《Limestone Creek》•FIVE•
I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder. I'm panting for air and I can feel beads of sweat on my forehead. I open my eyes and see my sister, Amber staring at me with worry in her eyes.
"Are you ok?" she asks when she sees I'm awake.
"Yes, I'm fine." I answer looking away from her.
"Are you sure?" she presses.
"Yes, I just had a nightmare." I say looking at the wall.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she ask softly.
"No, I'm fine." I repeat.
"I don't think you are, you were screaming. What made you scream in your nightmare?" she presses once again.
"I am fine." I snap at her.
I immediately regret snapping at her when I see the look of hurt flash in her eyes. It doesn't go away, making me feel guiltier by the second. She starts to say something but I cut her off.
"I truly am fine, Amber go back to sleep." I say as I finally look at her.
She looks at me for another second, then silently gets up and walks to the door. She opens the door a little but turns back and says to me "If you ever want to talk I'm always here to listen. Get some sleep it's 5:30am."
She quickly and quietly exits my room. Leaving me to think about the horrible nightmare I have had for the last five years, on and off. It's the same thing every time, that horrible time were he would come into my room and take my innocence away from me.
The bruises he would leave when I tried to fight him off. The way my mother was oblivious to the abuse. The way I lost all of my friends because I relived every second of what he did to me every second of the day. The way I wouldn't let anyone touch me for three years.
The pain of having my mother look at me with disgust, when she found out I was pregnant. The pain of having to bear his child. The pain of not being able to have a physical relationship with anyone because of the scars he left on me, emotionally. The pain of having to relive it, every time I close my eyes.
I look at the clock and see it's now 5:45am which means I have about a half hour till Eli wakes up and knocks on my door, asking to come in. I get up, hop in the shower and try to forget about the nightmare last night.
I take about fifteen minutes in the shower. I get out and walk to my dresser. I take a few minutes trying to decide what to wear. I settle on going simple so I put on a simple and plain white blouse, dark blue skinny jeans, and I slid into my white chucks. I take a look in the mirror just as I hear little soft knocks on my door. I walk over to my door and open it a little. I see my little boy once again rubbing sleep from his eyes and sucking on his thumb.
Today he's wearing a Finn and Jake shirt, white pants and Finn and Jake shoes. He loves and adores the show Adventure Time. He looks so cute in his outfit.
"Aww look at my baby boy, you look so cute!" I voice my thoughts.
"Mama I'm not cute, I'm handsome." he says sleepily still rubbing his eyes.
"Ok ok, handsome." I say looking back at the mirror.
We sit in silence as I comb my wet hair. I'm just finishing up when Eli says "Mama?"
"Yes, Eli." I say peaking at him from the corner of my eye.
"Who were those two people yesterday?" he asks, curiosity pouring from his voice.
"They...helped mama." I say with a slight hesitation.
"Oh so their your friends mama?" he asks with excitement.
"No they just helped mama." I repeat firmly.
"So I won't see them again?" he asks looking a little sad.
"No probably not." I say slowly.
"Why?" he asks sadly.
"Mama doesn't know." I say.
He doesn't say any thing after that. I wonder what his thinking about. I finish my hair, I look at the clock and see it's 6:30, I'm just in time.
"Let's go to Auntie Amber." I say turning around to look at Eli.
"Race yuh!" he says as he runs out of my room.
I grab his bag, that he forgot, and proceed to follow him out of my room. When I get to the living room, I see Eli jumping up and down saying "I beat mama, I beat mama, I beat mama, I beat mama, I beat mama."
"Yea, you did. Now let's head to school." Amber says to him.
"Ok let's go. Bye mama!" he says running out the door.
"Bye Eli!" I call out to him.
I watch as they get in the car and pull out of the driveway heading to his school. I close the door and walk to the kitchen. I look at the clock and see it's 6:40. I have in hour until I have to be to school so I grab a bowl and pour a bowl of lucky charms. I'm just finishing up when there's a knock on the door. I get up, put my bowl in the sink and walk over to the front door.
I open the door and I'm shock to see one of the sexy goddess from my school, standing on my porch. She's wearing a green/white checkered shirt, white jeans, green/white adidas. Her hair is in the style of a faux hawk with a green beanie on the top of her head.
I suck in a breath as I stare at her. She's leaning against the door frame which makes her look even sexier. I bite my lip as she stands straight up and looks at me, with those light lime green eyes. We probably stood there, looking at each other for minutes until I said "Ash........"
"Ash........" she breathlessly says.
"Gabriela?" I say confused by the way she is staring at me but loving the way my name sounds coming from her lips.
She doesn't say anything just continues to bite her lip. Then I smell it, her arousal. Alex pipes up at the smell and in less than ten seconds the front door is closed, she's pressed up against the front door, I'm pressing both her wrist above her head while I staring intensely at my beautiful mate.
"Gabriela!" I huskily say.
She doesn't say anything just continues to bite her lip, which is about to get her in trouble because I'm about to take her right here. The smell of her arousal is getting stronger. I press my lower half up against hers and slowly start to grind my lower half against hers. She let's out a whimper just as a loud ringing noise goes off.
I look to where the noise is coming from, I see it's an alarm from her phone. She slips from my hold, runs to her phone and turns the alarm off. I stand there trying to get control of Alex. She looks at me with flushed cheeks and asks "W-What are y-you doing he-here?"
When I finally have Alex under control I say "To pick you up for school."
"I have a car?" she says but it sounds more like a question.
"I know but I don't want you parking in my spot again so you will be riding with me." I respond.
"No, I'll just park somewhere else." she says as she walks to the door.
I grab her waist and pull her so she's up against my body. Her cheeks flush red as she blushes.
"But I want you to ride with me." I whisper in her ear.
She shivers as she shutters out "O-Ok."
"Go get your book bag." I whisper in her ear again.
She nods and slowly walks into the living room. I stand there and wait for her to come back. When she does she's carrying her book bag. I open the front door and walk out to my Green 2014 Mustang. I open her door for her and make sure she's safely seated. I walk to the drivers side, get in and pull out of the driveway.
We sit in silence for most of the drive. I'm pulling into the school's parking lot when I ask "Can I take you to the soccer game this Friday?"
"I-I don't think t-that's a g-good idea." she stutters as she goes to get out of my car.
"Wait." I say grabbing her wrist and feeling sparks and tingles go through my body.
"Why? It's 7:15 I have to get to my locker." she says.
"Why won't you go out with me?" I ask honestly confused.
"I'm straight." she says hesitantly.
"What?" I ask confused.
"I'm straight." she tries to say firmly.
"No your not!" I say.
"Ye-" she starts to say but is cut off when I pull her into my lap.
She's sitting sideways on my lap so her neck is right by my mouth. I place one hand on the bottom of her thigh, right above her knee and rub small circles. I use my other hand to bring her neck closer to my mouth. I feel sparks and tingles everywhere I touch on her body. I breathe on her neck as I huskily say "Tell me to stop and I will."
She shivers as she leans into me. I chuckle slightly as I place my lips on her neck and lightly suck, still feeling amazing sparks and tingles. I smell her arousal again as my hand moves up her thigh to lay at the middle of her thigh, still rubbing small circles. I nibble and suck on her neck leaving love bites all over the right side of her neck.
I hear Alex screaming at me to take her right here but I can't do that so I settle on licking up her neck and grabbing her earlobe between my teeth. She moans as she shivers and I use this to my advantage by gently licking and sucking on her earlobe.
"Ash....................." she moans as I continue to lick and suck on her earlobe.
My hand is almost to her core when there's a knock on the window. I look up to see who it is but the window is foggy from the intense session with my angel. I wipe the window and see Vicky standing there with a smug look on her face. I groan in sexual frustration when she says "Ash it's 7:30 the bell will ring in ten minutes."
My angel scoots off my lap, grabs her bag and hurries out of my car. I get out of my car only to see her walk though the front doors of the school. I turn and glare at Vicky. She looks at me innocently as she asks "I'm sorry did I disturb you?"
I just glare at her as proceed to walk into the school.
We, Cory and I, arrive at school at 7:30 because I once again woke up late. I'm in a really bad mood and I have know idea why so when Cory starts to go on and on about how I'm always late, I have had enough of his whining.
"If you don't like it, drive yourself to school and you better not slam my door." I hiss as I get out of the car and walk to the front doors.
I can hear him scrambling after me trying to catch up but I keep walking to my lockers. When I get there I see Matt once again leaning on my locker, I stop right in front of him and glare. He looks at me with a innocent face while saying "Hey Logan."
"Move." I hiss glaring harder.
"Why Logan?" he asks.
"I'm not in the mood, move!" I angrily hiss.
"Dude I would move, I already pissed her off this morning." Cory says.
"Fine fine." Matt says as he pushes off the locker.
I put in my locker combination and grab my books. I do this all while I hear there conversation, it's about me. There basically asking each other what crawled up my ass or if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
I ignore them as I head to Algebra but unfortunately they have this class with me. As I walk I think about my beautiful beloved, the way she's so shy and innocent. Her beautiful hair that goes down to right above her butt, I want to run my hands though. Her beautiful body which will look so perfect when molded with mine. I'm so happy she also has this class with me.
Thinking about my beloved makes me think about Ash. I know she is next in line to be alpha of her pack but that's about all I know. When my coven first came to town we had an agreement with her pack that we would be civil but I don't know how long that will last considering her mate is my beloved and my beloved is her mate.
As I walk into Ms. Brown's classroom I know something is different because Ash is here on time. She's sitting right behind Gabby and Gabby is sitting in the same seat as yesterday. This kinda pisses me off, why didn't I think of getting here early to sit behind her.
Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid!
How am I suppose to get her to choose me when I can't even out think Ash? I do the next best thing and seat on the left side of her. She looks over at me and gives me a small smile, I grin back at her. She shyly turns her head to the right and looks back at her friend Lucy.
I seat there and sneak small glances at her, I can't help but think the rest of the year is going to be good.
"Are you okay Gabriela?" Lucy asks.
I look at her with what I'm sure is a confused face and ask "Yea, why wouldn't I be?"
"You got hit with two dodge balls in gym and I didn't see you for the rest of the day." she says.
"Oh yeah that." I quietly say.
"So......What happened?" she asks.
"Um Ash and Logan took me to the nurse." I say quietly again.
"Oh!" she says with an eyebrow raised.
"Yea..." I say.
"So...Which one are you after?" she asks.
I look at her shocked as I stutter "I'm straight."
"Oh ok but if you do choose one, I want you to know that their both players." she simply states.
"It's fine I'm straight so there's no worry." I say.
"Yea sure that's why you have love bites all over the right side of your neck and by the way Ash is looking at you she gave them to you." she smugly says.
"Wh-What?" I whisper while I grab my neck.
She doesn't say anything but looks at my neck and then back at me. Just then Ms. Brown walks in she looks over in my direction, her eyes narrow and I think she's looking at my neck until she says "Ash Davis."
I look behind me and I see Ash sitting there looking at Ms. Brown. Ash stands and walks to Ms. Brown's desk as Ms. Brown sits down behind her desk.
They talk for a few minutes but I can't hear them. Ash pulls something out of her pocket, shows it to Ms. Brown then Ash heads back to her seat, she walks by me and gives me a grin. I unconsciously smile back at her. I feel a pinch at my side, I look over and see Lucy giving me a stern look.
"What?" I whisper as I rub my side.
"Their players." she whispers to me.
"I'm strai-" I start to whisper but Lucy cuts me off.
"Yea I know your straight so is that why you were making goo-goo eyes at Ash?" she whispers to me.
"I wasn't maki-" I start to whisper but I'm once again cut off by Lucy.
"Yea sure you weren't." she whispers but it doesn't sound or look like she believes me at all.
I don't say anything after that, I just look straight ahead and wait for the lesson to start. Ms. Brown does attendance and shortly after she starts the lesson. It goes on for about twenty-five minutes, it's mostly just review of the whole chapter because there's a chapter test this Friday.
Ms. Brown passes out the chapter review worksheet and I'm about to start working when she says "Starting today whenever there is a chapter test you will work on the reviews worksheets in groups of three. You will not pick partners, I will. This will always be your group after today so when I finish calling all the groups, please move swiftly and sit by your group. Also move your things with you."
I start to gather my things as she calls out names that I don't know. I'm almost done gathering my things when Ms. Brown says "The last group will be Ash, Logan, and Gabriela. Ok let's get to work."
I drop all of my things and sit there in shock because of what she just said. The whole class starts to move but I'm froze in place. The commotion settles down but I'm still stuck in my seat from the shock. I hear two different coughs, I look up and see the two sexy goddess that have been haunting my mind since I started this school. I take a moment to look at their body's.
I look at Logan's body longer because I saw Ash's this morning. Logan's wearing a dark black V-neck shirt, white khakis, black timberlands and a white beanie on her head.
"Y-Yea." I stutter out as I finally look at their eyes.
"Ready to work?" Logan's says with a big smirk on her face.
"Yea you ready?" Ash repeats, she also has a smirk on her face.
There's only one reason as to why they both have smirks on the their faces so I guess they caught me when I was looking at there body's.
"Y-Yea." I stutter out again as I go to pick my things off the floor, from when I drop them.
"Great!" Ash says as Logan takes my stuff to carry.
"I'll ask Ms. Brown if we can go to the library." Logan says and walks to Ms. Brown's desk to ask.
Ash just stands there smirking at me, I hate how she's so cocky. I have had about enough of her smirking so I look down and pretend my desk is very interesting as I wait for Logan to reappear but Ash has other plans as she ask me "So......You thought about my offer?"
"What offer?" I ask confused as I look up at her.
"This Friday, the soccer game." she says leaning down closer to me.
I lean back and stare a my lap as I manage to say "No."
"Why?" she asks as she tilts my chin up with her finger.
"Your a player and I'm straight." I respond.
"Well we know one of those is a lie." she states as she looks in my eyes.
"No there both true." I state back.
She goes to respond but just then Logan comes back smiling. She readjust my bag on her shoulder as she tells us "Ms. Brown says it's fine if we go to the library and we don't have to come back at the end of class so just grab your stuff and let's go."
I silently stand and wait for them to get their stuff because Logan already has my bag on her shoulder. They walk back over to me after getting their stuff, Logan on my left and Ash on my right. We walk out of the classroom heading for the library or at least I think we're heading for the library since I have no clue where it is.
I try to memorize the way just in case I have to go to the library and so I don't have to talk to Logan and Ash, but mostly Ash. I see two doors that are bigger than the normal doors in this school so I'm guessing this is the library. My thoughts are confirmed when I see a sign that says "Library"
Walking into the library, I look around and see that it's just like any other library. I look towards the clock and see we only have about ten minutes left in first period. They head to a secluded part of the library in the back, I follow silently behind them. They sit at a table but leave the middle seat open for me. I sit down in the middle seat and wait for one of them to say anything.
Logan turns and looks at me and says "So how far were you in algebra at your old high school?"
"We had already study this chapter I think we might have been a couple chapters ahead of you guys." I quietly say as I look over at her.
"Oh that's good the-" she starts to say but stop and stares at me intensely.
I start to wiggle under her gaze and I'm about to ask what she's looking at when she lifts her head and glares at Ash. I look over at Ash and see she has a smirk on her face like she just won something. I'm turning my head back to Logan as I hear her hiss "Who put those love bites on your neck?"
I look at her but she is still glaring at Ash, who still looks like she just won the lottery. I don't answer as I sit there and stare at the chapter review worksheet, avoiding eye contact with both of them. I guess Logan doesn't like that because she then once again angrily hisses "Gabriela who put those love bites on your neck?"
She is now looking at me as I try to stutter out a answer that will satisfy her "Um...I...uh"
"I want a name now Gabriela!" she hisses.
Her body is tensed, her hands are clenching and unclenching, along with her jaw and she has what looks like a permanent frown on her face so as quietly as I can I whisper the answer to her "Ash."
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