefully down her cheeks.
"What did you do?" She roars at me.
"I w-was making a j-joke." I stumble back to her.
"You son bitch. You made her cry!" She hisses to me as she starts to take over.
"It was just a joke. I'm sorry, so sorry."
~Alex's POV~
"Hey angel you ok?" I say to her as I wipe her tears.
"A-Are you m-mad at m-me?" she stutters softly.
"No beautiful. I could never be mad at you." I whisper to her as I cup her face and lift her head to look me in the eyes.
She still grazing down so I wait a second to see if she will lift her head. She doesn't so I whisper "I want to see your beautiful eyes. Please look at me angel."
She hesitantly lifts her head and looks into my eyes. She gasps as she looks into my eyes. She starts to blink rapidly as her month hangs open.
"What's wrong angel?" I ask her.
"Your eyes." she whispers to me.
She trailed off but it's enough for me to understand what she meant. I forgot our eyes change when I take complete control.
"Their electric green." she whispers.
She stares intently at my eyes as I try to come up with an excuse. Deciding on telling her the somewhat truth I say to her "Angel sometimes my eyes change colors between light lime green and electric green."
She's still staring at my eyes as she murmurs "Their amazing."
"Thanks angel. We have to get going. Are you sure your ok?" I ask her.
"Yea." she says as she softly smiles at me.
I softly grab her hand as I lead her through the house, outside to my car. I make sure she's safely inside before I slip in the drivers seat and begin to drive to school. Halfway through the drive I slip my hand through my angel's hand. She looks over at me as she softly grips my hand. Our hands stay together for the rest of the ride. When I pull up to school and park in my spot, I get out of the car and go to my angels side of the car.
I open the door, grab her hand and take her bag from her as she steps out. I put her bag over my right shoulder and slip my left arm around her torso. I guide her to the schools front doors. I glance down as I open the doors and I see her face is once again flushed with crimson.
I smile to myself knowing I have this effect on her. I walk her to her locker and watch her as she grabs her books. She's so beautiful I'm glad I took full control before Ash did something stupid again. What's wrong with her? Why would she want to be the reason our angel crying?
Forgetting about Ash for the moment I slip my arm back around my angel and we walk to class. Arriving at Ms. Brown's class my arm leaves her torso and she sits in her spot next to Lucy. I go to the desk behind her and drop my stuff down. I'm about to sit down when Ms. Brown says "Ash Davis can I see you at my desk please."
I sigh as I walk over to her desk. I smile as I reach her desk and asks "Can I help you with something Ms. Brown?"
"No, I just wanted to say I like this new Ash." she says to me.
"What new Ash?" I ask slightly confused on what she's talking about.
"The Ash that shows up on time for my class." She says to me.
"Oh it's no big deal." I say to her as I make my way back to the desk behind my angel.
I watch as Ash comes back from talking to Ms. Brown. She passes me and sits in the seat behind me. I'm about to turn around and look at her but Lucy stops me by a small pull on my arm as she whispers "What's going on with you and Ash?"
"What do you mean?" I ask he as I turn to look at her.
"The whole school is buzzing with the fact that Ash drove you to school and walked you to class." she whispers back to me.
"She did do those things." I whisper to her.
"Yes I know that but why?" she asks again.
"She drove me to school because she doesn't want me to park in her spot."
"Ok so why did she walk you to class?" she ask as she raises one of her eyebrows.
I look at her trying to think of a reason. When I can't come up with a answer I give a small sigh as I whisper "I don't know."
She doesn't say anything else but turns around in her chair so that she's now facing the board. I also turn and face the board. The rest of class is uneventful but I do notice that Logan doesn't show up for class. This makes me sad because I want to see her. The bell rings, I quickly go to gather up my things and run towards door of the class.
I'm halfway out the door when I'm pulled back by the elbow. I'm spun around and the hand that was on my elbow is now on my waist bring me sightly closer to whoever pulled me. I look up and it's the one and only Ash. I look into her eyes and I'm once again caught in a trance from the electric green of her eyes. I can see her lips moving but I can't hear what she's saying. I shake my head slightly as I softly ask "What did you say?"
"I said where's the fire, angel?" she says with a smile on her lips.
"Nowhere I just want to get to class." I tell her.
"Well let's get you to class. Who do you have?" she ask as she slips her arm around my waist.
"I have Biology with Mrs. Richards." I tell her as we start to walk.
"Cool I'll walk you." she says back to me.
Neither of us talk as we walk down the hall but I don't talk because a I'm getting glares from most of the girls we pass. Ash has a scowl on her face as she glares at every guy who looks at me with lustful stares. She let's out a big sigh as we get to my second hour classroom. I turn to her and softly ask "Are you still taking me home?"
"Yea angel. I'll see you by the front doors." she says with a smile.
I walk into class and take my seat at one of the two person tables all throughout the room. I look around the room and sigh when I see Logan has yet to come to class. I pull out my notes for this class from my folder. I check the clock and see we have one minute before class starts. I pull out a pencil from my book bag and start to go over my notes. The bell rings just as the door opens and in walks Logan.
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